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Thread: Publish 4: DNA sampling, Themeparks, Player City Maintenance, New Loot

  1. #1
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    Publish 4: DNA sampling, Themeparks, Player City Maintenance, New Loot

    Publish 4: DNA sampling, Themeparks, Player City Maintenance, New Loot...

    • Improved server stability
    • Added several unit tests for code verification
    • The server now recognizes where terrain has been modified (no more getting stuck when exiting a faction base)
    • Behind the scenes AI updates have begun
    POI/Cave/World - Added spawns to the following locations:
    • Corellia: Kor Vella, Rebel Hideout
    • Dantooine: Lizard Cave
    • Endor: Jinda Ritualist Cave, Ewok Tree Village x2
    • Lok: Nym pirate cave
    • Naboo: Mordran POI, Kaadara, Abandoned Imperial Outpost
    • Rori: Narmle, Rebel Outpost, Restuss, Hyperdrive Research Facility, Poachers vs. Creatures battle
    • Tatooine: Mos Taike, Ruined Village, Jawa Traders, Imperial Detachment HQ, Several static spawns
    • Yavin4: Light/Dark Jedi Enclaves
    • Fixed resources, resists, attacks, weapons, and loot on several mobs
    • Marauder and Jinda clan NPCs now have loot
    • Non-GCW faction points are now awarded from kills
    • Static spawn creatures that are milked and killed will now be milkable again after they respawn
    • Ragtag npcs on Corellia are once again attackable
    • Fixed some npc type lairs that were incorrectly marked as creature lairs for spawning purposes
    • Junk dealers should now buy many types of looted junk (newly dropped junk only)
    • Zero resists and vulnerabilities were being displayed and handled backwards. This is now fixed.
    • Creatures will now heal their lair for an amount based upon their level instead of all creatures always healing their lairs for a static amount
    • NPCs with lairs no longer heal the lair
    • Tusken Banthas now appear with saddles
    • Some static spawns now have a randomized respawn timer
    • Force choke has been reworked and re-enabled
    • There are no longer missions for every type of creature that spawns in the wild
    • Fixed descriptions on faction missions
    • Added missions for many types of npc targets
    Theme Parks/Quests
    • Added support in the themepark logic for a new type of mission
    • Added the Imperial Themepark
    • Added Marauder Themepark
    • Added Diktat Quest
    • Added Zeelius Kraymunder quest
    • Added Biribas Tarun quest
    • Hedon Istee's quest is once again available and should function more reliably
    • Weapons and armor given out as reward will now have full condition
    • Jabba's themepark: tweaked several missions, added faction rewards, and entry restrictions
    • Themepark/task mission targets should no longer spawn inside buildings
    • Made adjustments to decrease the likelihood of a themepark/task mission failing to spawn
    • Updated appearance, attacks, weapons, loot, and position of many mobs in the Geonosian Lab
    • Rebreathers now properly protect from gas clouds in the Geonosian Lab
    • Rebreathers can now be looted in the Geonosian Lab
    • Added destructible debris to the Geonosian Lab
    • Test spawns have been removed from the roof of the Death Watch Bunker
    • Fixed certification for executioner's hack
    • Tusken rifles now deal energy damage
    • Backpacks and weapons with skill mods will now show the mods, and they'll properly be applied/removed when the item is equipped/unequipped
    • The Gamorrean Battleaxe, jagged vibroblade, and grooved two-handed sword now have their dots
    • Nyax necklace now has it's skill mod
    • Newly crafted generic crafting tools can now be used to craft furniture of low enough complexity
    • Fixed max range on featherweight fwg5 and modified republic blaster
    • Featherweight fwg5 now has it's skill mods and correct damage type
    • Newly crafted modified republic blaster, enhanced E-11 carbines, and nightsister energy lances will have their dots
    • Added locked containers, satchels, and cargo pockets, and some other types of junk loot
    • Armor, grenades, and heavy weapons can now drop as loot
    • Looted weapons now have a chance to have a DOT (or even two or three) on them
    • Looted weapons and wearables now have a chance to have skill mods on them
    • Many stormtroopers have been seen carrying wanted posters
    • Janta knives can now be found
    • Many new loot schematics are now available
    • Added firework packager and parts
    • Added some painting/posters
    • Added picture/viewscreen printers and parts
    • Reinforced kliknik shells now only drop from the Geonosian klikniks
    • Loot can now be found in yellow named variety, which have one or more increased stats
    • Looted weapons and weapon components can no longer have a higher minimum damage than maximum damage
    • Added skill buff enhancements to loot
    • Skill mods on looted items should now be somewhat more appropriate to the item type
    • Added some gungan loot
    • Added some jawa loot
    • Legend tells of the existence of a bracer that imbues great power into a nightsister (at least that's what the fashion mavens say)
    Player Cities / Politician
    • Garage service fee can now be collected, and displays on the city status report
    • Property tax can now be collected
    • Removed unnecessary radial menu options from civic structures' structure terminals
    • Removed everyone but the mayor from all civic structure permission lists
    • Civic structures now have a 250 item storage limit
    • Politicians can no longer place civic structures in a city where they are not the mayor
    • Shuttleports will now function right away if moved
    • Streetlamps, statues, and fountains can now be placed as outdoor decorations in cities
    • Fixed max treasury withdrawal
    • An email is now sent to citizens when a mayor withdraws credits from the city treasury
    • Cities can now be renamed
    • City Specializations can now be removed
    • City expansion/contraction will now add/remove citizens
    • Player whose residence is a commercial structure should no longer arbitrarily lose citizenship
    • City maintenance is now charged for City Halls, registration, civic structures, mission terminals, skill trainers, and decorations
    • Emails are now sent for city maintenance and when a structure is repaired
    • Maintenance report now show the cost for decorations
    • Placing a skill trainer or mission terminal now costs an up front fee from the city treasury
    • When a city contracts, amenities outside the new radius are now properly destroyed
    • A city that contracts to below rank 3 will automatically be unregistered
    • An area attacks will now only consume 1 charge of a powerup
    • Accuracy from food (snow cake) no longer gives twice the expected bonus
    • Armor Rating and Penetration are now properly ignored when the target is vulnerable to the attacker's damage type
    • It should no longer be possible to attack while knocked down
    • Lairs, turrets, and other attackable non-creature objects will no longer always take 10X damage. Creature lairs will still take increased damage after spawning all their mobs
    • Special attacks with damage multipliers will now use them when calculating damage vs. lairs and turrets
    • The strength of dots from special attacks is no longer reduced by the armor/resists of the target
    • Fire dots will now add battle fatigue along with wounds, and the number of wounds inflicted increase as the target's battle fatigue increases
    • Dots will no longer automatically clear when a player logs off (but persist for their duration just as buffs do)
    • Jamming an uplink terminal now correctly requires the investigation 2 skill
    • Slicing a security terminal now correctly requires the slicing 1 skill (and no longer gives you the success message twice)
    • Override terminal slicing now grants 1000 dna sampling xp
    • Fixed turrets resists
    • Turret's armor rating now works and an attackers armor penetration now works versus turrets
    • Invalid deeds are no longer listed when choosing a defense to donate to a base
    • faction bases will now only appear on the planetary map to a member of the same faction
    • When a player faction base is destroyed, it's mobs should no longer continue to respawn
    • Several world GCW bases are now randomly populated with either rebel or imperial forces
    • Four of the world GCW bases now count toward planetary control and player can "bust" them to change which side controls them
    • The faction cost penalty for not having planetary control no longer applies to both sides in the case of a tie

    • Garden schematics now have their additional templates
    • Crafting of crafting stations now uses artisan assembly and experimentation
    • Vehicle customization kits now function
    • Fixed powerups to always have 100 uses
    • DNA sampling is now available!
    • DNA templates can now be crafted
    • Pet deeds can now be crafted (but have no stats, and cannot be tamed)
    • Flavor tissues now work as expected
    Bounty Hunter:
    • All tiers of BH missions have more possible targets
    • Increased BH mission payouts somewhat to be more in line with 14.1
    • Adjusted droid tracking success calculation to better support higher level targets
    • Probe droids will no longer remain in the world when a player logs off, and now require you have a biological signature before they can be called
    • Burst shot 2 is now a cone attack
    Combat Medic:
    • Strength Area Disease Medpack C's can now be crafted
    • Dot packs are now affected by heal recovery food
    • Fixed the range at which a combat medic can throw their dots
    • Trying to throw a dot while out of range no longer delays the use of another dot pack
    • Examining a ranged or area stimpack should now list all of it's relevant attributes
    • Flamethrower specials now apply a fire dot.
    • Applying a stronger resist buff now reports the increase in strength rather than the new strength
    • Cure packs and state heal packs are now affected by heal recovery food
    • Always in motion, the future is
    • Dragging an incapacitated/dead player between a building and the outside world no longer warps the target to close to 0,0
    • Increased the power of first aid
    • Fixed injury treatment speed for stims, cures, and state heals
    • Fixed stim pack and wound pack use to properly consume a charge of heal recovery food
    • Vendors will now display maintenance rate and time remaining
    • An item's listed price on a vendor will now include any sales tax
    • Added /changeband, /stopband, and /startband
    • A group can now only have 1 song playing at one time
    • Static, outdoor instruments can no longer be moved
    • Pistol accuracy while standing skill mod now works (old skill tapes with the mod won't work)
    • Fixed movement during and after taking cover
    • Searching lairs, foraging, and medical foraging are now separate and can all be used in the same place without causing the others to find nothing
    • It is no longer possible to search an npc type lair
    • Slicing 1 is now required to slice terminals
    • Added Underworld 1 faction point discount
    • Faction perk costs will now reflect a smuggler's discount in the recruiter conversation
    Squad Leader:
    • Formup now always removes all stun and dizzy effects on group members
    • Retreat now only has HAM cost for the squad leader and not all group members
    Teras Kasi:
    • Power boost has been fixed and re-enabled
    • Some species now have eating sounds
    • Passive wound regeneration (such as in a med center) will now also heal wounds on secondary stats
    • Spice downers are 100% yuckier
    • Clone request windows no longer offer cloning at every facility on the planet (only closest and pre-designated)
    • Closest cloning facility should never list one in a city in which you are city banned
    • Guilds can now be added to structure permission lists
    • PA halls now have medical modifier like other player houses
    • Structure Status will now display time remaining
    • Planetary chat is now available!
    • Quality on fishing poles should now matter
    • Windows during fishing should now close when they're supposed to and not stack up on the screen
    • Starting to fish without bait on the pole no longer creates free bait
    • Event Coordinators can now buff, area buff, and area rez players during events
    • A renamed waypoint can now have just as long of a name as a newly created one
    • Certain locations will now automatically eject players who log out inside of them (Geonosian Lab, Death Watch Bunker, Warren, Bestine ID Tent, and Mos Eisley Med Center)
    • Examining a vehicle now shows the owner
    SWGEmu Admin

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Zop's Avatar
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    nice updates

  3. #3
    Member Cisco-Kid's Avatar
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    10 char
    - Leadership Is The Ability To Turn Vision Into Reality

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    You guys are Awesome
    IGN Zosimus, Aeolos, Carlton

  5. #5
    Junior Member kruge99's Avatar
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    w00h00 thanks!!!
    SWGEmu Main: Presidents Choice-Kruge - Crafting/Weaponsmith
    SWG Main: Krellian Kruge - Gorath

  6. #6
    Member hamiltonguy420's Avatar
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    Wow update yet...cant wait to add the guild to our structures instead of one by one...

    Great job.

    IGN:Sivv/Ozzmosis of Finalizer

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Awesome job, thanks!
    Wasaki - Pinnacle Enterprises

    Pinnacle Mall

    Naboo -4327 5273

  8. #8
    Newbie Jole58's Avatar
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    awesome, can't wait to get back on.

  9. #9
    Newbie xenotrip's Avatar
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    Nice work. Excited to check out the new stuffs!

  10. #10
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    Excellent work. Can't wait to get back on with the new additions.

  11. #11
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    ecellent!!! )

  12. #12
    Junior Member jedimegon's Avatar
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    Sweet! I'm pumped.
    DragonStone Armory and Components
    2285 -4943 Mos Eisley
    Caffiene | Tyranuus
    Retired from Bas - Caffiene | BoomBoomPow | Dragonfly

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Fully sick bro
    [ProGrind] Vendors 900m from Theed -4043 4678

  14. #14
    Senior Member tsubasa's Avatar
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    Great job amazing!!!!

    are the adrenal gland lootable too now???

    <CULT> Overlord

  15. #15
    Newbie nukeboy's Avatar
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    this is a very very nice update i like dat planet chat good keep it up

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