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Kithron 12-09-2004 06:16 AM

Aeron, Check your time zone on your PC and the date. That might be causing some issues. I could be wrong, though.

jormuraurull 12-11-2004 02:02 AM

Selecting correct Exp value
I am a chef and have the tool. Entered all my resources in and have 2 main problems:

1) On the WTHT it is set looking for things that are better for Flavor. I would prefer nutrition or something else. How do I change what it looks for as best?

2) Similar to above. When I choose a schematic I want to know the best resources to make a low filling or another that is better nutrition. In addition most of the time I am told there are no resources available. I have way too many resources.

What am I doing wrong?


Caife 12-11-2004 10:15 AM

Perhaps there could be a function telling you if you have resources that no longer have best or second best status in any column for your chose professions...

I am loosing control of some of my resources. I am pretty sure I could sell some of them, but not sure which ones.

Spelter 12-12-2004 01:23 PM

Caife, there is a rank tab on the original JnF tool. I imagine it's still there with Sloejack's mods. It will tell you the number of schematics for which a given resource is best, second-best, etc. It does exactly what you want Caife.

Anyone know the answer to jormuraurull's first question? Is it possible for the what to harvest calculation to be calculated on a different set of stats, such as nutrition rather than flavor in foods?

aeron 12-12-2004 02:10 PM

Removing the log file helped guys thank you ever so much for your help!

Unfortunately my work firewall won't allow the autodownload of the file :(

How can they possibly expect me to goof off while I'm here if I can't get valid data! ;)


In the ulitmate irony the firewall will elt me download directly from SWG but not inside the excel file. LOL Thwart me why don't you!?!?!?

dexeter 12-12-2004 07:42 PM

Quick questions
Is there a way to have the tool only show advanced components ? Like when I am trying to determine what I want to harvest ? Also can I change my default price for resources ? I tend to enter most of my resources manually anyway, but sometimes I transfer them from the harvest summary page and forget to change the prices.

All in all I think this is a wonderful tool, and greatly appreciate all the work that has been put into it, and is still going into it. Are there any plans to make documentation for the tool ? I printed out the instructions to Fooman's tool which helped a bit, and I read the posts here religously, but there are features I'm still not using because I am not sure I understand them 100%.

Sloejack 12-13-2004 06:40 PM

I've pushed out version 1.66.9 today, please see the first message in this thread for more information.

Caife 12-13-2004 09:59 PM

yeah, noticed the ranks thing now. No idea how I missed that before... :p

Anyways... New suggestion:
I know you can see how many times a resource class has spawned in SWGcraft. Take Alantium Carbonate Ore for instance... It spawns very rarely. Could we include that number in some form in the spreadsheet?

The number could be say number of spawns in one year (last 365 days). Or in total for that matter... If it shows just a few its really rare, if it shows 500 it spawns quite often.

Something like that. Would be of great use to starting crafters at least, the old timers probably know from experience. Then again, it would also be nice for veterans who are taking up an additional, new crafting profession.

Sloejack 12-15-2004 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by Caife
New suggestion:
I know you can see how many times a resource class has spawned in SWGcraft. Take Alantium Carbonate Ore for instance... It spawns very rarely. Could we include that number in some form in the spreadsheet?

The number could be say number of spawns in one year (last 365 days). Or in total for that matter... If it shows just a few its really rare, if it shows 500 it spawns quite often.

Something like that. Would be of great use to starting crafters at least, the old timers probably know from experience. Then again, it would also be nice for veterans who are taking up an additional, new crafting profession.

While this is ideal for some form of DB lookup, this is not practical for a spreadsheet. One of the things I'm looking at doing is creating a data object that the tool uses so that schematic and other data can actually be stored in a database. My current primary goal is to replicate current functionality with a more efficient back end. Once I get a beta version published, then I'll be concidering new functionality.

Floyd 12-15-2004 06:39 PM

Proposed Code Changes
Sloejack and Fooman great tool!!

I only started using this tool a few weeks ago and a few days ago decided to take a closer look at the code.
First off the reason why the last resource isn't parsed comes down to this line of code in the "Get Current" subroutine:

For i = 25 To (UBound(str) - 24) Step 24 'Each "entry" is 24 array items in a 1-dimensional array. Step 24 to go through them

...Ubound(str) gives you the very last array entry, subtracting 24 from it means the last set of data will be bypassed (since one set is 24 items as the comment states).
Changing this to just "Ubound(str)" or subtracting anything less than 24 will fix this. I guess Fooman subtracts 24 here to make sure the loop doesn't go out of the array bounds... but as long as the data sets from SWGCraft don't change this won't happen even if you change it to just "Ubound(str)".


Next because I am a Shipwright I was bothered by the fact that the shipwright resources wouldn't show in the "What To Harvest Today" sheet once they passed the cutoff days. The special resources for shipwright currently stay more like 20 days so a 7 day cutoff won't cut it here *snicker*.

Now I usually don't work with VBA or even VB but to satisfy my dissatisfaction with the SW resources I added some lines of code to force the long lived resources into the SWGCParsed sheet as long as they're younger than 20 days (changes made to the "Get Current" subroutine):

Additional Variables declared:

Dim k As Integer Dim resLong() As Variant Dim isResLong As Boolean

Variables Initiated:

resLong = Array("Borcarbitic", "Fermionic", "Bicorbantium", "Perovskitic", "Arveshium", "Gravitonic", "Organometallic", "Polymetric") isResLong = False

...I was too lazy to go through the code and see where the profession specific resources are taken into account... so I've just created an array with all the long lived resources (and come to think of it since they are long lived they should be shown to every profession anyway - since they can be used as generic)

New Loop added:

For k = LBound(resLong) To UBound(resLong) Step 1 If InStr(str(i + 3), resLong(k)) Then isResLong = True Exit For Else isResLong = False End If Next k

...this loop is the first thing inside Fooman's "i Loop". It essentially goes through every element in the resLong array and compares it to the name of the currently selected resource from the SWGcraft data. If it finds the element in the resource name it sets the boolean isResLong to true and exits the loop.
If it doesn't isResLong is set to false until the loop finishes.
Note: "InStr(str(i + 3), resLong(k))" is a case sensitive comparison but since the resource names from SWGCraft are all in proper case this works.

Finally this line changed:

If sngTime < Val(Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(4, 26).Value) Or isResLong And sngTime < 20 Then 'If the resource is younger than the cutoff time, import it...

The addition of "Or isResLong And sngTime < 20" just checks to see if the currently selected resource happens to be one of the long lived resources (isResLong = True) and if it's younger than 20 days. If both cases are true it will be added to the SWGCParsed sheet.
It's a bit of a hack because the 20 days can't be changed through the Control Panel Menu (that would require a bit more work than I was willing to invest in this).

Last not least

For some reason Fooman added a Formula in the "Z" column to double check the age of the resources (=IF(P#>$Z$4,0,1)) this formula compares the value in the "P column" (number of days the resource is present) with the user set value in field "Z4" (Days Limit). If the number in the "P column" is larger than the number in "Z4" the value in the Z column becomes a "0" and the resource won't be considered for the WTHT sheet. Can't have that if you want to show the long lived resources.
I don't quite understand the reasoning behind this double check. Since only resources that are less than the "Days Limit" old are added to the SWGParsed sheet in the first place why check it again ?? ...so I just changed that formula to write 1s in the Z column in every case. In order to achieve that the formula must be changed in the field "Z8" since that is where it is copied from, when the SWGCParsed sheet is regenerated (I just changed it to "=IF(P8>$Z$4,1,1)" - I suppose you could just change it to "1" for all intents and purposes but I wanted to change as little as possible.

...I've worked with these changes for several days now and as far as I can tell everything works as intended.

If you want I can send you the whole subroutine I currently use so you can see better exactly what I changed.

Let me know what you think.
Keep up the good work.

(Naritus Server)

sciguyCO 12-15-2004 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by jormuraurull
I am a chef and have the tool. Entered all my resources in and have 2 main problems:

1) On the WTHT it is set looking for things that are better for Flavor. I would prefer nutrition or something else. How do I change what it looks for as best?

2) Similar to above. When I choose a schematic I want to know the best resources to make a low filling or another that is better nutrition. In addition most of the time I am told there are no resources available. I have way too many resources.

What am I doing wrong?



What you want to tweak are the percentages under "experimental {blah}" when you have the schematic selected.

So for Brandy, you'll want to weight those to high Nutrition, medium Flavor, and low in Filling/quantity. For Vercupti, you'll want to pick high Filling.

What I did is go to the "Data All" sheet, and in column DC is the "split" for those categories. I set the majority of the foods to "10;30;60;10" (10% filling, 30% flavor, 60% nutrition, 10% quantity). Doing it on this sheet lets you mass-edit them (with "fill down") rather than selecting each schematic and setting those scroll bars (especially since I have yet to figure out the dependencies about which go down when you move one up).

For the "no resources available", make sure that the "use this resource as a generic type" column is set to 1 in the resources sheet. Otherwise, something like Yavinian Vegetable Tubers will only get listed when Yavinian Vegetable Tubers are specifically in the schematic, it won't get chosen for tuber, vegetable, flora, or organic slots.

Strongbow 12-18-2004 06:10 PM

Floyd, thanks for posting those modifications. Saves me the trouble of trying to figure it out on my own. :-) They work like a champ.

ZapatoGrande 12-19-2004 03:54 AM

Post the code for the subroutine please
Could you paste your new and improved subroutine for those of us that just want to cut and paste it in?

Strongbow 12-19-2004 03:03 PM

We had a resource shift on Intrepid last night on the Conductive Copper and it appears that the tool is having a little problem dealing with it after making the adjustments recommended by Floyd. I am posting the whole routine here for everyone's benefit. I'm sure I put a block of code in the wrong place.

I have left the original lines of code, that were modified, in comment form in the code listing below.

Sub GetCurrent() 'Reads the datafile into the tool Dim strFilename As String Dim str() As String Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim sngTime As Single Dim boo As Boolean Dim k As Integer Dim resLong() As Variant Dim isResLong As Boolean resLong = Array("Borcarbitic", "Fermionic", "Bicorbantium", "Perovskitic", "Arveshium", "Gravitonic", "Organometallic", "Polymetric") isResLong = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Range("A9", "GI1500").ClearContents 'Clean old junk out strFilename = Worksheets("GetFromSWGCraft").Cells(4, 6).Value & "\" & Worksheets("GetFromSWGCraft").Cells(4, 9).Value 'Get the path On Error GoTo CloseAndDump Open strFilename For Input As #1 'Open File Line Input #1, strFilename 'Read File (It has no line breaks) Close #1 'Close File On Error Resume Next strFilename = Replace(strFilename, """", "") 'Get rid of all quotes str = Split(strFilename, ",") 'Bust it into an array 'For i = 25 To (UBound(str) - 24) Step 24 'Each "entry" is 24 array items in a 1-dimensional array. Step 24 to go through them For i = 25 To (UBound(str)) Step 24 'Each "entry" is 24 array items in a 1-dimensional array. Step 24 to go through them For k = LBound(resLong) To UBound(resLong) Step 1 If InStr(str(i + 3), resLong(k)) Then isResLong = True Exit For Else isResLong = False End If Next k sngTime = (Val(Worksheets("GetFromSWGCraft").Range("F2").Value) - Val(str(i + 17))) / 86400 'Figure the cutoff time 'If sngTime < Val(Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(4, 26).Value) Then 'If the resource is younger than the cutoff time, import it If sngTime < Val(Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(4, 26).Value) Or isResLong And sngTime < 20 Then 'If the resource is younger than the cutoff time, import it... Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 1).Value = j + 1 'Index Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 18).Value = str(i + 4) 'Resource Type Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 3).Value = str(i + 2) 'Resource Name Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 4).Value = 1 'Filter setting Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 5).Value = str(i + 5) 'ER Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 6).Value = str(i + 6) 'CR Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 7).Value = str(i + 7) 'CD Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 8).Value = str(i + 8) 'DR Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 9).Value = str(i + 9) 'FL Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 10).Value = str(i + 10) 'HR Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 11).Value = str(i + 11) 'MB Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 12).Value = str(i + 15) 'PE Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 13).Value = str(i + 12) 'OQ Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 14).Value = str(i + 13) 'SR Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 15).Value = str(i + 14) 'UT Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 16).Value = sngTime 'Timestamp Worksheets("SWGCParsed").Cells(j + 9, 17).Value = str(i) 'Planet j = j + 1 End If Next i 'Call some functions and finish up Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Call RemoveZeros 'Update the current timestamp Worksheets("GetFromSWGCraft").Cells(2, 10).Copy Worksheets("GetFromSWGCraft").Cells(2, 12).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues Call CalculateSWGCraft Worksheets("What to harvest Today").Activate Cells(1, 1).Select Exit Sub CloseAndDump: Close MsgBox "An error occured in the reading of the data-file." End Sub

Symptoms: Resource List on SWGParsed page comes down and populates successfully, but WTHToday page is not updating at all (resources that shifted out yesterday are still listing), and it appears a subroutine is not finishing because the cursor remains as an hourglass once processing appears to be complete. Also the WTH Summary now shows several lines of data filled with #NA values; I am almost sure these data lines represent the new resources that spawned in. FInally, when I open a new session with this tool and run a download from SWGCraft, it does not recognize when SWGCraft has a new download file (You already have latest file) unless I close down the tool (and Excel) and re-open it.

I am digging into this myself a bit this morning.

Addendum: The problem is in the modification to the array parsing code:
For i = 25 To (UBound(str)) Step 24 'Each "entry" is 24 array items in a 1-dimensional array. Step 24 to go through them

I changed it back to:
For i = 25 To (UBound(str) - 24) Step 24 'Each "entry" is 24 array items in a 1-dimensional array. Step 24 to go through them

The WTH Today is updating again. However this leaves the original issue of the last resource SWGCParsed not being picked up.

Strongbow 12-19-2004 03:39 PM

WHTH Today format clean ups
Posting a couple of formula modification for cells on WTH Today page.

I like to scan thru the WTH Harvest today to quickly pick up resources that I should put harvestors on, however it slows me down when it turns out to be a resource I am already harvesting and it is already listed in the 1st or second best slot on the sheet. I'd rather not see the percentage difference if I am already harvesting it.

On cell K3 of WTH Today replace formula with this:

=IF(OR(W3="",U3=G3),"",IF(AJ3=1,"",IF(OR((E3="X"),OR(W3>H3,AND(W3>=H3,L3>=J3),AND(W3>=N3,L3>=J3))), (W3-H3),"")))

On Cell P3, use this formula:


Basically, all that has been changed is the first OR statement, such that if the Suggested Resource to Harvest is already listed in the 1st or 2nd best column then the percentage difference will not display.

Sloejack 12-19-2004 09:24 PM

Originally Posted by Strongbow
Posting a couple of formula modification for cells on WTH Today page.

I like to scan thru the WTH Harvest today to quickly pick up resources that I should put harvestors on, however it slows me down when it turns out to be a resource I am already harvesting and it is already listed in the 1st or second best slot on the sheet. I'd rather not see the percentage difference if I am already harvesting it.

Perhaps, this is a little overkill, especially concidering that there are a lot of folks extremely sensitive about having all the percentages there. Here's my suggestion. If you're already mining this resources, why not add it to your resources inventory, via the WTH Summary sheet, with a min quantity. The tool update from this process will change the WTHT sheet as well as the WTH Summary sheet giving you the same net effect without any code change, and later on all you do is update the quantity once you have a total from your mining efforts.

Sloejack 12-19-2004 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by Floyd
First off the reason why the last resource isn't parsed comes down to this line of code in the "Get Current" subroutine:

For i = 25 To (UBound(str) - 24) Step 24 'Each "entry" is 24 array items in a 1-dimensional array. Step 24 to go through them

...Ubound(str) gives you the very last array entry, subtracting 24 from it means the last set of data will be bypassed (since one set is 24 items as the comment states).
Changing this to just "Ubound(str)" or subtracting anything less than 24 will fix this. I guess Fooman subtracts 24 here to make sure the loop doesn't go out of the array bounds... but as long as the data sets from SWGCraft don't change this won't happen even if you change it to just "Ubound(str)".

The issue here is a little bigger than that. Having spent a bit of time investigating this, there's some extra information at the end of the file that is not neccessarily human consumable and causes problems. The real fix to this is that the import routine needs to be overhauled. Your solution here has been tried, but ultimately I could not get it to work consistantly. In the re-write that I'm working on I have changed the data import completely and no longer have this issue.
Originally Posted by Floyd
Next because I am a Shipwright I was bothered by the fact that the shipwright resources wouldn't show in the "What To Harvest Today" sheet once they passed the cutoff days. The special resources for shipwright currently stay more like 20 days so a 7 day cutoff won't cut it here

The reality is that all resources are affected by the user defined cutoff date. This is obviously not generally a desired behavior for folks that deal with both organics and non organics (and now apparently JtL resources) but it's a limitation with the way this tool was written. Since those types of users are generally the minority and JtL wasn't even in the picture at the time the current mechanisim served most people.
Originally Posted by Floyd
Now I usually don't work with VBA or even VB but to satisfy my dissatisfaction with the SW resources I added some lines of code to force the long lived resources into the SWGCParsed sheet as long as they're younger than 20 days (changes made to the "Get Current" subroutine):

...The addition of "Or isResLong And sngTime < 20" just checks to see if the currently selected resource happens to be one of the long lived resources (isResLong = True) and if it's younger than 20 days. If both cases are true it will be added to the SWGCParsed sheet.
It's a bit of a hack because the 20 days can't be changed through the Control Panel Menu (that would require a bit more work than I was willing to invest in this).

While this would seem to resolve the particular issue you are seeing, it deviates from the way the user defined "life-span" works. IMO, the better solution is to fix it in the core code but that (as you've seen) would take a bit more effort than either of us are willing to put in so it's something that I'm not planning to modify here. I'm handling resources differently in the version I'm working on that can take these things into account in ways that I've already hinted at.
Originally Posted by Floyd
Last not least
For some reason Fooman added a Formula in the "Z" column to double check the age of the resources ...
I don't quite understand the reasoning behind this double check. Since only resources that are less than the "Days Limit" old are added to the SWGParsed sheet in the first place why check it again ??

The reason is that some people do not update/download resources daily, yet time keeps on ticking. This is a save yourself some pain doublecheck so that if you have not downloaded lately, you're not going to see resources that have already expired past your defined date.
Originally Posted by Floyd
...so I just changed that formula to write 1s in the Z column in every case.

Like I said before, this appears to resolve your specific issue but creates a different one by now showing resources that have been parsed but that have expired since the last parse.

I understand what you're trying to resolve with these changes but I won't be adding these to the 1.66 version. Individuals that wish to do so are welcome to, but understand that you may be creating other issues if you do not fully understand what you're doing and how it changes the tool. I am however, using this as a reminder to make sure that I'm parsing and presenting resource information differently and this has caused me to make some adjustments to which resources are considered 'long-lived' in the version I am currently working on.

Strongbow 12-20-2004 03:23 AM

Originally Posted by Sloejack
Perhaps, this is a little overkill, especially concidering that there are a lot of folks extremely sensitive about having all the percentages there. Here's my suggestion. If you're already mining this resources, why not add it to your resources inventory, via the WTH Summary sheet, with a min quantity. The tool update from this process will change the WTHT sheet as well as the WTH Summary sheet giving you the same net effect without any code change, and later on all you do is update the quantity once you have a total from your mining efforts.

I already add it to my inventory in that manner, however I do not use the WTH Summary...honestly, except for using it to add resources to my inventory it has little use for me <shrug>. Just the way my brain processes information, I guess..

I use the WTH Today to look at the percentage differences. Showing the zero percent difference for items that I am already harvesting slows me down, plus I do not need to see it in the secondary column if I have it listed in the primary column already. It will still show zero percent if it is from a different resource than what I already have in stock.

I don't mind seeing the negative percentages because they are only displayed of I am low on my current resource of that type.

I offer the formulas simply as updates to what I provided to Jenner many months ago in those cells. They can be used, or not, as folks see fit. :)

Floyd 12-20-2004 05:22 AM

Originally Posted by Sloejack
I understand what you're trying to resolve with these changes but I won't be adding these to the 1.66 version. Individuals that wish to do so are welcome to, but understand that you may be creating other issues if you do not fully understand what you're doing and how it changes the tool. I am however, using this as a reminder to make sure that I'm parsing and presenting resource information differently and this has caused me to make some adjustments to which resources are considered 'long-lived' in the version I am currently working on.

...fair enough sloe. I just figured since I already made my own hack to your tool I might as well share what little I found and did. But clearly you have a much better overview. Will you comment your new code so people who are interested can make quicker sense of it (cause the main reason I didn't want to go through all the existing code is cause it barely has any comments) ?
Looking forward to your next version.
And again excellent work on the tool so far.

Baccabus 12-20-2004 09:37 AM

This may have already been asked in a previous post. But, is there a way to get information on what resource is the best on the server overall and not just what you have harvested or in stock. Thanks

Sloejack 12-20-2004 09:46 AM

Originally Posted by Floyd
...fair enough sloe. I just figured since I already made my own hack to your tool I might as well share what little I found and did. But clearly you have a much better overview. Will you comment your new code so people who are interested can make quicker sense of it (cause the main reason I didn't want to go through all the existing code is cause it barely has any comments) ?
Looking forward to your next version.
And again excellent work on the tool so far.

Comments? Comments are for wimps. ;) Seriously though, yes my code is commented otherwise I forget what I was doing and why. Some stuff is extremely straight forward but I suspect once I put a sub tool out to validate the resource information retrieval I'll have some changes to make. One of the 'handicaps' that I've inflicted upon myself is that I have office xp (2002) so I'm not sure if what I'm writing would be 100% compatible with office 2000 users yet. A downside there though is that I know I have to avoid some particularly useful stuff like XML handling. I'm also still exploring creating ADOs for handling inventory, parsed resources, and schematics and I'm not sure if the ADOs the tool will create are portable or if they would need to be created as part of an 'initilization' of the tool.

Sloejack 12-20-2004 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by Baccabus
This may have already been asked in a previous post. But, is there a way to get information on what resource is the best on the server overall and not just what you have harvested or in stock. Thanks

I'm not quite sure what it is you're asking here, but if I make some base assumptions I'm going to say the answer is no. If it's not in your recorded inventory and not currently harvestable, the tool will not be able to tell you the "best on the server overall." Even if it could, "the best" is a relative definition for each individual and would probably be difficult to capture in a tool like this.

RawlingsSc 12-27-2004 02:29 AM

ok, this has probably been answered, but there are too many posts to try and wade through to find it. I have just wiped and re-installed everything on my hard drive. I am using 1.66.8 of the tool with only weaponsmith enabled. I was using Office XP, and everything worked fine. We I rebuilt, I installed Office 2003. Now my tool runs extremely slow. Is there some option I need to enable or disable to get to where I was? Any help would be appreciated.


Sloejack 12-28-2004 05:58 AM

I'm not sure what would be causing the slowness you're seeing. I'm using Office XP personally and while things don't always work as quickly as I would like, I've not been able to find any ways to make the 1.66 version more efficient without attempting some significant re-coding which I am not going to do to this version.

snuff 12-29-2004 03:24 PM

i just encountered an error you seem not to have fixed in your last version.

one resources listed available on swgcraft isnt showing up on the wtht and the summary sheet.

i checked, it is in the csv file.
i also tried to adjust my 7 days limit to 10 days, just to be sure its within the timer.
this was not the last resource listed though.

according to the previous posts i am just realizing you might be on this already, ignore me then :)

Kendoral 12-31-2004 10:44 AM

This is truely an awesome piece of work! I just have one question. Is there a help or faq document on this floating around? There are a lot of confusing thigs for a newbie WS to try and figure out. For instance the color coding on the 'what to harvest today' tab. On the right-hand (current resources from SWcraft) area, what does Orange or Green mean?

Sorry. I'm sure most of you have been using this since its first beta, but to me it is a whole mass of info that I am trying to decipher..

Thanx for taking the time to read this.

AurekStormBlade 01-06-2005 05:40 AM

Originally Posted by Sloejack
I'm not sure what would be causing the slowness you're seeing. I'm using Office XP personally and while things don't always work as quickly as I would like, I've not been able to find any ways to make the 1.66 version more efficient without attempting some significant re-coding which I am not going to do to this version.

I am also seeing a significant slowdown using Excel 2003. I did some debugging (I'm a programmer by trade), and it seems that the slowdown occurs in two places, in the clearing of the Subs (ClearSubs) and when the experiment precentages are reset to the base value. From what I can tell, Office pauses for a second each time that a cell value is set or an area is cleared. Just stepping through this using the debugger you notice a pause, and the processor spikes. So this does not seem to be a coding problem, it seems that something inside of Excel is doing this.

After a bit of searching, I found that if you set the calculation to manual first (Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual), these slow areas speed up considerably (and after these trouble areas, setting the calculation back to automatic (Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic)).

By setting the calculation in the two above areas, I was able to increase the performance dramatically. Doing a test on the WS 'Acid Stream Launcher', without the calculation changes, it take 57 seconds to figure the materials (Keep in mind I have an AMD64 3000+, 1GB RAM, SATA Hard Drive). With the setting of the calculation to manual, the calculation takes 12 seconds.

From what I can tell (again, I'm not too familar with excel programming), this does not seem to affect the output, but I'd like to have someone else's opinion on this. Any thoughts/insight?

Sloejack 01-06-2005 05:49 AM

All; with a heavy heart I have to say that for the time being I have to set SWG and associated projects aside. I need to adjust my priorities around the home to resolve some issues that unfortunetly will take time and effort to fix that has to come from somewhere and like a responsible adult, that's going to come from my leisure activities. Hopefully I've left things a little better off than when I found them. I'm sorry I couldn't make the changes you and I would both have liked to see in the tool. When things turn the corner again I'll come wandering back to see what's new in the galaxy and I hope to see you all there.

LordMaxx 01-06-2005 02:55 PM

Originally Posted by Baccabus
This may have already been asked in a previous post. But, is there a way to get information on what resource is the best on the server overall and not just what you have harvested or in stock. Thanks

Not really, but you will notice that it gives you theoretical maximums...cataloguing all the resources ever on the server is not pratical for excel (would be better for a true database program) but using swgcraft's online tools is the simplest method just put in your percentage values in the find resources search part of the site, then sort by value (down arrow at the top of the column) and you will get your best of resources.

Maxxx 01-06-2005 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by Sloejack
All; with a heavy heart I have to say that for the time being I have to set SWG and associated projects aside. I need to adjust my priorities around the home to resolve some issues that unfortunetly will take time and effort to fix that has to come from somewhere and like a responsible adult, that's going to come from my leisure activities. Hopefully I've left things a little better off than when I found them. I'm sorry I couldn't make the changes you and I would both have liked to see in the tool. When things turn the corner again I'll come wandering back to see what's new in the galaxy and I hope to see you all there.

Sad news. I hope you get your personal RL issues fixed. Know this: I really am grateful for the work you have done so far and I fully understand that you have other priorities. That said I wish you luck and hope to see you soon again on these forums.


Maken 01-07-2005 03:16 AM

I have a resource - Ekeapam Phrik Aluminum 763 760 683 743 928 825 840 896
that the tool will not allow me to add to my inventory. I cant add it with wth because I dont know the resource number. Any suggestions?

dexeter 01-07-2005 10:44 PM

After reading your message I'm not sure if you tried adding them from the resource screen ? That is where you add resources that are not currently spawning. The WTHT section only allows you to add resources that are currently spawning. If you've already tried the Resource tab, then disregard this message.

RawlingsSc 01-08-2005 06:21 PM

You've done a great job, picking up where others have left off. Good luck in your efforts and know that you have left the community better off for your efforts.


Maken 01-08-2005 06:36 PM

I finally figured out the problem, I think. Either way I got it to add the resource. I think a stat didnt match or there was a misspelling. Thanx for the help!

tadpole 01-11-2005 05:34 AM

Keep losing my %Difference field on WTHT page
I have created a sheet for medic/Doc and, when I go to the Data all sheet and change the schematics it looks at, I lose all my %Differences on the What to Harvest Today sheet. Any ideas?
It works fine on the armorsmith sheet I have.

iamflop 01-14-2005 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by AurekStormBlade
... it seems that the slowdown occurs in two places, in the clearing of the Subs (ClearSubs) and when the experiment precentages are reset to the base value.

After a bit of searching, I found that if you set the calculation to manual first (Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual), these slow areas speed up considerably (and after these trouble areas, setting the calculation back to automatic (Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic)).

From what I can tell (again, I'm not too familar with excel programming), this does not seem to affect the output, but I'd like to have someone else's opinion on this. Any thoughts/insight?

I made these same changes. Before this, it would take 2 minutes to calculate a schematic which made that feature of the tool.... painful...

Anyways, after making the changes you mentioned, it takes just over 10 seconds. So far, I haven't seen a difference in output, but I plan to run some more tests tonight or tomorrow as I find the time. If I find a problem, I'll let you know.

RawlingsSc 01-15-2005 03:05 AM

I would love to try these changes as well. Could you please be a bit more specific as to where they go?


P.S. If I'm being stupid, just tell me, I haven't looked at the code yet.

Pio 01-16-2005 06:48 AM

Any thought on an update with the new loot schematics (as the info comes in) as well as adding the generic resource types the recyclers make to the resource listing?

Thylex 01-17-2005 12:06 AM

I've got a problem. I'm trying to do a schematic calc for a run of Thermal detonators. When doing the subcomponent calcs the tool doesnt select any inert gas for the warhead stabilizing device.
I've checked my resources page and there are lots of inert gas...

Any ideas? I know the inert gas doesnt have the stat required, but shouldnt the tool select my rank 1 gas?

I'm using v1.66.9

Tnx in advance!

Sloejack 01-25-2005 11:12 PM

All, An additional bit of news. I will soon be canceling my Earthlink account and do not have another place to house my version of this tool. If someone has the bandwidth and ability to house it, you're welcome to do so. Please contact me via email directly (sloejack at gmail) [of course that's .com] and I will update the link and information on the first post of this thread prior to canceling my account.

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