Quote Originally Posted by PRONG View Post
My point exactly. We got alot of new players here..(2012'ers in case you're wondering), who have TONS of games to play, to pick from. We've all been sucked in by the hype, the graphics, I have quad nVidia 670's and you don't so you can't play the game HAHA...the super releases we have waited years for, only to realize ,' Yeah ,the graphics are good...yeah, the voice acting IS thorough...but howcome they ruined helicopters ? Howcome 'they' took away commander? Howcome they gave Jedi to everybody? Howcome crafting and resources are an afterthought....

Then we come back to a game from nearly 9 years ago...All of a sudden, graphics don't matter anymore do they? TOTALLY don't give a f$#k do we ?
...Community and freedom are what matters.
Grinding/'work' is rewarded again.

What If we THEN found out, or perceived, that the last SHREAD of integrity in all video game history (SWGemu staff in this case) was non-responsive to blatant corruption, we'd have nothing.

We would all end up playing Crysis of BattleDuty 17 on our facebook accounts via our iPhone7's while driving.

Praise the SwiggyMoo team for actually LISTENING to the cries of their 'customers' yesterday, something John Smedley and SONY never did.

Love the sig