I know there are lots of concerns from folks about server wipes and their reluctance to have to start over, possibly more than once before the future 1.0 release, but those who have played SWG know that the game is all about the "grind". Love the journey, not the destination. Plus with each wipe you'll be more skilled with how best to restart your toon(s) an amass mats, credits, xp, whatever, in the quickest way possible so with the 1.0 release you'll quickly be ahead of the crowd.

AND, realize that just by playing (donations are nice too!) you're helping to bring that 1.0 launch date ever so closer. I've been playing regularly for several weeks now and it's hard to remind myself this is just an alpha build. It's stable and there are an amazing number of players on. The cantinas are always packed and it's not unusual to be out on a hunt and see another player cross your path.

So don't delay, play TODAY!
