Quote Originally Posted by Starscream83 View Post
Forgive me Vlada if it is mentioned somewhere else, but it has gone 4am after several solid hours of me playing on the emu, but how come everything has to be wiped is there no way to back up and restore character profiles and the like?

I'd just like to take this opportunity to say the SWGemu team are my absolute gaming hero's I cannot tell you how great it is to be able to run about Tatooine again, just as I remember it!
We are yet to finish both alpha and beta testing stages, during which wipes are always a possibility, and then after we are done with those 1.0 will be released to general public and privete server will begin to pop up. If and what team will be launching and running SWGEmu server aka Suncrusher is not decided yet and wont be any time soon. But since its launch will mark the beaning of a permanent live game, i think making everyone start over is the best and the safest way to make sure everyone is treated equally from day one.