I too want to thank the Devs and everyone else (yes, the financial contributors too!) for keeping the dream alive.

I started playing SWG back in the fall of 2004 having NEVER played an MMORPG. I lost much of my real world life due to spending much of it in game (funny when most of your sleep dreaming is your in-game toon!), but I was rewarded with gaining a lovely real-world wife! We always enjoy telling everyone who asks how we met, it was in the Mos Eisley cantina! I was getting an Ent Buff from her, we started chatting, started going on hunts together, 8 months later met in real life and 2 years after that got married.

Being able to play the game again as it was PreNGE (we quit shortly after NGE broke things) is not unlike visiting your old neighborhood or walking the halls of your old high school wallowing in the fond memories.

I started to play the EMU in June right after the Basilisk wipe, but real life got in the way. I'm very pleasantly surprised with the bug fixes & stability since that initial release that not only am I making a donation today but I'm re-wiping my spare system to make it a linux server again so I can also help with the development.

I'd always planned to contribute financially to this game monthly exactly as I do with any commercial MMORPG and I hope others will follow suit.

All the best,

Phx, AZ