Quote Originally Posted by Hakry View Post
Yes, it is hard to hide that 2022 has been a tough year, however it also has allowed us to glimpse a near complete pre-cu experience. We appreciate those in the community that appreciate us! It is not always that way and we understand that not everyone will always be pleased with our decisions and it takes its toll on the staff because we all do this voluntarily, though we still power through it. The goal is still clear and 1.0 completion will happen.

On a much lighter note, some fun things are coming with the changes to regions and spawning. This includes proper regional spawning, better method of spawning lairs in the world, as well as the missing in game named regions. The spawn groups have undergone drastic changes, which will make the game feel and look more like live. Regions are on prime now for testing and are nearly ready for their run on Finalizer. This was one of the big major steps to complete for the prep for a bug killing drive to towards 1.0. Once we can reach that goal and call it complete, we can start focusing and deciding what post 1.0 will consist of and be able to focus on new things for the game instead of the 1.0 goal. Finalizer has seem some new stuff over this last year, but those were only some of the things we could implement without client changes and keeping focus on the goal.

I also figured I would share some videos from this year that I recorded or was a part of:

This is impressive stuffy Hakry!! Im loving the guild enhancements and world bosses!