Quote Originally Posted by Kreen View Post
Planetary Bonuses:

Dantooine: A small world full of farmers and miners, Dantooine holds little strategic value, except for the plethora of abandoned ruins, mining facilities, and homesteads. Commandos use these ruins to train and practice, honing their abilities to execute precision attacks.
[For each planet owned by the occupying force, one assassin commando is given. Each commando can be deployed once during battle to instantly eliminate one enemy player, or a small number of enemy NPCs]
Dantooine is not the home base of a ion cannon or other instant kill device. Use of @kill on any player as a result of "planetary" bonus is not only an extremely bad idea... but it gives those of us who actually enjoy PVP in this game no reason to play it. Did you see anything like that in live? I did not, nor did I see any staff promoting events where players can choose a single player to be instantly killed. It is for this reason, I do not see any point in playing on SWGEMU servers until there is a wipe and maybe a bit more fun being delivered from the staff team or this is changed. SWGEMU Staff should be promoting the servers by inviting players with fun filled events, not driving them away by giving players a chance to end any fun they might have by participating in the event. You may want to alter this "@kill" to an @warp to another planet, up to 2 planets away. That would put that player out of commission for a tad longer then a death would.

When the imperials pushed the rebels back, rebels had an average of 7 npcs coming out of their base every 15-25 seconds. Imperials had a MAXIMUM of 15 npcs in 15 minutes. Who is the Imperial "defender" on the staff team? Ilipah? If so, ouch, those of us that were around during the abandoned rebel base on Dantooine (few years back) know Ilipah will always defend the rebels. She stated multiple times before that event that they would NOT be rezing rebels, within the first 3 minutes of the battle they revived 15 people. If Kreen was pushing the npcs forward... you should definitely consider how many Jedi there are on each side before you start screwing over the faction with 1/3rd of the players by providing them with no covering fire or spawning useless NPCs (rebel side had 7 npcs coming with dizzy/posture change spam coming out of each one every other second).

You should not have a location where 1 player can choose which side they want to be on. There should be two cities for each faction on 2 or 3 different planets. For example, Theed, Bestine, and Kor Vella could be Imperial Locations while Moenia, Coronet, and Mos Espa could be rebel locations. Imperials lost about 30-45% of their players when rebels showed up with 6 Jedi.