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Thread: Current and future event guidelines

  1. #31
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    Only one thing to say, and that is No.

    Someone screwed up, maybe someone screwed up under your watch.. But do you know what? A boss's responsibility isn't to take responsibility in a scapegoat matter.. His responsibility is to fix whenever an issue appears, whenever someone ****s up, you are supposed to fix the issue.. Like you do now..

    You realize it is not needed to point fingers, or to play the blame game.. What is needed is to fix the guidelines.. You then fix the guidelines, and your job as a supervisor or whatever you are is done..

    We don't need you to resignate.. No one should need you to do that.. The only thing that would lead to, would be.. Well.. I don't know. Nothing?

    Nothing good will come from you leaving..

    If you don't want to be a part of this team anymore, you should feel free to resignate.. If you want to resignate because of a screwup that happened? Then you should get your head back in the game and realize how much you bring to this community..

    I hope not to see you out of here, and i hope you will listen to me, amongst all other players in this community.

  2. #32
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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by esmecat View Post
    this attitude right here... this stir the pot and attack people instead of address issues... this is where all the negativity over this had come from. what good comes from continuing to do this now?

    why is asking questions about what are legitimate concerns (ones that Vlada has addressed with this and acknowledged as legitimate concerns) equated to whining while name calling and polarizing aggressive statements are praised? even if you don't agree with the concerns, can't you see how destructive this is?

    unless that is actually your goal...
    Oh the irony of this post, anyways we love ya vlada don't beat yourself up over this.
    Last edited by josterman; 07-26-2013 at 12:47 PM.

  4. #34
    Junior Member LaFarsa's Avatar
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    Resignation rejected.

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  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arulius View Post
    Wow, Vlada don't quit on us. It was an oversight that nobody saw coming. It's out in the open now and I'm sure the ones who had a problem with it are pleased with the outcome. You stepped up to the plate, don't strike out now.

    There is absolutely no reason for anyone in power to ask Vlada to step down over this.

  6. #36
    Newbie jthepunisher's Avatar
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    Well done.

    You have completely distracted the community and shifted their focus to something else. You should run for public office.

    Meanwhile we get none of the transparency this project desperately needs, and the real issue (what you should have apologized for) how too many members of this staff view the community as, noncontributors, unimportant, "morons" that waste their time on a server that "doesn't matter" is not addressed.

  7. #37
    Dedicated falacy's Avatar
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    I don't get it. Why is Vlada falling on his sword? That rude piece of garbage EC who couldn't keep her fool mouth shut should be the one who gets the boot. Vlada is actually a useful member of the team...

    Quote Originally Posted by jthepunisher View Post
    Well done.

    You have completely distracted the community and shifted their focus to something else. You should run for public office.

    Meanwhile we get none of the transparency this project desperately needs, and the real issue (what you should have apologized for) how too many members of this staff view the community as, noncontributors, unimportant, "morons" that waste their time on a server that "doesn't matter" is not addressed.
    And this...
    Last edited by falacy; 07-26-2013 at 01:27 PM.

  8. #38
    Retired SWGEmu Staff weedie's Avatar
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    Appreciate you coming forward on this issue Vlada. What I personally want to see however is at least some sort of an apology from Revanis. Her idea of damage control is to call community members morons, unimportant, etc etc. Legitimate concerns have been brought up, and we can see they are legitimate considering action was taken to re-work the existing policy. I do not see an apology from Revanis for treating members of the community as useless cattle that does not know any better.
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  9. #39
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    I personally think they should just wipe, after all the latest issues imbalancing things. Thats just my opinion though.
    vlada is still on my list for the last mess with the power handlers however, vlada also appears to be the only one on the
    EMU crew that would have actually be hirable by sony for the job hes doing.
    I vote you dont quit vlada, your sense of humour is funny as well.
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  10. #40
    Senior Member Tombius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by weedie View Post
    Appreciate you coming forward on this issue Vlada. What I personally want to see however is at least some sort of an apology from Revanis. Her idea of damage control is to call community members morons, unimportant, etc etc. Legitimate concerns have been brought up, and we can see they are legitimate considering action was taken to re-work the existing policy. I do not see an apology from Revanis for treating members of the community as useless cattle that does not know any better.
    +1 ^^This is what is needed. We dont want a scape goat.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by weedie View Post
    Appreciate you coming forward on this issue Vlada. What I personally want to see however is at least some sort of an apology from Revanis. Her idea of damage control is to call community members morons, unimportant, etc etc. Legitimate concerns have been brought up, and we can see they are legitimate considering action was taken to re-work the existing policy. I do not see an apology from Revanis for treating members of the community as useless cattle that does not know any better.
    i personally do not think an apology should cut it. i think it is necessary... but i think it is the least that is owed. i do not think Revanis should remain in a position that is entirely a public relations position when she has behaved so badly towards the community at large and individuals directly and continues to do so and defend it. honestly, no matter how badly people behave... and trust me, this was far from really bad for a game forum (from the players, that is)... a member of staff should not behave in the manner she has. there needs to be a level of professionalism required of the staff, volunteer or not.

  12. #42
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    Vlada, you are better at running this than most people who run companies. It is time to clean up, unless you are just tired and want to walk away. The fact that the EC staff can't see how stupid they are, and would rather throw insults than admit they screwed up. Look at it like this, they are the ones who will have the most contact with the players....we see how they act. Sometime it just takes couple of years to see someones true colors. Just played them like fools, unless this was a "treat" and a "favor" then, it is a much worse issue.
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  13. #43
    Member Saudais's Avatar
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    Vlada, consider your offer of resignation rejected.

    You do a tremendous job of keeping these forums in-line, despite the best efforts of some of the trollers. You don't get a lot of thanks for doing it, so I'd like to extend my personal thanks to you - it can be tough trying to contain some of the inflated egos here but you do it admirable, and I for one would miss your sense of humour.
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  14. #44
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    Man this is ridiculous! Most people upset just wanted to see policy CHANGED or clarified (as it said no items given out) so that private events wouldn't be done like this again....

    It's done now so time to move on with better policy. I think the original confrontational messages from some staff made people get madder. Cam came clean and apologized and now this makes it handled perfectly!! All is good and you're going nowhere!

  15. #45
    Retired SWGEmu Staff Revanis's Avatar
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    Fine, fine. I'll talk to my boss and quit.


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