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Thread: [Event] "Friday" Fight Night! 5/1/11

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  1. #2
    Retired SWGEmu Staff Kreen's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Party City
    Play Stats
    Planetary Bonuses:

    Naboo: Thanks to the advances of Nabooian doctors and medicine, the occupying force gets a bonus to medical supplies provided.
    [Buff bonus of 2200/1600 instead of 1800/1200.]
    System Bonus: [If Rori is held in addition to Naboo, medical drops during battle can happen, healing and rebuffing troops.]

    Corellia: At the heart of the Galaxy, the occupying force dominates hyperspace travel, ensuring faster troop deployment.
    [Bonus (x2) troop NPCs deployed in base defense.]
    System Bonus: [If Talus is held in addition to Corellia, all current bonuses are enhanced by x1.5 (i.e. Naboo receives 3300/2400 buffs, x3 bonus of base troops, etc.)]

    Endor: A luscious forest world, Endor provides the occupying force with an abundance of construction materials for bases.
    [Reinforced bases, nearly twice the size of a normal base with choke points and more.]

    Tatooine: A backwater planet boasting plenty of mercenaries and shady criminals to do the occupying force's dirty work.
    [Saboteurs can infiltrate enemy bases and cripple them, leaving openings, alternative routes, and flank attack opportunities.]
    System Bonus: [If Lok is held in addition to Tatooine, mercenaries can be deployed in battle behind the enemy, forcing them to attack on two fronts.]

    Yavin IV: While this small moon is insignificant, Yavin, the red-gas giant it orbits, contains several moons with unique orbital patterns that would allow for the construction of shipyards and research into advanced capital ship weaponry.
    [Capital ship attacks damage health and action by 800 and mind by 500 (debuff)]

    Dathomir: Inhabited by the wild Force witches, Dathomir is tainted by the dark side of the Force, and imbues immense power into any Jedi who can channel into its darkness.
    [Jedi of the occupying force can channel their powers into 3500/2500 buffs (usable once per battle, per Jedi).]

    Dantooine: A small world full of farmers and miners, Dantooine holds little strategic value, except for the plethora of abandoned ruins, mining facilities, and homesteads. Commandos use these ruins to train and practice, honing their abilities to execute precision attacks.
    [For each planet owned by the occupying force, one assassin commando is given. Each commando can be deployed once during battle to instantly eliminate one enemy player, or a small number of enemy NPCs]

    Last Stand Bonus: If one side of the Galactic Civil War occupies 1 or less planets while the other side occupies all others, Heroes can be deployed during battle to aid until this condition is broken (Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, etc).

    Current Galactic Civil War Overview:



    Yavin IV

    This Fight Night's Outcome:
    Congratulations to the Rebels for winning this fight! The Imperials just almost had them at the beginning, maybe next fight they'll be able to completely wipe up the Rebels!
    Last edited by Kreen; 05-01-2011 at 09:18 PM.
    Retired SWGEmu Staff
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