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Thread: [Mini Event] Invasion of Theed

  1. #31
    Junior Member RainStar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elpete View Post
    I thought it was great. Fun times. A little lag.

    From what I understand, TA saw a lot of things and made some changes based on the bottlenecks/issues he saw. To me, that's a good thing.

    Opportunities like this are how you make improvements. You see what is causing the issue and you can fix it. If you never identify the things holding you back, you can never fix them and move forward.

    Great event.
    Yeah, I figured it was a good stress test and didn't let it get to me.

    I have always had shadows turned off so that wasn't an issue. The rubberbanding and getting the "you are too far from target" message when I was close enough to the NPC I was shooting was my experience.

    Like I said though, it was a good test to see what the server could or could not handle at this time.

  2. #32

  3. #33
    Retired SWGEmu Staff Kreen's Avatar
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    Thanks to all who came out! We had way more people than I ever would have guessed. These events used to bring 100-150 people (on a really good night) on Nova and Liberator. At one point in the evening, TA mentioned we had over 400 people in Theed!

    Great job!
    Retired SWGEmu Staff
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  4. #34
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    Good times. The lag was slowing me down otherwise i would have really mopped it up out there. Only 1 thing bothering me at this point is that I am master rifleman and with ranged damage mit 3 I was getting hit for 1.6k at times. Most time only for 700 to 800. Didnt think they would hit me that hard with that going for me.

    On a lighter note it was awesome how we all just grouped together, rebs, imps, multiple guilds in a groups, everyone for themost part was extremely friendly and helpful. Good jobs devs, good job players as well. Keep it up and lets do this again.

    I think Im sensing a fight club coming soon.

  5. #35
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    Great event and great way to stress test. I had considerable lag but it was on and off nothing really bad for the amount of people there.

  6. #36
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    Awesome event. Looking forward to the next one.

  7. #37
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    Added 4 screenies

  8. #38
    Member dragon82a's Avatar
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    Gave up trying to get to it when it took me close to 30 minutes to get of Dantoine and get to naboo.

    Need to do this on some of the upper tier worlds in some of the unpopulated POIs. Would be great way tp introduce the POIs once you populate them.
    Elowa M. Ranger & M Rifleman
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  9. #39
    Junior Member kamsolusar's Avatar
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    Don't let the naysayers get to ya...this was a great event! Basically spawned the entire DWB in Theed! Loved it, once i eventually made it out of cnet and into Theed. One of the best parts about it was that near the end, everyone had figured out that in order to not die constantly, we ALL had to work together as a team. The ranged folks stopped running for their lives (mostly) and let us melee actually help them out. Yeah sure, there were a few nubs who, whether to be mean or just because they were stupid, decided hey let me strafe shot these 20 sbd's and drag them over to the tkm's who were spinning...but other than that, I personally was impressed by the way we all worked together towards the end. It's one of the main reasons pre-cu was then and still is now a great game...the sense of community. Look at what was happening over in wow at the same time...hackers killing entire cities. Whereas in our beloved game, we all worked together to save a city!

    And to all the docs and cm's who braved the messed up aggro that is and always was pre-cu, a major /tiphat. Especially Cahain (i think im spelling it right). My guild's healers died many times (although they did their jobs well and I personally wouldve died a dozen times over without them, instead of just once), and honestly man i have no earthly idea how u lived through as much as you did... but many many times when i was nearly a goner, i would get hit with either a ranged or area heal that put me right back into the fight. Major kudos's brother.

    Long Live Pre-cu!
    'Kam Solusar' <-VF->
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