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Thread: SWGEmu Timeline

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  1. #1
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Some of the old mods work... others dont. Someone was supposed to test composite to mando mod and let me know if it works, but i guess they havent got around to it yet.

  2. #2
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    I am new to this swgemu. but i played swg from 2003-2006, and then again in 2008. i was sad to see it go, it was my favorite game on pc or console of all time. i noticed this website and im blown away. incredible work guys seriously. lucky for me i still have my original discs in working order and have installed and played swgemu, looks fantastic. i cannot wait for this to be fully up and running, its insane. i love ur team or dedicated hard working star wars fans for bringing us star wars fans our favorite game back. thank u everyone who is making this possible.

  3. #3
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    Well.... I played SWG since the begining....... almost 8 years i think...... I had 3 accounts, I Played, my kid played with me also..... and they closed the best game i have ever seen....

    I have tried STO, SWTOR and many other games and , well, any of them is close to SWG.... All of them are worst, by far....

    That said, i have take a decision: I have cancelled all my suscriptions to all those "FAKE" games (lol), and i will give my money to this project..... I am so happy on hearing about SWG, in any of its stages..... I will support this project not only with my money but with my heart, in the hope that some day we will recover our ingame Honour and our fun times as we had in the past.

    I encourage to the Cummunity to become "rebels" forget those F2P that promise everything and give nothing, forget those games in which having a good stuf means to buy it and help this project instead, to arise the higer levels of customer satisfaction (our satisfaction). We all should contribute to develop and support this game , with money, with support, with any tool we may imagine....... We can and we must recover what SOE and Lucas have destroyed without considering nothing but their own stupid interest in behalf of a bad business with SWTOR.... we must and we can rewrite our ingame History......, i think , and i will try my best. The Community are Us.

    Thanks to the Dev and Community team for supporting this project....

    Now, the only thing i need is to hear about some kind of Space in SWGEMU..... That day i will be absolutelly Happy, once i recover my xwing and my space stuff.....

    Big hughs to the Team and the Community
    Last edited by LOGANS; 08-12-2012 at 11:11 PM.

  4. #4
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    It's Aliiiveeeee

    I have been an enormous fan of the game since the days of pre-cu. Alot of us here know that SWG was the best MMO of all time. I had been following the SWGemu community for a while and have seen many developers come and go but...this is just amazing. I have fallen in love with the game again and I've only been back for 2 days. Thank you guys so much. My only complaint? Server cap! I can't log in!

    peace and love

    thank you thank you thank you!

    Quick question/suggestion - Has there ever been some sort of organized "money bomb" for the devs and maybe for some hardware improvements? I don't know if that occasional lag in game is a server issue or what but if 3000 people donated just 5 dollars we could raise 15k for upgrades. Just a thought.

  5. #5
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gazini View Post
    Quick question/suggestion - Has there ever been some sort of organized "money bomb" for the devs and maybe for some hardware improvements? I don't know if that occasional lag in game is a server issue or what but if 3000 people donated just 5 dollars we could raise 15k for upgrades. Just a thought.
    Donations and hardware isnt the problem atm, its the software, we have reached its limits. TheAnswer is constantly tweaking and optimizing it but that takes time.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    Some of the old mods work... others dont. Someone was supposed to test composite to mando mod and let me know if it works, but i guess they havent got around to it yet.

    Well i can get all the armor pieces minus the helmet to look like mando lol i remember running into a similar situation modding swglive, seems to be a race issue though trandoshans and sullustians wont get the helmet to work, while with humans it will work.

  7. #7
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    I have watched the progress of SWG emu after NGE. I Played SWG off and on since shortly after launch. I had made some long time friends in the game and was very digruntled by NGE which I over came with time and then the closing of SWG. Many of us have gone on to play other games but often talk about SWG as if it was more than a virtual world but a once living breathing entity. I honestly didn't think SWG EMU would progress to the level it has and I am very hopeful it continues. I appreciate very much the hard work that has been put into this project and I will be watching with great interest at its progression. To those who have put so much into this project I can only say thank you. It is a wonderful thing to watch something like this come into fruition.

    Thank you,

  8. #8
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    yeah i remimber those first days when we were all jedi on dant MO and my friends and i were so so excited to be playing pre CU again!!!! i cant beleve how much this game has kinda become a second life call me a addict but o well ill take that title over SWG lol its funny how in RL situations i somtimes think o this happened in SWG one time and this is how it played out for everyone but i cant come out and say that stuff because some people who diddnt play SWG would have me commited :P so yes thank thank thank thank you!!!!!

  9. #9
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    Hello, Sorry for my english, im Canadien (french)

    Someone can tell me, (pretty much) how long will take the release of Suncrusher ? 1 year ? 6 months ?

    Thanks for your help and apologize my english

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tirael1990 View Post
    Hello, Sorry for my english, im Canadien (french)

    Someone can tell me, (pretty much) how long will take the release of Suncrusher ? 1 year ? 6 months ?

    Thanks for your help and apologize my english
    At the rate they're patching and testing things (not that it's a bad thing to be thorough) i would put a guess at 1-2 years, provided no real pressing real life issues stop them from having to give up volunteering for the project for any length of time

  11. #11
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    Ah... 2 years sound a bit exaggerated. Winter 2012/2013 would be nice...

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