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Thread: Accounts & Multiple Accounts

  1. #31
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by msandlie View Post
    Someone mentioned you can somehow have a second character on the same account up and running at the same time. is this true and could this have been what you were seeing?
    How to run multiple instances?

  2. #32
    Newbie Takoma's Avatar
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    I have a question for you all

    Where I work there are 3 other people who play the Emu as I do, on top of this we all log in to the forums at work during our dinner hours.
    Now one of us has been banned for having multiple IP's against there account, yet they know for definate that they do not operate any other accounts. They only have 1 account and yet they are banned.
    Is it possible that due to the fact 4 of us work together and use the forums from work that this could ban his account?
    I have a multihousehold account which was authorised as my wife and son play along side when I play.
    Another person here has a multi household account due to him and his partner playing online together.
    Thats 2 people of the 4 on multi households but 2 not on multi but loggin in at the same location to access forums.
    Is this a banable offence as I thought it was only the game system that had this restriction not the forums??
    Can we please have a clarification on this an if possible can my work colleague have his single account un-banned.
    He submitted a ticket over a week ago but still has had no confirmation as to when the ticket will be looked into or resolved. A note to say that the issue would be looked into within 14 days (or whtever is deemed appropriate) would be nice, but nothing is a little strange.

    Can anyone please help with this?
    Last edited by Takoma; 07-23-2012 at 11:02 AM. Reason: fix typos

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Takoma View Post
    I have a question for you all

    Where I work there are 3 other people who play the Emu as I do, on top of this we all log in to the forums at work during our dinner hours.
    Now one of us has been banned for having multiple IP's against there account, yet they know for definate that they do not operate any other accounts. They only have 1 account and yet they are banned.
    Is it possible that due to the fact 4 of us work together and use the forums from work that this could ban his account?
    I have a multihousehold account which was authorised as my wife and son play along side when I play.
    Another person here has a multi household account due to him and his partner playing online together.
    Thats 2 people of the 4 on multi households but 2 not on multi but loggin in at the same location to access forums.
    Is this a banable offence as I thought it was only the game system that had this restriction not the forums??
    Can we please have a clarification on this an if possible can my work colleague have his single account un-banned.
    He submitted a ticket over a week ago but still has had no confirmation as to when the ticket will be looked into or resolved. A note to say that the issue would be looked into within 14 days (or whtever is deemed appropriate) would be nice, but nothing is a little strange.

    Can anyone please help with this?
    I agree about needing clarification. My son and I both play. He also logs on while at his mothers house, and I visit the forums from many different IP's including my phone (so various wifis). So when he logs on today at my house, are we both going to be banned? Yikes!

  4. #34
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    Interesting point. I play SWGEMU from home and while on holiday on a different mobile internet, so a different IP. My son too has dug out his SWG disks and started playing too this week so would be playing from the same IP address too. Would this be problematic.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrrlykam View Post
    Interesting point. I play SWGEMU from home and while on holiday on a different mobile internet, so a different IP. My son too has dug out his SWG disks and started playing too this week so would be playing from the same IP address too. Would this be problematic.
    if there are going to be any times that someone else like your child or another family member who has an account but doesnt normally play at your home is coming for a period and will be playing while there, I would suggest filing a ticket to get it authorized and explaining the situation. thats what was explained to me when I sent in a ticket asking about my sons account, since he only plays from my home during holiday breaks. always better to be safe

  6. #36
    Newbie Takoma's Avatar
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    My main issue which seems to have been diluted from subsequent posts is more of a workplace issue.
    Not a 'household' issue.

    If 4 people work for the same company, all have active, valid accounts (even just single accounts). But DO NOT live together in any shape or form, so therefore login to the game from different IP's to the game. BUT they all decide to check posts from work during there dinner hour, do they all get banned as they will all use the same IP to login to the forums.
    As far as I am aware this is not in violation of any rules or policies setup and posted??
    The system seems to ban all 4 of them because they are all accessing the forums from the same IP, this is non-nonsensical. They are not a household while at work they are 4 people who work together and browse forums from the 1 IP.

    Does this mean they have to apply for a household account for there work IP address? Surely this is a nightmare waiting to happen for the accounts management team there? Can we please have clarification of this as soon as possible, hopefully so my work colleagues can be safe to go back online rather than being banned?

  7. #37
    SWGEmu Retired Forum Moderator Ellyssia's Avatar
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    If you're logging into either the forums or the game with multiple accounts from the same location there is the risk of triggering the detection systems.
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  8. #38
    Newbie Takoma's Avatar
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    Thank you Ellyssia for your quick reply.
    It seems that this has happened to us, with your help you have un-banned my account but one of the other players MrBlobby is still banned, as we were, but has not been un-banned as yet, this is now 12 days since submitting a ticket and still having no action on his ticket.
    What is the typical lead time on having an issue like this at least replied to or actioned? A lot of hassle could be removed by issuing a standard reply to new tickets that states it will be a minimum amount of days to get round to looking at the ticket. With no knowledge of how long this will take it can mean un-necessary extra work to, by yourselves, to answer posts like this or extra tickets because people have had no reply/information from you at all. It could be in the standard reply you send back as the automated reply.
    He is awaiting what we thought would be a swift reply within 4-5 days but still nothing. Can you please amend your multi account sniffing software to at least not include forum login ip's?
    I know you guys are all volunteers, and we are as always appreciative of what you do, but I hate seeing him turn up everyday at work crying into his cup of tea. Its very hard to take.
    Could I ask a big favour and see if you could please look into his account ban as this is most obviously a mistake on your engines behalf, and please change the rule/policies page to notify people that if they login from the same IP on forums this may instigate a ban as well...

  9. #39
    SWGEmu Retired Forum Moderator Ellyssia's Avatar
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    I'm at work right now, and can't look into account information in game, or the tickets from here, but I'll try to get to it when I get home.
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  10. #40
    Retired SWGEmu Staff mijom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Takoma View Post
    Thank you Ellyssia for your quick reply.
    It seems that this has happened to us, with your help you have un-banned my account but one of the other players MrBlobby is still banned, as we were, but has not been un-banned as yet, this is now 12 days since submitting a ticket and still having no action on his ticket.
    What is the typical lead time on having an issue like this at least replied to or actioned? A lot of hassle could be removed by issuing a standard reply to new tickets that states it will be a minimum amount of days to get round to looking at the ticket. With no knowledge of how long this will take it can mean un-necessary extra work to, by yourselves, to answer posts like this or extra tickets because people have had no reply/information from you at all. It could be in the standard reply you send back as the automated reply.
    He is awaiting what we thought would be a swift reply within 4-5 days but still nothing. Can you please amend your multi account sniffing software to at least not include forum login ip's?
    I know you guys are all volunteers, and we are as always appreciative of what you do, but I hate seeing him turn up everyday at work crying into his cup of tea. Its very hard to take.
    Could I ask a big favour and see if you could please look into his account ban as this is most obviously a mistake on your engines behalf, and please change the rule/policies page to notify people that if they login from the same IP on forums this may instigate a ban as well...
    MrBlobby is good to go again.
    Retired SWGEmu Staff

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  11. #41
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    Thanks Ellyssia & mijom

    Thought I'd never get back online.

    Will stay away from the furoms at work from now on.

  12. #42
    Newbie Takoma's Avatar
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    Thank you all for your hard work you do on this, it is much appreciated, I know in RL all our times are limited, so I know how much this meant to you to do in time, so again thank you all...

  13. #43
    Junior Member sirah's Avatar
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    If multiple people simply viewing the forums from the same IP can trigger flagging a ban, then what is there to be done about people like myself who are at a university? Internally most of the campus is on private address space which is then NAT'd for internet access. Does this mean that myself and anyone else here on campus have the potential to be banned w/o even knowing each other, the IP's that would need to be reported to request multi-account access, etc, etc?!?

    The more traction that this project gains, which I'm sure is starting to increase with the progress made and the release of SWTOR, the more people are going to be playing. As more people play, situations like multiple people at a work or school location simultaneously connecting through a shared IP address increases, and totally unbeknownst to the involved parties.

  14. #44
    Newbie othinen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moxon1982 View Post
    Yesterday when playing a bit on Naboo I saw a Master Doctor offering his services and stating in his Macro that if anything isnt working well someone should contact him and two other toons. Is that a subject to be reported to the staff concerning multi account usage? To me his macro sounded as if he was playing 2 other toons while his macro on the Doc is running.
    you can have up to 10 toons. Only 2 active though. Maybe he was switching between the 2? Just a guess

  15. #45
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    o.. no I need some help

    I have created 2 accounts .. i did not know it was against the rules.. I have one account and my daughter plays the other one.. we are often on at the same time she likes to harvest by sampling for me .. i don't want to get into trouble what should i do to avoid getting banned>>? I will submit a ticket for multiple accounts request . ho long dose this take and should one of us stop playing before it is approved>?

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