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Thread: Doing the Right Thing...

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigevil View Post
    What i am saying is, none of us have the judgement call to say what, is and is not the right thing to do. Unless you have Dev under your name, (and at which point would not be mindlessly bickering over the servers exploitation status in a thread) you cannot even begin to make that call. I've seen people talking about closing up the servers to private only, and shutting down lib, but who are you all to make those calls? and how far would that render this project useless?

    or maybe you mean they aren't using the code, in which case you haven't been up with the times, I've had this standpoint since before liberator, even though Pre OR is dead code, does not mean they just dropped all of that code, making it utterly useless, there will always be some far fetched algorithm that no one wants to rewrite. whom would do that if you could just modify it? some of the cogs can be interchanged in this machine.
    Last edited by Kaelvin; 01-30-2011 at 07:59 PM.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigevil View Post
    Yes. Liberator is a testing ground for stuff. It may be small things (like swimming? duh?) but it still is used for testin.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shoryuu View Post
    Yes. Liberator is a testing ground for stuff. It may be small things (like swimming? duh?) but it still is used for testin.
    Liberator is using the files directly in the client to calculate the height rather than the old height maps. It also uses a different water detection algorithm.

    The first thing that comes to mind when you mention how small this test control is; our harvester's and how much they love to take flight, and i thought, well how crappy would it be if our characters did the same thing.

    then it all made sense. this isn't a small test control, this is something the dev team has done above and beyond all of us to ensure the survival of this project.

    Asembla and Mantis grow everyday, and the team has fed the crowd of moars with another server, divided the development phase from the open community, and improved their website, furthermore you are seeing new updates coming in. And most importantly the development team still has the tools to test with, a server, and an active live community. And to top it off fixed four exploits.

    so when someone shouts, immaturity, shut the liberator doors, and others complaining about the two servers, the development team has already taken care of your insignificant problems, and a remedy is not necessary for the situation, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
    Last edited by Kaelvin; 01-30-2011 at 08:54 PM.

  4. #19
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    All of you should stay on topic or start a new thread.

    Thank you to the anonymous individual who helped fix the bug.

  5. #20
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    mentioning off topic discussion is off topic. please, stay on topic, and or start a new thread, or join the existing OT thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by Architect View Post
    All of you should stay on topic or start a new thread.

    Thank you to the anonymous individual who helped fix the bug.
    ITT: yes, if it were not for those individuals, there would be what i call aiding in abating the law. the devs would have to poke around ten times longer to find out what happened and it would be a headache for development status.

    P.S. your comment was in no context to the post above you, so maybe throw an OP quote please, for all I know you are talking to me, and clearly I am on topic.

    Just standard forum etiquette, something you push so adamantly.
    Last edited by Kaelvin; 01-30-2011 at 09:51 PM.

  6. #21
    Member carpathian's Avatar
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    Not trying to get off topic here at all, But I saw something a tad strange the other day a few times. I logged in my alt while logged in on my 1st toon, I noticed my looted wep was not in my inventory. About a half an hour later It somehow was in my 1st toons inventory. I realize there was episodes of exploiting and a few incidences recently I'm not saying there wasn't at all but I think it could be looked at, and i would login your other characters on your account and look if you have not already. I unequiped my VK yesterday and it was gone, logged into my storage alt and it was in his bag lol. weird

    I also realize Liberator is fun as is server and not being developed, just thought i'd mention it in case it applies to the TC server in anyway.
    Last edited by carpathian; 01-31-2011 at 04:57 AM.

  7. #22
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carpathian View Post
    Not trying to get off topic here at all, But I saw something a tad strange the other day a few times.

    I logged in my alt while logged in on my 1st toon, I noticed my looted wep was not in my inventory. About a half an hour later It somehow was in my 1st toons inventory. I realize there was episodes of exploiting and a few incidences recently I'm not saying there wasn't at all but I think it could be looked at, and i would login your other characters on your account and look if you have not already.

    I unequiped my VK yesterday and it was gone, logged into my storage alt and it was in his bag lol. weird

    I also realize Liberator is fun as is server and not being developed, just thought i'd mention it in case it applies to the TC server in anyway.

    That sounds like a classic case of a server rollback.

  8. #23
    Member carpathian's Avatar
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    I've seen roll backs many times but never 5 hrs into the server being up when it happened, and this was not after a shutdown or reset. And it has happened a few times the same way. Just pointing it out to check your other toons if an item is missing.

    *NOT* saying rollbacks do not occur, they do, but I usually have to do something to trigger it, like not logging out before a reset/shutdown, game crashes etc.

    I will see if it happens on TC at all, if it does I will try best as possible to report the issue.

    Last edited by carpathian; 01-31-2011 at 02:34 PM.

  9. #24
    SWGEmu Retired Community Relations bigevil's Avatar
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    Boy, you kids are quick to snippy and toss out bad rep when someone disagrees with your assertions. LOL. Guess Josh will get the cool kid popular star back or maybe Vlada

    Anyway, the discussions and posted materials clearly state that Liberator is based on old TC: Nova code, but that certain items would be implemented to assist in the development of OR, and allow for testing of items of interest. Specifically.....

    "With this announcement, SWGEmu is launching a second server which will run the pre-October 1st, 2010 version of code. Most of the community refers to this code as "Pre-Object Restructure" or "Pre-OR". This server is designed to be a "Play" server on which users can enjoy some of the old parts of the SWGEmu code that have not been re-implemented in the current codebase on TC: Nova."

    So, unless they took a huge 180 from initial release designs regarding liberator and that which was released in annoucements, some more reading may be in order friends and neighbors. I've been wrong lots in life, and may be again.....

    EDIT: LOLZ...just got a PM that my popular kids star went back to Joshino......hehe...haters be hatin.
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  10. #25
    Member Fierce's Avatar
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    I like how the person told our entire guild who exactly was also using the hacking tool but apparently failed to tell you, STAFF, that he is now a part of
    Last edited by Fierce; 01-31-2011 at 04:13 PM.

  11. #26
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    I wish the powers that be would "do the right thing" as well and get rid of the trolls. All they do is cause trouble and turmoil within the community.

  12. #27
    Dedicated Keono's Avatar
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    Would be nice if the people/players that turned this guy into staff got some recognition.

    Drop off vendor Corellia 1291 -5144

  13. #28
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carpathian View Post
    I've seen roll backs many times but never 5 hrs into the server being up when it happened, and this was not after a shutdown or reset. And it has happened a few times the same way. Just pointing it out to check your other toons if an item is missing.

    *NOT* saying rollbacks do not occur, they do, but I usually have to do something to trigger it, like not logging out before a reset/shutdown, game crashes etc.

    I will see if it happens on TC at all, if it does I will try best as possible to report the issue.

    If these weren't rollbacks, then they are weird to say the least. But since no items were lost (i hope), i would have to say "No harm, no foul".

    And since my assumptions were wrong, I feel the need to apologize.

  14. #29
    Newbie MajorArcher's Avatar
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    I still think we shouldn't be playing Liberator and Testing Nova instead, like I am.
    There are 16 players in Nova while there are more than 900 players in the Liberator server.
    We'll only get this project forward if we keep playtesting Nova.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrider View Post
    Just to be clear, how does this fit in with the whole "don't report Lib bugs?.
    I'm a little confused here too... I'm pretty sure that because of the coding, most exploits that may exist on Nova are going to be liberator. So does this mean the bugs are? Bugs cause they exploits, correct? Should we report bugs for liberator after all?
    Last edited by Soapflake; 02-01-2011 at 05:45 AM.

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