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Thread: Coming Changes to BH/Jedi

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  1. #1
    Junior Member franklin920's Avatar
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    This is a terrible idea and have no idea we're these ideas came from or who put them in the queue, but how is this even needed? The only people who want group Jedis are the same people who farm the Acklay every night.

    No reason not to be a Jedi now ladies and gents, since you can group with three other Jedi and run the game. This is the new ADK except Jedis don't have to wear armor
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by djpwnz View Post
    Am i missing something here? I thought this post was suppose to be about how we got to this point. Like why are these changes happening? I would hope based on the community feedback that has already happened today you will not be pushing this to Finalizer without really thinking who this is affecting. As for the change to pulling the mobs inside a house- those players should be banned, as it is a violation of TOS.
    Part of the issue is players have other players hold their bounty missions for 48 hours so they cannot get hunted. This is harder to do on Finalizer due to less characters available to each player, but still possible.

    As for AI in private structure: It is for sure a ToS violation and they should be reported. All we will be doing is making it not possible for the AI to enter as an extra measure.

    Quote Originally Posted by SoUncool View Post
    Thanks for the clarification, Lolindir. I gotta ask about the AFK Jedi in houses thing. I know they do it to bleed off VIS once they have it. Is there a way to stop that bleed once they're in houses? This just seems like a fairly blatant abuse of one game mechanic (private houses) to avoid another (consequences of gaining VIS).
    The visibility bleed of is really slow and is earned at a much faster rate. Jedi do not AFK in houses to bleed of visibility. They AFK in houses so BHs do not want to pull their missions ever cause they are usually known for being a target that AFKs in a private house. This was a big issue on Basilisk and there were Jedi that Bounty Hunters ignored because it was a waste of time to even track them.

    Quote Originally Posted by franklin920 View Post
    This is a terrible idea and have no idea we're these ideas came from or who put them in the queue, but how is this even needed? The only people who want group Jedis are the same people who farm the Acklay every night.

    No reason not to be a Jedi now ladies and gents, since you can group with three other Jedi and run the game. This is the new ADK except Jedis don't have to wear armor

    You may be misunderstanding the group visibility change. Jedi will only not receive visibility from the members of their group. Any other players or NPCs that are near them will still give visibility. So that means all of the other NPCs and players in the Geo cave. Not to mention, none of these changes were brought about by any certain groups of players. So that is just rumor mill and should be dropped.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azkar View Post
    This just seems like another needless nerf against BHs. Jedi had phases reduced to 1 week, they have anti-vis policies (which seem to be maybe under review?), no penalties for AFKing in houses / purposely trolling BHs, etc. Now there is no way to tell how strong a Jedi is when hunting them, who you are hunting, and they now also are going to dominate group content. Seems like the best option is just for everyone to roll Jedi at this least I don't see any negatives you get for deciding to become one.

    I am not sure if you did not read the whole post or misunderstanding it.
    • The very beginning of the post mentions the removal/change of the anti-visibility policies.
    • The end of the post says we are making so Jedi AFKing on Houses will not list on the terminals, so Bounty Hunters do not waste time hunting targets AFK in a house. They can log out and bleed visibility, they stay online in houses to troll Bounty Hunters.
    • Jedi was not changed as it comes to group content? I am not sure where you have pulled that one from. They will still receive visibility from EVERY player and NPC that is not in their group.
    Last edited by Lolindir; 02-02-2022 at 03:31 PM. Reason: Double post
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hakry View Post

    The visibility bleed of is really slow and is earned at a much faster rate. Jedi do not AFK in houses to bleed of visibility. They AFK in houses so BHs do not want to pull their missions ever cause they are usually known for being a target that AFKs in a private house. This was a big issue on Basilisk and there were Jedi that Bounty Hunters ignored because it was a waste of time to even track them.
    Thanks for clarification. Is there any plan to *stop* the "gonna be logged in and AFK in my house forever" behavior? Even taking them off the terminals while they're in a private structure doesn't seem like that much of a great fix, tbh. It just rewards the behavior. Which, again, seems somewhat exploitative by using one game mechanic to bypass another.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SoUncool View Post
    Thanks for clarification. Is there any plan to *stop* the "gonna be logged in and AFK in my house forever" behavior? Even taking them off the terminals while they're in a private structure doesn't seem like that much of a great fix, tbh. It just rewards the behavior. Which, again, seems somewhat exploitative by using one game mechanic to bypass another.

    We definitely can see that perspective on that however there is no simple way around that. It is their private structure and part of SWG is players having their own housing they can make private. If some other potential alternative comes to light it could be something we look into. However all of these changes were really minimal on the dev side of things and lots of alternatives are not. We still need to maintain our current scope of development. I personally have put more time into this then I would have liked and it has taken away from other things I was working on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azkar View Post
    No I read the post pretty clearly...

    -The very beginning of the post mentions the removal/change of the anti-visibility policies.
    It states "We are going to remove and/or revise this policy". I am curious to see what it gets revised to. Since it could still benefit the Jedi heavily.

    -The end of the post says we are making so Jedi AFKing on Houses will not list on the terminals, so Bounty Hunters do not waste time hunting targets AFK in a house. They can log out and bleed visibility, they stay online in houses to troll Bounty Hunters.
    "So we are going to look to implement a method" to me this reads as "They will troll you until this gets implemented, which we do not know how long it will take to do so." I have no issues with the 2nd part, you are all volunteers and things take time. However if the fix for the afk doesn't go in at the same time as everything else, then it just is more time that Jedi troll BHs with the benefit of we can't even ignore the ones that we know are purposely trolls.

    -Jedi was not changed as it comes to group content? I am not sure where you have pulled that one from. They will still receive visibility from EVERY player and NPC that is not in their group.
    It states "With this change Jedi will not gain visibility from players that they are grouped with. However, they are still open to gain visibility from all other players and NPC's." So now it is just going to be full jedi groups doing end game content. I mean just being in a large party that isn't giving them Vis is just making them hone in on end game group content as the "correct" class to be. Sure they will get it from a NPC, but how much vis does a krayt dragon give? Or any number of other end game creatures.

    So your first point, you are irritated over speculation of something that has not happened yet. The not clearly states This has given Jedi an unbalanced amount of protection when it comes to their visibility.

    The second point, I do not know how long it will take but should be fairly simple. These are all simple changes or we would have not touched them at all. None of which are even live yet.

    Third point, without mathing it all out for you. Visibility will stack up really quickly if they are attacking a target and other players are around and last I knew the Krayt Graveyard has had various groups of players out there. Even if they stop attacking they will just die, cause healing and force run also give visibility.
    Last edited by Lolindir; 02-02-2022 at 03:30 PM. Reason: Double post
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoUncool View Post
    Thanks for clarification. Is there any plan to *stop* the "gonna be logged in and AFK in my house forever" behavior? Even taking them off the terminals while they're in a private structure doesn't seem like that much of a great fix, tbh. It just rewards the behavior. Which, again, seems somewhat exploitative by using one game mechanic to bypass another.
    I absolutely agree.

    My $.02 is that a Private residence wouldn't stop Vader, nor a canon bounty hunter, or an IRL Law Enforcement with a warrant. A Jedi logged in and in a private residence should open the residence to being sliced by a slicer and access permitted to any BH with the mission. It should take 5 mins or something before allowing access, but a Jedi on the terminals, sitting in a house should be hunt-able. It should take a master smuggler and maybe once MBH skills are actually viable, only allowed to MBH. But the future goal should be to allow no safe place for more than several minutes if the Jedi is logged in.

    Quote Originally Posted by peltaria View Post
    Another nerf to BH...just like sony did.

    Not gonna repeat what has already been said.

    What is to stop a jedi leaving his house for 10 mins..his mission pops on the terms and some poor sod accepts it, then goes back in his house for another 20 hours? Same issue, bh gets pissed off yet again.

    And why should a jedi's house be private? In case he is on the toilet or getting undressed for bed? This is a game ffs, if a jedi wants somewhere private he can log off and not troll bh's.

    Imo, if a bh has a jedi's mission and they are in a house atk or afk a bh should be able to enter or blow the door open with a grenade/rocket laucher/bomb droid. Kinda make sense given the technology that is in this universe.

    Make a bh and play it for 6 months Lolindir, that will give you all the information you need on what changes need to be made.
    Preaching to the choir my friend.
    Last edited by Lolindir; 02-02-2022 at 07:45 PM. Reason: Double post

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hakry View Post
    You may be misunderstanding the group visibility change. Jedi will only not receive visibility from the members of their group. Any other players or NPCs that are near them will still give visibility. So that means all of the other NPCs and players in the Geo cave. Not to mention, none of these changes were brought about by any certain groups of players. So that is just rumor mill and should be dropped.
    I'll admit this is where I have difficulty understanding. What is the motivation behind this change? What is it meant to accomplish? If I'm following what you're saying, it almost seems as if you're implying that this change has no impact whatsoever.

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