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Thread: Basilisk extended downtime 08/09/2017

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  1. #1
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    Server wipe would be best option the data is a maybe to recover not guaranteed.

  2. #2
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    My wife a few friends of mine and myself just started playing this a few weeks ago. We would all be frustrated to lose what we have so far worked for. If at all possible get the data back, but if not, well I will continue to play anyway.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by teldar1899 View Post
    My wife a few friends of mine and myself just started playing this a few weeks ago. We would all be frustrated to lose what we have so far worked for. If at all possible get the data back
    6/10 trolling.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fissile View Post
    6/10 trolling.
    I assure you I am no troll. I enjoyed playing, and would like to continue with what I have done. If there is no other solution, then wiping the server is the best option, but I would much prefer to continue with what I started doing than having to start over again.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by teldar1899 View Post
    I assure you I am no troll. I enjoyed playing, and would like to continue with what I have done. If there is no other solution, then wiping the server is the best option, but I would much prefer to continue with what I started doing than having to start over again.
    I was only jesting friend. there's many more out there with much more that are probably crying into pillows all over the world.

  6. #6
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    This server is LONG OVERDUE for a complete wipe of everything including names !

  7. #7
    Junior Member shivashandra's Avatar
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    Oh my god
    I don't really want the server to be wiped right now, but if it happens, well it's not that bad
    I wish TA and all devs good luck, and anyway, you guys are still the best ! Thanks for all your work ! <3

    (How much does the HD costed ? I think it's a perfect time to make donations...)
    Last edited by shivashandra; 08-09-2017 at 05:50 PM.

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  8. #8
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    Just incase it does wipe i've grabbed screenshots of my character so I can recreate him :P

  9. #9
    Newbie KommissarWhode's Avatar
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    You cannot control hardware failures. You also cannot control the need for a required wipe. You have done all this work on nothing or minimal donations, none of us have anything to complain about, and you certainly don't need to apologize. Thank you for all you've been doing for us hopeless SWG addicts, all these years, and we appreciate your future work for us as well. Anyone who says otherwise is a worthless rebel scumbag, and the Empire has more work to do. o7

  10. #10
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    I wish you know it all jackasses would just STFU! and stop giving this team a bad time about thier situation. These people have been working thier ASSES! off to bring this back for us.
    if you bann me for *** so be it but these *****s are not needed here....
    I feel better.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otislorx View Post
    I wish you know it all jackasses would just STFU! and stop giving this team a bad time about thier situation. These people have been working thier ASSES! off to bring this back for us.
    if you bann me for *** so be it but these *****s are not needed here....
    I feel better.
    I just took to time to read every post in this thread, and no one is giving them a "bad time". You are projecting a false narrative. A small number of players have simply voiced their frustration, and then said "oh well, let's get back up and do it again".

    The issue isn't a wipe. The vast majority of Basilisk's at the keyboard population have wanted a wipe for at least 3 years. Personally, a wipe is the only thing that would entice me back to Basilisk. As best as I can tell, the only members of this community who are currently outraged are the afk farmers and the pvpers who troll each other on Reddit all the time. No one cares about them, anyway.

    You're trying to lump in the members of this community asking valid questions about why Publish 9 was pushed on the very heels a KNOWN hardware failure, followed by a catastrophic 2nd failure, into an imaginary group of players who are nerdraging about a wipe. That's not what's happening here. People are concerned (and justly so) not about the prospect of a wipe, but rather about how a server with a failsafe in place could have possibly failed in this regard, and the answering we're getting right now from devs and staff is "meh, schtick happens, what can you do? We do this for free by the way, if we haven't mentioned that in the past fifteen minutes. Honestly what's the big deal? It's just a test server". And that is really condescending and off-putting.

    Personally, it all feels a little hinkey to me. The odds of TWO hard drives failing at the same time of a major publish....a publish poised to bring hundreds, if not thousands of players back to the server....are astronomical. To me, it feels more like they're wiping on purpose, but they just don't want to admit it. If that's the case, then I feel like they've really underestimated the resolve of this community (unless they care more about the reddit pvpers and afk farmers who will probably ragequit). Everyone I know who plays or who once played on Basilisk WANTS a wipe. So why the deception?

    Now I could be wrong about this....I've surely been wrong before about a great many things in life.......but, I don't know man.....this just feels too much like the exact same crap Stella Bellum's devs pulled when they "launched". It's just really hard for me to believe that this team of devs and staff could be THAT careless, and then be so apathetic about it. I mean, these are pretty tech savvy guys. True, you can't anticipate a hard drive failure, but you CAN make sure that both are functioning before you roll out the publish that everyone has been waiting for. It just doesn't add up. This project gets donations, and I don't really see any sense in the world why some of those donations couldn't have been used to ensure that the hard drives were both in working order before rolling out jedi. A planned wipe smokescreened by one heck of a coincidental double hard drive failure simply makes more logical sense.

    I have to echo the sentiments of others here; I don't care about a wipe, and I in fact welcome one. But what I do care about is what feels like a total lack of transparency, if not downright dishonesty. Moving forward, that's going to make a lot of members of this community give pause before donating.
    Last edited by flugel76; 08-10-2017 at 05:34 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by flugel76 View Post
    I just took to time to read every post in this thread, and no one is giving them a "bad time". You are projecting a false narrative. A small number of players have simply voiced their frustration, and then said "oh well, let's get back up and do it again".

    The issue isn't a wipe. The vast majority of Basilisk's at the keyboard population have wanted a wipe for at least 3 years. Personally, a wipe is the only thing that would entice me back to Basilisk. As best as I can tell, the only members of this community who are currently outraged are the afk farmers and the pvpers who troll each other on Reddit all the time. No one cares about them, anyway.

    You're trying to lump in the members of this community asking valid questions about why Publish 9 was pushed on the very heels a KNOWN hardware failure, followed by a catastrophic 2nd failure, into an imaginary group of players who are nerdraging about a wipe. That's not what's happening here. People are concerned (and justly so) not about the prospect of a wipe, but rather about how a server with a failsafe in place could have possibly failed in this regard, and the answering we're getting right now from devs and staff is "meh, schtick happens, what can you do? We do this for free by the way, if we haven't mentioned that in the past fifteen minutes. Honestly what's the big deal? It's just a test server".

    Personally, it all feels a little hinkey to me. The odds of TWO hard drives failing at the same time of a major publish....a publish poised to bring hundreds, if not thousands of players back to the server....are astronomical. To me, it feels more like they're wiping on purpose, but they just don't want to admit it. If that's the case, then I feel like they've really underestimated the resolve of this community (unless they care more about the reddit pvpers and afk farmers who will probably ragequit). Everyone I know who plays or who once played on Basilisk WANTS a wipe. So why the deception?

    Now I could be wrong about this....I've surely been wrong before about a great many things in life.......but, I don't know man.....this just feels too much like the exact same crap Stella Bellum's devs pulled when they "launched". It's just really hard for me to believe that this team of devs and staff could be THAT careless, and then be so apathetic about it. I mean, these are pretty tech savvy guys. True, you can't anticipate a hard drive failure, but you CAN make sure that both are functioning before you roll out the publish that everyone has been waiting for. It just doesn't add up. This project gets donations, and I don't really see any sense in the world why some of those donations couldn't have been used to ensure that the hard drives were both in working order before rolling out jedi. A planned wipe smokescreened by one heck of a coincidental double hard drive failure simply makes more logical sense.

    I have to echo the sentiments of others here; I don't care about a wipe, and I in fact welcome one. But what I do care about is what feels like a total lack of transparency, if not downright dishonesty. Moving forward, that's going to make a lot of members of this community give pause before donating.
    I just think IF there is going to be a wipe they minds well address some other things too like ADK's and the amount of toons we are allowed, if not the server will be back in the same position 1 year from now, minds well make these changes to insure longevity while you have the chance! This thread here : Really does well to highlight the benifits of a wipe for testing purposes not to mention the changes would help as well!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by hybridtheory View Post
    I just think IF there is going to be a wipe they minds well address some other things too like ADK's and the amount of toons we are allowed, if not the server will be back in the same position 1 year from now, minds well make these changes to insure longevity while you have the chance! This thread here : Really does well to highlight the benifits of a wipe for testing purposes not to mention the changes would help as well!
    I think you are far too optimistic in that thread.
    While it most certainly can be the case that people will actually play the niches, there is at least an equal chance that people will revert to cookie cutter templates without the room for experimentation.
    And lets be honest, I played from start till a little over NGE, and not once did I think to myself : "I really wish we had those carbineer debuffs right about now". Did you? Those things are not needed. They are nice to have, but most certainly not needed.

    It is a real challenge for Basilisk and its Devs. The target audience is different from what it was during the launch of the game and there is a fair chance that decisions that worked 13 years ago on a playerbase of several hundreds of thousands of people are not the best choice today.
    In fact, some of those choices did not work back then, considering the fact that virtually every 'dedicated' crafter or support character I knew was running at least 2 accounts.

    This games player (or really character) driven economy needs a certain critical mass to be viable.
    And that is why this possible wipe has me a bit worried. If too many people quit over this, we might have difficulty reaching that.

    Luckily most people here, including myself, do not seem to be too upset about this situation.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDSilver View Post
    In fact, some of those choices did not work back then, considering the fact that virtually every 'dedicated' crafter or support character I knew was running at least 2 accounts.
    Yup, my main on the SOE server was dedicated crafter. I had 2 accounts. hell there was a guy in my guild that was paying 165 bucks a month to have 11 accounts. Mostly for AFK sampling.

  15. #15
    Junior Member shadow2kx's Avatar
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    Announcing a possible wipe without knowing if it needs to be wiped seems really odd. Especially knowing how divided the community is over it, and how many years that players have been asking for it. I mean, wouldn't you want to make damn sure first before getting your community all worked up over nothing but a few days of downtime if that's all that comes of it?

    This is probably how SOE *lost* their old Pre-CU code.

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