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Thread: SWGEmu half-year financial report (second half of 2013)

  1. #91
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    PayPal is excepting it yes but def not sure what it plans to do with it i been tracking this my self as an inside investor in the company Ebay since they are one as is but there is another Company that will take USD to cryptocurrency and Back without the wait time like other exchanges and this one is tied to the Fed reserve so we might see hope that once this site becomes stable and more ppl use it cryptocurrencies will be legal "alternative" tender for "Online USE Only"

    i can keep you up to date on that being a day trader and a cryptominer i def get alot of free time

  2. #92
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wasted_Elmo View Post
    PayPal is excepting it yes but def not sure what it plans to do with it i been tracking this my self as an inside investor in the company Ebay since they are one as is but there is another Company that will take USD to cryptocurrency and Back without the wait time like other exchanges and this one is tied to the Fed reserve so we might see hope that once this site becomes stable and more ppl use it cryptocurrencies will be legal "alternative" tender for "Online USE Only"

    i can keep you up to date on that being a day trader and a cryptominer i def get alot of free time
    Sure, if and when you have more info please let us know.

  3. #93
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    ok so what i know so far there is not time line as to when this will happen or if this was the CEO's way of calling bluff to shut ppl up about splitting Ebay and PayPal into two companies like Google did ( know cause i own google A and B holding more votes on B) but the thing is since they just said they will hope to see this soon just shows that its a media stunt this follows as an interview days after a shareholders meeting came to say in a Q&A if they would ever see BitCoin as a form of payment and they said yes we could see this cause if not this type of currency can hurt us if we dont have it work for us..

    but they also wanna see how this new Company in which companies we come to love own bits of this one called "Circle" its what i been talking about when it comes to buying and selling cryptocurrency with out the three day wait time to see RL cash in your bank account so if anything check em out

    its free to sign up if your into that life of mining for coins


    i def am going to be investing into this cause digital currency is here and its willing to stay

  4. #94
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    hey i'm new to SWGEMU and I'm an old SWG vet. I'd be more than willing to help out but I don't know how donations work. Will there be a news update with details on how to donate?

    Nevermind i'm blind, I see it now.
    Last edited by Raysun; 05-23-2014 at 05:25 AM.

  5. #95
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    I have mad respect for the SWGemu team. They actually care, and want to better the game, unlike certain other games

  6. #96
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    so now that more companies are starting to think about adding bitcoin as a form of payment like Dish networks on bill payments and so forth this is a step into the light that PayPal/Ebay is not that far from doing the same thing i say by the end of summer or late winter this all should be some what a beta start of this project but def is risky for them to do so but then again its risky for Dish since they are thinking of merging with another company yet again so idk but their hopper tech an what ever they got seems to be good money and since they swimming in debt yeah bitcoin def help em out..

    but based on how much fraud reports Ebay on sales/transactions bitcoin for them is hard cause they might see the same problem spread over but other companies accept bitcoin on the low like Victoria Secrets and overstock.com (if you dont know about this site but seen it on tv before YW..) is another but there is more out there they just dont announce it like that for publicity they wanna work out the kinks before taking on a mass load of ppl who alrdy now to this day keep converting money to bitcoin just to have for safeguard when it comes to paper currency..

    but its here if you got to mine from 2009 till now your rich beyond dreams to this new type "digital currency" but to those its just a new leap to new evo..

    but Vlada i am sure this site would def be of interest when it comes to forms of payment you guys would like to implement (maybe bitcoin as form of donation like these android crypto devs do as in appdonation)

    Read More on Dish Accepting Bitcoin as form of Payment..

  7. #97
    Newbie Tangent's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, I used to work at ******. Sure, I worked in the IT dept, but I still mingled with all the other dept's. obviously. They do not let IP fall through the cracks, ever. They normally maintain a stranglehold on all IP even if it is simply shelved never to be used again. I will say this however... the ONE thing you have going for you right now is a prior agreement with SOE. ****** may be asshats when it comes to IP, but they are also deadly serious about agreements/contracts almost to a fault. If EMU has proof of an agreement with SOE, ****** will bite the bullet. If not, I expect this to be closed down as soon as they find the time to get around to it, and every single one of us who played it, will get a bill in the mail from the Mouse. ok, im joking about that last part, but after being under their employ... I'm only half joking.

  8. #98
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    ****** has nothing to do with SWG they may own the "star wars" name and its Subs but SWG is intelectual property Sony and SOE made with rights incorporated with Lucas Arts
    and since Sony and SOE still owning the rights to it as of Jan of this yr and with ****** killing/laying off lucas arts and its ppl that means SWG still pertains to SOE as property
    we should thank SOE for this cause even tho they closed down SWG a few yrs ago they still came back to say we wanna keep the SWG name and property so they made a
    sweet deal one that made SOE think we can be like EA and hold rights for a while like EA so i doubt this will close as a matter of fact SOE may have ****ed up SWG but they saved it from ****** so this is SOE way of Giving it back
    to the fans cause they are aware that the SWG emu project is going as a matter o "FACT" i know a friend who his cousin was one of the Devs to SOE before getting transferred into EQ2 project saying he was working with one or two ppl who was
    bringing back SWG underground just didnt get to say which project ( didnt wanna get all IGN interview on it) but the Emu aint closing down if anything they wouldnt have to worry about ****** its more of Sony but i doubt any one would even care
    unless ****** buys SOE titles but come on really do we have to go there ...

    but this is an update to the EBay/PayPal it seems Carl Ichan and major investor with Ebay has gotten into a bit of trouble with insider trading now those who are not familiar with the term should just know that its bad news
    with that said Ebay is going to hold off on any projects for now till this investigation is over Ebay is prepared to ease tensions with other investors into the matter and is insuring that things will go on just not right now

    i mean so far this past 12 months Ebay has been under pressure from Elon Musk and Carl Ichan to spin off PayPal from Ebay and since Ebay is sure that Ebay/PayPal will stay together for a long while they been getting comments from other traders about the matter but Carl is to blame for sending out letters to other Ebay investors to vote on the spin off gladly i didnt vote on this cause i felt Ebay will fall with out the support of PayPal and all the celeb power they have cause Ebay loses alot of money over fraud and refunds to ppl who dont get their items or get lost in the mail (supposedly)

    so with that said its going to be awhile with the rise in BitCoin going past $600 since Dec i figure its going to be a mainstream "digital currency" by next yr so far IRS changed its ruling saying bitcoin and any cryptocurrency is no longer a property but now a value of money problem is that you must report it as "self employed" if you Mine it and they will know this from your ISP ( thanks FCC internet neutral ****) and they will also know from the energy consumption as well ( just how the DEA and FBI know you have a grow house from the heat and energy consumption in your house) the government of this country is still messed up in its own way but they are just not yet ready to trust a digital coin that can get stolen like the Magic the Gathering Xchange or MtGox as some ppl know em by ...

    but def you should get cracking on getting bitcoin into your life ppl are making money on donation from litecoin and bitcoin and since then the rise in bitcoin is going back up giving ppl hope again to trade in cryptocurrency

  9. #99
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    well news aint good this time around it seems David Marcus CEO of paypal is leaving the company to work for Facebook (which is stupid but hey every one wants to work for FB now a days )
    this sets back any project to bring cryptocurrency to paypal till a new CEO is appointed and reviews the projects Marcus had planned

    June 27th is Marcus last day with paypal dont know when he is to start working for FB but he said that he rather be apart of a group where he can "manage smaller teams" to achieve something grater
    i mean ppl in this world fight to make something an call them selves CEO i mean Mark Z made it clear "i am CEO *****" but this dude clearly lost his head

    there is worries that all that was said about the future of paypal will no longer see the day of light this yr hence why shares of Ebay dropped when the news broke out that the CEO of PayPal is leaving
    FB has stolen alot of good ppl from strong companies and have those companies fall after their departure to FB ppl are starting to think that what happen to Zynga is going to happen to PayPal where all its employees just quit so they
    can work for the silicon valley company

  10. #100
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    Well I'm going to start donating some then. I hope you guys resolve whatever issues you're having with ******.

  11. #101
    Newbie Kelian's Avatar
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    What's the status for 2014?

    I'd set up a recurring monthly donation but Paypal sucks. You guys need an easier way to donate.

  12. #102
    SWGEmu Retired Community Relations bigevil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelian View Post
    What's the status for 2014?

    I'd set up a recurring monthly donation but Paypal sucks. You guys need an easier way to donate.
    Not sure of everyones aversion to paypal. Been using it since it started.
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  13. #103
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Paypal is actually the easiest way to do it.

  14. #104
    Newbie Kelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigevil View Post
    Not sure of everyones aversion to paypal. Been using it since it started.
    I reset my password since its been years but they won't verify the key they sent me so I can't even log in. I'm going to have to create a new PayPal account just for you guys that's why I hate it. Always hoops to jump through.

    Anyways when does the next expense report come out? And are there any limits to a donation to an NPO?

  15. #105
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelian View Post
    Anyways when does the next expense report come out? And are there any limits to a donation to an NPO?
    When i make a new report, July or beginning of August depending on how hectic RL is, and i have no idea.

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