Quote Originally Posted by Revanis View Post
Fine, I'm sorry I was so harsh. I stand by what I said in regards to the effect on Basilisk, but I should not have been so rude. My friend was nearly in tears and that upset me quite a bit, my bad.

PS. Technically I didn't explicitly break any of those rules since one has to be pretty harsh to trigger them, sorry to burst that bubble.

Just trying to calm people down, sorry.
you should learn to calm down and think about what you are saying before responding if you are unable to treat people with decency and respect when you are upset. Cami was upset. Cami stopped posting until she had calmed down and treated the community with respect and honesty. people respect her for it.

your "apology" is far from sounding sincere... it also minimizes your behavior. be harsh is not what you did.

just because there are no consequences for you does not mean you did not violate those rules. just as the original issue required judgement to look at the policy and know that the event violated the spirit of it... you should be capable of reading those rules and knowing that your actions violate them.