Quote Originally Posted by hybridtheory View Post

Some of these guys are having trouble reading the words, they don't do too good at the readin" but I can tell you are obviously above that and will come around to our 2 toon ideology and help spread the word!

Obviously players on the EMU are for more advanced then live players in terms of Knowledge, please come back with at least a good argument!
Insulting people is no way to promote a discussion or persuade people to your line of thinking. Its a great way to make enemies and people dislike you and stop listening to anything you have to say. Stop that. I for one will never take you seriously if you continue to treat people that way and if these forums have the ability to block messages from certain users. You will be my first addition to that block list.

I think with such a small server 2 characters is not enough to promote the gathering and crafting economy. Many of you say oh its so broken. Apparently you don't remember live when desirable resources sold for 100 to 500 per unit and a decent cheap crates of brandy were a 100k or more.

As far as I can tell, especially with the uptick to 100 or so connections on Nova, there is zero point in changing the toon count policy right now, even if there is a wipe. It will not encourage database bloat to limit the number of toons and characters that people have available to them so that those problems can be addressed and solved before the final wipe. The active player base is simply not there to build up database bloat with only 2 characters a per account.

While I don't know the details of the problems the Emu team is trying to solve with the Db, I do know a few things about development and hardware. SSD's wear over time and their capacity shrinks naturally until they fail completely. Data constantly moves around on SSD's due to a built feature called wear leveling. SO, you could have a 400GB SSD, and after a year that SSD dependent on use and workflow may only be 300GB due to wear and tear. This server afaik is many years old. If those 400GB SSD's are that old and supporting a 300GB Db, that wearing and loss of drive space is likely what caused the failure and was a valuable test and lesson learned for the team running Basilisk. I'd say this is very educational for them. If that's not what happened, its still been a very educational lesson learned.

Personally, I prefer dealing with those bots, over players for buffs. I don't need every interaction to be a chance to chat with someone, but I do need buffs to go grind out certain types of XP. Changing rules to reduce stress on the system, reduce afk bots, and encourage more real players with less toons logged in does not make for a stronger and more resilient server when the Emu team finally makes it to a live release. You want that bloat, and load, and stress, because that's where in my experience as a developer the interesting bugs and design flaws start showing themselves. If players can't provide that and they have had years to come back then let let there be bots and multiple logins and more than 2 toons per account.