Quote Originally Posted by ebayne View Post
I keep seeing a lot of junk about economies and interdependence.

That would mean a lot more if this were a game.

It isn't.

As others have pointed out, this is development exercise disguised as a game, destined to be wiped sooner or later. More knowledgeable folks than me have explained why a wipe isn't Plan A, but it has nothing to do with whether or not people want to buy stuff from other people. Nor is it about preserving (or for that matter, destroying) the status quo for the benefit or convenience of us stress-testers. As far as I know, the "economy" isn't being stress tested. Don't bother arguing that crafting would be tested more thoroughly if there was more of a profit motive, that's magical thinking.

When the project becomes a game, intended to persist and please a community of players instead of testers, then we can get all hot and sweaty about interdependence, and the economy, and all those other meta-games.

In short, the problem isn't implementation, it's a problem of expectations.
Hey hey, how's things?

You're right - the object of the server is testing new code in prep for 1.0... for that reason (and others) I really hope no wipe happens.

There has to be a balance struck though, as the sheer timescales involved mean you need to retain a fair degree of goodwill from the community. Dogmatic pursuit of project goals needs to be tempered by the need to make the testing enjoyable or you risk toiling over lines of code for many many years and end up with a very empty Suncrusher server in 202x.

I personally think the balance is struck pretty well most of the time by the way...