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Thread: Basilisk extended downtime 08/09/2017

  1. #196
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    'Funny I was up until 11:30 doing missions to get taming 4 which I got... lol

    One thing I would like to add if I may.

    There are people upset if there is a server wipe. Why I have seen nothing but people macro afk.. non stop... I don't believe in that and earned everything the right way.
    I would love to see a none afk marco put in so everyone earns there xp. I have a full time job and family.. So i realize the time sink as well.

    The other thing is there are so many houses.. how can 800 people on line make up for the thousand of houses sitting around?

    I think a server wipe would be good just to clean up the whole place...

  2. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by palaxe View Post
    'Funny I was up until 11:30 doing missions to get taming 4 which I got... lol

    One thing I would like to add if I may.

    There are people upset if there is a server wipe. Why I have seen nothing but people macro afk.. non stop... I don't believe in that and earned everything the right way.
    I would love to see a none afk marco put in so everyone earns there xp. I have a full time job and family.. So i realize the time sink as well.

    The other thing is there are so many houses.. how can 800 people on line make up for the thousand of houses sitting around?

    I think a server wipe would be good just to clean up the whole place...
    I would be okay with the wipe if they were going to cure the disease and not just the symptoms. If 10 character slots per server remain, then we'll have the same land grab of single accounts holding shuttleport cities.

  3. #198
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    I just want to take this opportunity to say "thank you" to all of the developers who have put forth the effort to work on this project for the past 10+ years. Without all of your hard work, I would have never gotten the chance to play star wars galaxies again.

    Regardless of how all of this plays out in the coming weeks, I wish this project the best success possible.

    I look forward to the day when the project is finally complete.

  4. #199
    Senior Member Hedge15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lavender View Post
    I would be okay with the wipe if they were going to cure the disease and not just the symptoms. If 10 character slots per server remain, then we'll have the same land grab of single accounts holding shuttleport cities.
    I think a rank 4 city requires 55 citizens?

  5. #200
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    Lord, never thought I'd see such angry little armchair devs (; lmao

    I agree with the basic sentiment that's been put-forward: THANK YOU for the project as it is. The fact we're even walking into Pub 9 is great. Really can't wait to see where things go from here.

    I have a good feeling about this. Sometimes, flash crashes in markets are the healthiest thing that can happen; I am a firm believer in that this can be applied to most things in life. Really, I just hope for a quick fix so we can all get to the highly-anticipated Publish and really start making waves!

  6. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    Oh we do. That is always the highlight of any hardware failure.
    Vlada haha, you crack me up.

    I can only imagine how frustrating this is for you volunteers who have worked so hard on the project. Hang in there. I'll all up for a wipe or whatever! Sounds like most of us are Glad to see most coming together and not complaining here.
    If you want me to kick someone's a$$ as Softlayer (I'm assuming that's the host) It's right down the road. One of my ex-wives works there, could always make her day worse by calling her lol.

    Looking forward to kicking up the dust on Tat again soon! Thank you all again for all your hard work!

  7. #202
    Retired SWGEmu Staff Mistress Aerea's Avatar
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    I have faith that TA and the other devs will do all they can, and come to the decision that is right for the project as a whole, long term.

    Recovering huge amounts of data is very important for long term stress testing, but if its gone and unrecoverable, we'll all survive and provide lots more data to test with.
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  8. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by drake groth View Post
    The last time they did a financial report was on 09-11-2016:

    I highly doubt there are financial problems, because if there was it would have been made known and we would have taken care of it.

    One would think they might have let us know they needed a replacement backup HD when it went out weeks ago.

  9. #204
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    I wish you know it all jackasses would just STFU! and stop giving this team a bad time about thier situation. These people have been working thier ASSES! off to bring this back for us.
    if you bann me for *** so be it but these *****s are not needed here....
    I feel better.

  10. #205
    Newbie lurch1313's Avatar
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    9 out of 10 players prefer a HDD wipe, that 10th guy is an A-Hole

  11. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by birdmanyo View Post
    One would think they might have let us know they needed a replacement backup HD when it went out weeks ago.
    Why on God's green earth would they need to tell us? That's like telling your wife you're going to get gas in the car on the way home. It's not like they didn't have the money, they just didn't do it. No need to tell us one way or the other if they did or didn't.

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  12. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryjarob View Post
    Erm, how?
    It will take players longer to get to the village.. and complete village grind. Therefore it will take longer for any bugs to be stumbled upon, test and ironed out.
    Please tell me how a wipe will benefit testing? because I don't see it.
    The current state of Basilisk is completely out of sorts due to the years of farming and power creep. The Jedi class were never designed nor tweaked to survive in these conditions. The debate on the forums in this regards is pretty straight forward, the only thing a Jedi could do now is really run-in, heal, run out. You will not be able to stand toe-to-toe with any of the top tier PVP'ers from a simple equipment imbalance issue (it would be literally laughable). Suncrusher will be "prestine" similar to a wipe on Basilisk. There would be a lag phase, yes, but then you would have them existing in a world perspective against contemporaries that will have a substantively reduced power curve. Any balancing can be viewed much more clearly in this environment. In reference to your brute force testing for bugs, etc. I would agree but that's what TC Nova is for. You can simulate whatever we need there to hammer things out if we think it's really an issue. Even if this slows down suncrusher by 6 months, at least we all (Devs included) will get some insight on what that's going to look like with all classes in play. Just my thoughts.

  13. #208
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    A server wipe.. I just got my TKM right where I wanted him. *cries* Oh well.. it'll give me a chance to explore other character types and have more adventures. Many thanks to the developers for all their hard work! Each of you do a great job!

  14. #209
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    It took a lot of pain and effort to ninja my way into that server farm and "handle" this situation. I believe some of those donations should be given to me but I will settle for a level playing field. You are all welcome!

  15. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDSilver View Post
    Likely because this game's playerbase and its target audience have changed significantly over the years.

    One of the biggest differences between 19 year old me and 33 year old me is about 4 hours of game time a day.
    If I have to spend more then half of the little time I do have looking for dancers and doctors who's numbers will be decimated by such restrictions, I'll be gone within a month. Though that's just me off course.

    Anyway, the devs have the numbers, and they have been doing a great job so far. So I have faith they'll make the right call.
    no way man. the med centers are always littered with docs as it is. so instead of having 3-5 docs buffbotting you might have 1-2. a small increase in buff wait time is a very small price to pay for the solvency of the economy which is heavily overproducing and sorely underconsuming

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