Quote Originally Posted by musashima View Post
Does this server get wiped from time to time? > i'm a newcomer to swgemu and played swg pre cu, just curious if all my hard grinding is pointless? :P
There will be a wipe, eventually. But it's a long time to go until then, and it will be the wipe before swgemu launches with version 1.0. [Always given that the codes and servers and all the backups don't suddenly burst into flames and implode into eternal nothingness.]
So! Either way, if you are a newcomer, I suggest you do some hard grinding, just to get an idea of what you want to do later and get the pre cu feeling again!
1.0 is in distant far future.

... As for the mandatory crying about the server-down. Yeah, also german here, and also sitting and staring at the (hopefully soon green) red server icon. Europeans have always been screwed with maintenance times, also on live, when it was saturday afternoon at 1pm. We're used to it! Keep the great work up, there will be plenty of weekends for us to play in the future, thanks to your efforts. I'm currently learning C++, just so maybe one day I can help, too.
All thumbs up! Including toes. And dog's paws.