Quote Originally Posted by Rischie View Post
One major problem I see, is that if they are account bound, all the weapons that people lost will be extremely hard to replace, because MOST high end weapons already have an adk on them. So it will be even harder for someone who just lost stuff to get it again. On the trade forums you see almost exclusively high end stuff only come with an adk because when someone makes it they immediately slap one on. This essentially takes all the good weapons out of circulation and will inflate the prices which will be impossible for most people to replace their stuff.

Is there are middle ground where we can remove adked items from the adks without getting them destroyed for a little bit? Or maybe even you have the option now to either destroy the item OR destroy the Adk.

Something like that I think would be interesting. Just a suggestion.
I thought the account-bound solution was just something to allow people to move ADKed stuff between their own toons while they're still "no trade". I didn't think the intention was to leave it like that indefinitely.

I certainly see the value of doing that 1.0, but switching now would result in a lot of unnecessary unfairness like you mentioned.