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Thread: [SWGEmu Event] TC:Prime - Publish 10 Stress Test Event - April 13, 2019

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    [SWGEmu Event] TC:Prime - Publish 10 Stress Test Event - April 13, 2019

    TC:Prime - Publish 10 Stress Test

    The SWGEmu Events Division

    TC:Prime - Publish 10 Stress Test Event

    When: Saturday April 13th 2019 at 2 PM EDT / 11 AM PDT / 6 PM UTC / 8 PM CEST (check your local time here)

    Where: TC: Prime Server - Exact Location Announced in game via System Message

    Come join the SWGEmu Staff for a stress test of Publish 10 on our TC:Prime Server! Help us attempt to push the Publish 10 code to its limits while having a fun time in game with your fellow community members! During this time the Basilisk Server as well as TC:Nova will be unavailable in order to get full community participation in testing of the Publish 10 Code.

    PLEASE NOTE: TC: Prime is the exact copy of Basilisk, so all your Basilisk characters, with all their gear will be waiting for you on TC: Prime. Also, there is no need to worry about your Basilisk characters, they will be waiting for you just how you left them before the stress test and nothing that happens on TC: Prime will have any effect on them.

    Waypoints will be released in game through system messages. Players will need to group with one another and work to take down anything that stand in their way. Once each area has been cleared of all hostiles another waypoint shall be released.

    After all areas are cleared players are invited to join every in Theed, Naboo for a SWGEmu Staff Meet and Greet as well as a party! The more players that are able to attend the harder we are able to push the server! We hope to see everyone there!

    Standard Event Buffs (1900 Health & Action; 1000 Mind) will be provided via Buff Terminals. Of course you are free to bring your doctors and buff yourselves or your friends if you choose to do so. There will also be cloning facilities with Buff Terminals in them located near each of the waypoints in case players are killed during the battles.

    Any Jedi that are in progress and needing to complete their Jedi Knight Trials may find the missing Trials they seek during particular stages of the Event!


    ~The SWGEmu Staff

    Message from LordKator:

    Please note that Basilisk and Nova will be offline (as the post says), my hope is to do some maintenance on Basilisk while the event is up.

    I plan to take Basilisk down about 3 hours before the event and will have it down for maintenance through the next morning around 9 AM Eastern time.

    I will clone Basilisk to TC:Prime the morning of Saturday April 13th so most of your characters and houses etc will be up to date.

    I'll make sure we have Blue Frogs also on TC: Prime before the event so people who want to just go nuts on TC: Prime can do so without a lot of effort.
    Last edited by Vlada; 04-13-2019 at 12:47 PM.
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