• 07/29/2018 Weekly Update

    Weekly Update

    The SWGEmu Development Division

    We are using Jenkins & Gerrit. You can find all commits to Test Center Nova here. You can still report all bugs you find on Test Center Nova to the Mantis Bug Tracker. A helpful guide to bug reporting can be found here.
    Our current focus is the Publish 10 Checklist. Features planned to be in publish 10 can be seen in the SWGEmu Roadmaps

    Non linked Mantis reports are in the dev/QA area and can not be viewed with out dev/QA access.

    (Stable) = Commits are now on Basilisk
    (Unstable) = Commits are on TC Nova and are being tested

    Farelli (Quality Assurance)
    • (unstable)[Fixed] Mark of Courage will no longer generate with serial number. Mantis #7599
    • (unstable)[Fixed] NULL checks in SnoopCommand

    (Quality Assurance)
    • (unstable)[Fixed] Faction NPC chance to hit typos

    ~ The SWGEmu Development Division