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Thread: SWGEmu - 1.0 and the future of JTL

  1. #76
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    First, I can't say thank you enough for dedicating your time to allow me the ability to play the game. I do truly appreciate it.

    Speaking as somebody who can write basic code, and has tried getting into it on his own server -I know I'm definitely not a target for the type of developer you want. However, I imagine even lower level developers could help somehow? Many hands make light work?

    When I first started trying to get into it one of the devs said (paraphrasing) "start by moving people around in x/y/z and try spawning things etc... Move from that to try to write a small screenplay". Coming from somebody who wants to help but who can't seem to bridge the distance between spawning stuff and moving things around in x/y/z (easy) to writing a screenplay (zomfg!) is there a recommended pathway or set of resources that could help or is it a waste of time and you'd rather just have mantis reports and nova-tests?

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  2. #77
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    One other thing that I have not seen anyone mention on the thread yet ( perhaps I missed it so someone can correct me if I am wrong ) Anyhow the largest point I'd like to make to the community is this. The dev team over the years has essentially recreated SWG from the ground up.

    Now stop and think about what that really means for a minute. SWG took SOE years to develop themselves. They had as many developers as they needed working 8+ hours a day for years on this and they were being paid for it.

    The dev team of SWGemu, has built this game from the ground up with out being paid and with out the backing of a multi billion dollar corporation to throw money where ever someone said it was needed. So truly everyone lets be grateful we have as much of swg as we do right now. While yes the project gets donations none of those donations actually make it into anyones pocket who is working on the project itself. All those donations go to pay for the server and other fee's incurred with the project.

    So remember this is all done as a donation of time by anyone working on the project.

    Lets just hope along the way someone who is capable of doing JTL decides to donate their time to the project and we can eventually have it!

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  3. #78
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    Thanks for letting us know the status and plans. You guys have been doing good work.

  4. #79
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    I'm happy that we have this much of the ground game. Yeah, space was nice and it would be fun to go back to, but what we currently have is better than nothing. I had all but given up on ever playing SWG ever again and this is already more than I could have ever asked for.
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  5. #80
    Junior Member ultragigatank's Avatar
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    J Allen Brack can't possibly be too happy right now. Should give him a call
    Without Modthegalaxy we wouldn't be doing this.

  6. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultragigatank View Post
    J Allen Brack can't possibly be too happy right now. Should give him a call
    If I had his resources JTL would have been done years ago.
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  7. #82
    Junior Member Big-N-Buff's Avatar
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    Been mostly silently following this project since it was made public... despite the JTL news, I'm super happy we're almost there. We're in the final stretch boys (and girls)!
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  8. #83
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    I know nothing of programming, but thanks you guys for all you've done to make the game I love available to adventure in! It means a great deal to me to be able to "live" in this world (though my characters die frequently). As someone once said, I plan to be here till the lights go out.

  9. #84
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    Since JTL is "different game" why not ask devs from other active SWG servers to give to SWG emu space game. Buying is also option from my POV.
    other teams already solved those issues, just ask them.

  10. #85
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windwalker4u View Post
    Since JTL is "different game" why not ask devs from other active SWG servers to give to SWG emu space game. Buying is also option from my POV.
    other teams already solved those issues, just ask them.

  11. #86
    Junior Member Big-N-Buff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windwalker4u View Post
    Since JTL is "different game" why not ask devs from other active SWG servers to give to SWG emu space game. Buying is also option from my POV.
    other teams already solved those issues, just ask them.
    It's been stated about eleventy two times (in this thread alone) that those "devs" from other SWG servers are using illegal/stolen code, so that's not an option. Did you not read any of this thread?
    SWG-Flurry | <DFR><LoS><KOE><TITAN><Merc> Big-N-Buff | Burn'ing Chaos | Big-N-Tough <Merc><TITAN><KOE><LoS><DFR> | SWG-Flurry

  12. #87
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    A lot of this discussion has focused on the non-technical contributing factors (time, passion, etc) and impacts (faster to 1.0, community perception of devs, etc) of this decision. That is great for the community to hear and discuss.

    However, I'm curious if there is room, now, to discuss the technical aspects of the problem? I think Thrax989 wasn't wrong when he said it's hard to contribute to JTL.
    This announcement came as a bit of a shock to me, even though I read every post in the development forum and frequently read commits in gerrit. I even used to lurk in the opendev IRC channel all day while at work because the development of this project is so fascinating to me. As a full-time C++ developer of 3D simulations (albeit non-networked) for a DOD contractor, JTL is the area of the project I am most interested in, but I feel like it's a mysterious enigma of a problem that nobody wants talk about. In an ideal world, all the work that has been put into it already, even fruitlessly, would be publicly available (through public forks of the repository, more open forums, wiki, etc). This would allow prospective developers a chance to understand the real technical challenges being faced.

    This list from the closed thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by lordkator View Post
    * JTL is a space game, the ground game is not really 3d, so we need different spatial indexing tech
    * In space, projectiles "tick" (they move in a direction with a velocity) and they collide with another object, on the ground you can't dodge a rifle shot, in space you can dodge a missile.
    * Since the game was written by different devs, some subtle things are different like the coordinate system is not the same as the ground game (i.e. x/z/y etc.)
    * core3 was not designed for "ticks", we might be able to hack it in but it would be a nightmare
    Makes any real hope of implementing JTL in the current engine seem technically infeasible. However, the devs in this thread have implied JTL is still possible in the current engine, given enough time/interest. What are the dev team's current ideas of how to solve these problems? What has been tried? Is Oru on board to update the engine? Or would the solutions work within the limitations of the engine?

    None of what I wrote above is intended to insult or blame the current devs. I just want to offer the perspective of a capable outsider who would *love* to contribute to JTL, but doesn't know how.

  13. #88
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    A dev will probably comment your thoughts, what I would suggest though, if you are honestly interested in contributing, contact the devs that has posted and start a dialog. We are open for dev recruitment, we always have. Especially for this. Most of our staff are willing to help people who show that they are dedicated and willing to commit.
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  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by nostyleguy View Post
    ...I just want to offer the perspective of a capable outsider who would *love* to contribute to JTL, but doesn't know how.
    Join the team!

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  15. #90
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    None of this is as difficult as it sounds. It's much more the time involved than the difficulty of code. If someone wants to take up developing and maintaining (key word) a 3d spatial partitioning system (See: the rest of everything mentioned is an easily solvable problem.

    Everything to do with ships I implemented in JTL. You can fit components, fly around, shoot weapons, use POB's, spawn star destroyers. Contrary to what LK said, collision does actually work. Both between ships and between projectiles. It's just horribly inefficient and likely to change drastically whenever t
    e systems are written to actually MMOify the ****.

    With that said, JTL is not in active development. I do not have the time or brainpower left to manage a new partitioning scheme ontop of everything else that would need to be done for JTL. We've gone about as far as we can without writing the supporting architecture.

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