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Thread: Basilisk maintenance 3/4/13

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    We will try to change our timetable to better accommodate all your needs.
    I get it that maintenance has to happen at some time. But I am sure there are just as many EU chaps as US. Does the maintenance always have to be at EST preferable times?

    Fanboi replies aside, I expect to get flamed. Surely my opinion counts as much as anyone else's? I got flamed in a previous post a while ago for suggesting that all the devs/mods were American, and told that was not the case. So why not alternate between EU and US convenient times for the maintenance?

    And Dymonite, some of us actually do pay for this and make contributions every month. We can't all be sponging fanbois.
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    We will try to change our timetable to better accommodate all your needs.
    LMAO, I have monday and tuesday off too, spending it with my wife, take your time, and do what you need to do, I love playing SWG and love that you guys even have an emu setup let alone make sure it runs smoothly for us

    Edit: Also like last time it was down for bout 30hrs, so it makes no difference what time zone you are in, no one is getting a better deal out of it, it happens, things need to be fixed/done/edited, I feel kind of dissapointed that instead of "Thank you guys for taking the time to make our server better etc etc" all i seem to see is "Why cant it be at such n such, but its my day off, whine, whine...."
    Last edited by Trouvo; 03-04-2013 at 12:00 PM.

  3. #3
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    yes we poor unimportant euros... how dare they rob us two days of our precious gaming experience - which wouldn't even exist without them doing what they are doing - that we work so hard and pay so much for


  4. #4
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    I always hated that with the swg team on live, they always took down the server at midday GMT so that us euro players lost time in game and the Americans didn't lose any because they should be asleep by that time of the morning.

    I mean why do Americans get to play till 4am and we lose time in the day surely they should have done server downtime at like midnight USA time back in the day of swg live. Damn them old swg devs lol

    I'm sure though that the swgemu devs are much nicer people than the swg devs and accommodate the euro players much better. Let's hope anyway as its not ALL about the USA time zone you know people.

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  5. #5
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    We do what we do when its convenient for us, has nothign to do with your or anyone elses play time, which I might add is irrelevant in this case. Person doing this, TheAnswer is from Europe, and he will brig the server down when it works best for him, it has nothing to do with you, me or anyone else for that matter, it has to do with TA's schedule.

    EDIT: Just checked on Google analitics, in the last 30 days of all the visits to SWGEmu 66.70% came from US.
    Last edited by Vlada; 03-04-2013 at 09:29 AM.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Swedishoyster's Avatar
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    We real gamers play 24/7 and are thus not affected by silly time zones.

    As for SSD vs. optimizing code, we should be happy we don't have lazy developers that just up the hardware but instead tries to optimize the code and database as much as possible. I would however have no problem with donating a little more in the future should the need arise.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Swedishoyster View Post
    We real gamers play 24/7 and are thus not affected by silly time zones.
    You made my day sir! Hope everything runs smoothly that TA can have a cup of tea in the eve while the sun is shining

  8. #8
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Basilisk will be taken offline for maintenance in 15 minutes (6:35AM EST).

  9. #9
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    Thumbs up SWGEmu Is Awesome!

    haha go USA Desporo i figured you where american. As for SWGEmu team, take your time, fix everything! lol

    oh Vlada you flame extinguisher xD

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  10. #10
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    Vlada firs off, I have not been her elong but may I say your fantastic? You are very active and you do seem to have one of the longest fuses I have ever seen. (As in very patiant).

    If you know, or could ask perhaps..

    Why are we even keeping the Database on the SSD? I mean... I for one see very little reason to it. I could explain more in detail if needed but most of what the Database does it transfer bits and peices back and forth via bandwith. I can see the SSD being helpful when it comes to moving the database on and off but even than as see last week and will see this week, diskspeed has NOTHING to do with that.

    On top of that, the other hardrives mounted in that machine I can say with near certinty that they are Caviar Blacks if not something comparable which are near a decent SSD in most things. Now laoding time, sure... the server would take 15% (ish) longer to load. (On Start-up) if the SSD is a good one (speed wise), but I bet you it's not, I bet it's a more reliable one that is slower then the rest.

    We would have no issues with space though

  11. #11
    Member Nikaty's Avatar
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    My husband loves these outages as the house gets cleaner than usual wipe down and hovering. Actually started doing the garden work today so he will be over the moon when he gets home today. lol I love playing as much as the next person and get major withdrawl pangs. But in the long run...we are talking about a few hrs to improve the gaming experience due to a better set up database. Vlada said it might need to happen one more time...maybe I will catch up on the Ironing then. I can get past the withdrawls quickly knowing it will only get better.

    Thanks guys for all you are doing to ensure smoother gaming for us addicted players, and I suspect you guys play as well sometimes so are effected by this downtime as well.

    Roll on the next 32 hrs, approx time of last outage due to maint.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akoz View Post
    Vlada firs off, I have not been her elong but may I say your fantastic? You are very active and you do seem to have one of the longest fuses I have ever seen. (As in very patiant).

    If you know, or could ask perhaps..

    Why are we even keeping the Database on the SSD? I mean... I for one see very little reason to it. I could explain more in detail if needed but most of what the Database does it transfer bits and peices back and forth via bandwith. I can see the SSD being helpful when it comes to moving the database on and off but even than as see last week and will see this week, diskspeed has NOTHING to do with that.

    On top of that, the other hardrives mounted in that machine I can say with near certinty that they are Caviar Blacks if not something comparable which are near a decent SSD in most things. Now laoding time, sure... the server would take 15% (ish) longer to load. (On Start-up) if the SSD is a good one (speed wise), but I bet you it's not, I bet it's a more reliable one that is slower then the rest.

    We would have no issues with space though
    We use SSDs because our database has almost 100 million (350GB) objects. We need VERY fast random access speeds, something that no HDD comes close to SSDs.

    You say 15% slower HA! Nova hdds (raid1) take 10 times more to load and do the object saves compared to Basilisk SSDs.
    Last edited by TheAnswer; 03-04-2013 at 01:00 PM. |
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnswer View Post
    We use SSDs because our database has almost 100 million (350GB) objects. We need VERY fast random access speeds, something that no HDD comes close to SSDs.

    You say 15% slower HA! Nova hdds (raid1) take 10 times more to load and do the object saves compared to Basilisk SSDs.
    I love this response.

  14. #14
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    I have built quite a few servers and rigs, SSD are coming down in price with larger space but would it not be more efficent to have a couple larger Raptors and fill the system with as much ram as it would take?

  15. #15
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    TheAnswer has spoken.

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