SWGEmu Project Status List
The SWGEmu Staff
Last Updated: July 31, 2023
Whats Implemented in the SWGEmu Project?
Green - Feature has been implemented and is usable (may require fine tuning).
Orange - Feature has been partially implemented and is mostly usable (requires fine tuning and testing).
Red - Feature is currently in the planning or development stage.
A. Preliminary FeaturesCharacter- Custom Avatar Creation
- Player HAM per Species per Profession
- Attributes
- Character Naming
- Character Deleting
- Biographies
- Zoning in to World
- Stat Migration in Tutorial
- Tutorial Planet Selection
- Startup Items
- User Interface
- Datapad
- Inventory
- Backpacks and Containers
- Titles
- Badges
- Racial Abilities
- Languages
- Profession Experience
- Skills
- Skill Mods
- Teaching
- Tutorial
Communication, Transportation, and Messaging- Chat
- Group Chat
- Guild Chat
- Private Messages
- System Messages
- Combat Spam
- Planetary Chat
- General Chat
- Custom Chat Channels
- Message of the Day
- Mail
- Grouping
- Guilds
- Guild Creation
- Guild Administration
- Disband Guild
- Friends List
- Planetary Travel
- Starports
- Shuttleports
- Vehicles
- Creature Mounts
- Cell Movement
- Planetary Map
- Waypoints
Economy - Banking including Player Banks
- Safety Deposit Box
- Bazaar
- Auctions
- Instant Sales
- Item Acquisition
- Trading
- Tipping
- Vendors
Missions and Quests- Crafting Missions
- Survey Missions
- Destroy Missions
- Delivery Missions
- Bounty Hunter Missions
- Recon Missions
- Escort Missions
- Entertainer Missions
- Faction Missions
- Quests
- Generic Quests
- Padawan Trials
- Village
Buffs- Doctor Buffs
- Food Buffs
- Drink Buffs
- Skill Buffs
- Spices
B. Combat Features- HAM Updates (Damage, Attack Cost)
- Default Attack
- Weapon Speed/Damage Modifiers
- Tangible Weapons/Items
- DoT's
- Special Moves
- Line of Sight
- Dueling
- Cloning including Player Cloning Facilities
- Behavior Tree AI Implementation
- Creature Spawns
- Lairs
- Galactic Civil War
- NPC Factional Recruiters
- Factional Ranking
- Factional Item Perks
- Faction Base Placement
- Player event perks
- Combat skills that require AI
C. Crafting FeaturesResources - Resource Spawns
- Resource Shifts
- Resource Stats
- Distributions and Density Maps
- Surveying Including Survey Events
- Sampling
- Sampling Radioactives
Crafting- Attributes
- Assembly
- Experimentation
- Item Creation
- Crafting Stations
- Manufacture Schematics
- Identical and Similar Components
- Factory Crates
- Armor Specials
- Medic Crafting
- Combat Medic Crafting
- Droid Crafting
- Creature Crafting
D. Database- Creatures
- NPCs
- Droids
- Item Stats
- Loot Table
- Resources
- Static NPC Spawns (Cities and POIs)
- Trainers
E. Housing, Installations, and CitiesHousing- Player Housing
- Guild Halls
- Elevators
Structures- No Build Zones
- Height Placement
- Structure Placement
- Item Placement
- Signs
- Maintenance
- Structure Terminals
- Structure Administration
- Destroy Structure
- Re-Deeding Structure
- Factories
- Generators
- Harvesters including Creature
- Camps
Cities- Player Cities
- Place City
- City Administration
- City Structure Placement
- City Structure Placement Prerequisites
- City Structure Terminals
- City Rank
- City Advancement
- Citizenship
- City Militia
- Voting and Elections
- City Hall Distance Restrictions
- City Gardens
- City Decorations
- Player Shuttleports
- Garages including Player City Garages
F. Professions- Architect
- Armorsmith
- Artisan
- Bio-Engineer
- Bounty Hunter
- Brawler
- Carbineer
- Chef
- Entertainer
- Combat Medic
- Commando
- Creature Handler
- Dancer
- Doctor
- Droid Engineer
- Fencer
- Image Designer
- Jedi - (Village)
- Marksman
- Medic
- Merchant
- Musician
- Pikeman
- Pistoleer
- Politician
- Ranger
- Rifleman
- Scout
- Shipwright
- Smuggler
- Squad Leader
- Swordsman
- Tailor
- Teras Kasi Artist
- Weaponsmith
G. Miscellaneous- Armor Attachments
- Clothing Attachments
- Slicing
- Race Tracks
- Unity
- Corvette
- Hero of Tatooine
- Heralds
- Junk Dealers
- Gambling
- Fishing (Fishing Guide)
- Weather
Commands (
full list, note: some are not implemented yet):
/drag |
/innate commands
/listen |
/namestructure |
/wildshot2 |
Blue Frog Contents (
full structure):
- Factory Deeds
- Resource Deeds
- Player Housing Deeds
- City Deeds
- Furniture
- Learn/Unlearn Professions Skills
- Instruments
- Crafting Tools
- Survey Tools
- Credits
- Buffs
- Remove Wounds and Battle Fatigue
- Stimpacks
- Health Wound Pack
- Enhance Med Packs
- Health Area Poison and Disease
- Disease, Poison, and Fire Med Packs
- Revive Med Pack
- Limited Armor
- Limited Weapons
- Crafting Aprons
What's New Since the Last Update?
Please see the weekly update for details.