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Thread: Basilisk move

  1. #1
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Basilisk move

    Basilisk move

    Updated November 29, 2012
    The SWGEmu Staff

    Basilisk move

    Due to random issues with our current server we are forced to move Basilisk and our Database to a new box.

    UPDATE November 29th 2012

    Since this announcement was posted our host FDC started experiencing numerous network issues too. Because of that and because of the constant hardware failures and random server box crashes we have decided to switch hosts and we will be moving our server to SoftLayer Technologies, Dallas 05 data center. They are a bit more expensive but come highly recommended, we will adjust our monthly donations goal accordingly.

    Here is brief a summary of what is happening:
    1. At around 1PM EST (check your local time here) Basilisk, our Database and our Global registration will be taken offline.
    2. Basilisk and Database will being moved to a new machine in Dallas, Texas
    3. The SWGEmu Website, Forum, our IRC server and TC: Nova will remain as they were.

    Basilisk and our Database will experience an extended period of downtime (approximately 24 hours, but we are not sure how long it will take to copy all of our files from one box to the other). The downtime will allow us to backup Basilisk Database and move Basilisk and our Database to the new machine and have it tested and ready.

    During this downtime our global registration will be disabled to prevent creation of bugged or broken accounts.

    To do all this a Database wipe will not be necessary, all your characters, items, credits, XP, etc will be saved.

    ~ The SWGEmu Team
    Last edited by Vlada; 11-29-2012 at 10:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Addicted ashur's Avatar
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    daaaaaaaaaaaamn son!

  3. #3
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    always fun to buy new stuff
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  4. #4
    Newbie DogMeat's Avatar
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    I know you do not know me from Adam..or eve...
    But FDC is not where you want to be, there are many issue as you have see and I almost lost my company because of those issues
    I know they offer great boxes are cheap prices...hence to make up for Tier connections and bandwidth.

    I only suggest looking at say The Planet or a better data center.

    Not meaning to bash or insult in any way.
    I know you want the best for this community and so I offer ideas and my time in the hole as it were.

    Dog out ...

    PS. I was a GSp for 12 years and have had many data centers...FDC is not one I recommend.
    Don't take life seriously, You'll never get out alive.

  5. #5
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    Great news in regards to a server upgrade that doesn't randomly shut down but I'm with Dog on this one... Though I'm not a GSP FDC have a rubbish repuation for stability etc etc

    I'm sure myself and the rest of the community would gladly donate to fund a move to a much more capable data centre...

    As with Dog I'm hoping you don't see this as a criticism, more a suggestion though I'm sure you guys have chosen the best solution for you...

  6. #6
    Newbie losti's Avatar
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    Sick Guys =) Thanks for that

  7. #7
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    good news but 48h hours down build the hardware in system case around max 1 h install windows or linux 30 min and install drivers and software 30 min and backup restore couple hours when i had an wow private server and i had to don the same upgrade pc backup restore of the game toke me 2 h and there whas alot ingame the db only costed me 20 min

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by pluky View Post
    good news but 48h hours down build the hardware in system case around max 1 h install windows or linux 30 min and install drivers and software 30 min and backup restore couple hours when i had an wow private server and i had to don the same upgrade pc backup restore of the game toke me 2 h and there whas alot ingame the db only costed me 20 min
    SWGEmu != WoW

  9. #9
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Pffft... it takes me 1.7 minutes to move my dedicated CS 1.6 server from one machine to another, and they are in different rooms btw.

  10. #10
    Junior Member tiderious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    Pffft... it takes me 1.7 minutes to move my dedicated CS 1.6 server from one machine to another, and they are in different rooms btw.
    How far apart are the rooms? can we get a measurement? are there windows? perhaps a nosey neighbor that likes to run their vaccum at a bad time? whats the deets?

  11. #11
    Junior Member
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    Basilisk upgrade

    just read about it on the home page u guys rock...

  12. #12
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    did I miss it somewhere, or is it unknown when this will happen?
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  13. #13
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    We still dont have the exact time. Our host will let us know.

  14. #14
    Junior Member
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    I was slightly confused too when I first read the announcement. It's clear now though. When the server host gets the new box (in a couple days), they will tell the emu team, team tells us, server goes down for roughly 48 hours or so, server comes up all nice and shiny, we all smile. Yay!

  15. #15
    Dedicated mrsanders's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pseudonim View Post
    I was slightly confused too when I first read the announcement. It's clear now though. When the server host gets the new box (in a couple days), they will tell the emu team, team tells us, server goes down for roughly 48 hours or so, server comes up all nice and shiny, we all smile. Yay!
    Except for the few who cannot be bothered to read and whine because the server is down.
    "The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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