Quote Originally Posted by diceted View Post
So the answer is more than likely obvious but wanted to ask to be sure. When in-game if we see an toon with multiple accounts logged in. Is there a place to report that? I have a screenshot of a person with a toon name in this fashion (not real toon name)

TheAnser NIsnotright
NotRight NTheAnswer

Was very easy to see that the 2nd toon was on auto follow as the person running said account would 'wait' for the toon to get close to him so it could follow him/her out of the med center.

I thought it best to ask 1st just in case. I just see this as the majority try to follow the rules but the few that don't; tend to ruin it for the majority.
If you wish to report anything please log onto http://support.swgemu.com and submit a ticket. There's an option at the bottom of the ticket submission page to upload a file.