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Thread: SWGEmu Timeline

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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reaps View Post
    I just wish they would put proper lair spawning. I ran around for hours last night trying to level and there were no random lairs that i could find. There are no low level mobs around the city other than meatlumps. Some of the mobs aren't attackable.

    Other than that they are doing a phenomenal job.
    I've been working on the lairs for several of the planets, plan on getting most if not all of the missing creatures added to world spawners for each planet. however the world spawners are limited to 2048 lairs for the entire planet, so once the planet has reached its lair cap it stops spawning more... some planets have multiple lair spawners one for world creatures and one for creatures/npc's in specific area's.

    Quote Originally Posted by Reaps View Post
    Come on maaaaaaaaaan. I know how to take missions. This is more about "that old feeling" for me. The lairs are a huge part of immersion for me. I am not a smurf/twink/alt. I'm just starting. Its painful to take missions that reward you with 200 exp. There are no mobs to kill around c-net that aren't camped by tons of players. I finally found some mobs on Tat. It just doesn't feel like SWG atm. The old nova felt better than this does currently.

    I know they will get their, but it seems like "will get their" will be in a year or 2.
    also if you would like to see more of the low level mobs around cities, I could use a little help with info on which mobs should spawn around which cities, If you feel like helping in that respect it would be much appreciated and would help to bring the immersion into the game that you are looking for.

    if you decide to help, you can post a reply here or create a mantis ticket in the SWGEmu TBD section. A simple list like (city name: mob name, mob name, mob name, ... etc) would be helpful... the more detailed you can be the better.

    Edit: forgot to mention, if you have any coding skills and feel like getting a dev environment set up you can help populate places also. the .lua files for screenplays and world spawners and such are really straight forward and not hard at all to work with. see the development section for more details.
    Last edited by marsorbust; 04-17-2013 at 11:40 AM.

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