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Thread: Regular Liberator back ONLINE - 11/20/2011

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
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    if you really wanna stress the server, do the following.

    1) start from scratch, tell players that if the cloud test goes successfully, regular liberator will be no more and cloud liberator will be the new play server, noone was bothered (myself included) to dedicate time to a server that will be wiped in a week, but if they think they are starting from scratch, everyone and their mom, and their alts, and their alts moms will log on just to get that slight time advantage.

    2) make BH worth it, allow players to see the name of the jedi they are hunting when mission searching, lots of people dropped BH because they where sick of getting a jedi mission, just to find he was offline.

    3) put the rumours back in for jedi, or at least let the rumours tell players the planet. afk and and noob jedi helps noone, and just helps people /ragequit. keep the 2 holocron requirement and let that be the jedi bottleneck, that will make sure there are not too many jedi.

    4) i would insert something here about fixing dots, to help pvp, but i think my ideas here have wasted enough dev time on liberator, so im just going to ask that players put up with the dot wars that go on here.

    5) give out better prizes than badges for participating in pvp events, for example, 1/1/1 armor, a nice 800 max dmg t21, 200+ max dmg vk, u know nice stuff that make it worth risking the armor and weapon decay of pvp events, but not game breaking stuff. this will really stress the server and encourage pvp if there is a chance to attain this stuff.

    6) if possible, introduce a points system that tracks the amount of different players killed in a pvp event and give out a really nice prize to the winner such as a peice of mando armor, black sun armor, a scyth, a black sun vk, you know really REALLY nice stuff that can only be attained through pvp events, and dont be shy on the stats, again dont make them game breaking, but not too shabby either, for example, mando armor should be 80% to all (slicable) and vuln againts lightsaber. scyth should be 900-1k max dmg, and black sun vk should be 270~ max dmg. you get the idea, powerful, but not an i win button.

    Im sure there are other things, but these would really get players online. especially number 1, i know its very selfish, but people do not want to invest time into something that will be wiped, even if it is a bit of fun for a week. they want to be able to progress their character.

    anyway thats my 2 cents.


    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelRahl View Post
    1.)Give each player who tested the cloud server some sort of advance in the jedi system, such as to the point where you NEED a holocron
    I am in support of this idea. perhaps if they can successfully become a full template Jedi on Cloud liberator, they become "Strong" on regular liberator????

    Quote Originally Posted by soldierboy View Post
    Do not allow devs to assist in achieving jedi Wipe liberator and place permanently on cloud fix wound cap on dots and remove silent rumors imho would bring back many a lost players.... P.S I do not expect any of this to happen just my 2 cents on what might bring "fun" back to a fun server
    i am also in support of this idea.
    Last edited by Sumane; 11-21-2011 at 07:19 AM.

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