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Thread: [POLICY] Multiple Accounts Requests & Other Account Issues

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    [POLICY] Multiple Accounts Requests & Other Account Issues

    Multiple Accounts Requests & Other Account Issues

    Updated: November 2019
    SWGEmu Staff

    Effective Immediately:

    Requests for multiple users within a household and other account requests/problems should be submitted via Support Link. This ticket should come from the account holder only (this is the person who has had the first account created). If the account belongs to a minor (13-17 years of age), a parent or guardian may communicate with us on their behalf. A relative or friend may not send in these request for you. SWGEmu accounts should always be created from the account holder's place of residence.

    When writing to us:

    Please include the account names and email for the account of everyone that will be playing from your IP address. Please note on your ticket if the account belongs to a minor.

    Failure to comply with all of the above will dramatically reduce our ability to provide support in a timely manner.

    Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

    Update: November 2019

    When requesting permission for multiple accounts (maximum 3 in a household) we request a picture that assures the SWGEmu Staff team that there are as many members present as is being requested for multiple account household access. We also need in the picture a piece of paper with everybody's account names and emails on it (has to be readable). If the accounts don't exist just the email that will be used is fine, and the CD set for each account. Every account will have to have their own legitimate CD’s to play just like any other SWGEmu member is required to play with, as copyright laws lend to personal use; each person must have their own set, there are no exceptions.

    LAN Parties must also request multiple accounts even if it is just for one night. Different rules apply. We must have a photo of all legitimate CDs for each person playing and a piece of paper that states each account name, the email for each account, and a photo of all the consoles that will be played from. Please be sure and give us 24 hour notice so we are sure the accounts are entered into our database. We also must ask the host to log into the game so we can retrieve the IP address of where the LAN party is being held. Once the party has ended no one should be logged in without a multiple account request being sent in.

    Update: November 2019

    Maximum number of accounts allowed in the same household is 3.

    Please note that LAN parties are the only exception since they are not permanent.

    Update: May, 2016

    In an effort to minimize ban evasion attempts using approved Multiple Household Accounts we are forced to introduce an amendment to our Multiple Household Account rules:

    If a member of the household gets banned (for whatever reason) all the registered multiple accounts will be banned with it.
    If one of the household accounts is permanently banned, all household accounts will be permanently banned with it.

    Changes made to this document are in green.

    ~ The SWGEmu Staff
    Last edited by Hakry; 04-20-2024 at 02:11 PM.

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