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Thread: [SWGEmu Event] Basilisk's Requiem (November 11)

  1. #31
    Junior Member shivashandra's Avatar
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    RIP Bas, thanks everyone for the event, it was a lot of fun.

  2. #32
    Dedicated cmurphy50's Avatar
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    Quite the ending, didn't really understand what was going on though...

    Few minutes before bed so I decide to log in, character standing outside Coronet, drive toward the crowd of people mingling outside the spaceport, then me and my AV-21 immediately get insta killed by a huge spawn of mobs. If the server wasn't literally shutting down that night I'd have been a little ticked off hehe. Sad to see it go.

    To the future!

  3. #33
    Addicted shilo's Avatar
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    I have been holding this in all day today, and I just have to say it. The timing for this event was terrible, 3pm EST on a weekday? Many of us have jobs, and families. Friday nights my kids stay up later than on regular weekdays, so by the time everything was said and done and my kids were in bed and I could jump in game for a little bit the event was basically over. My crafter, Olympus, and main toon that I spent 99% of my time on Basilisk has zero combat skills. I loaded in Coronet, and could not even go back to my city on Tatooine, and be with my manufacturing center that I spent nearly a decade building. Instead I was forced PvP and was being killed over and over, and had to log onto my little used combat character and still got killed over and over because I was never much of a PvPer and did not have the gear for it.

    The 30 second timer came, and I tried to switch back to Olympus for a proper send off. However, I did not make it and Basilisk ended while I was loading the screen to get into Olympus. I feel cheated to be honest, and it kind of sucks. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but a piss poor way to send off nearly a decade of play.

    This should have been a 24 hour event, so that everyone could get a chance to join in the events.

    IGN Shyloe, and Cydonia. Drop-off vendor located @ /way 6188, 6206. NIKA Marketplace.

  4. #34
    Newbie JPRecon's Avatar
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    RIP Bas

    Thanks for the fun last night folks! Enjoyed it!!

    JPRecon - Smuggler/SqL
    I'lltxt ULater - Sword/Brawler/TK
    Drop-Offs - TBD

  5. #35
    Quality Assurance
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    Quote Originally Posted by shilo View Post
    I have been holding this in all day today, and I just have to say it. The timing for this event was terrible, 3pm EST on a weekday? Many of us have jobs, and families. Friday nights my kids stay up later than on regular weekdays, so by the time everything was said and done and my kids were in bed and I could jump in game for a little bit the event was basically over. My crafter, Olympus, and main toon that I spent 99% of my time on Basilisk has zero combat skills. I loaded in Coronet, and could not even go back to my city on Tatooine, and be with my manufacturing center that I spent nearly a decade building. Instead I was forced PvP and was being killed over and over, and had to log onto my little used combat character and still got killed over and over because I was never much of a PvPer and did not have the gear for it.

    The 30 second timer came, and I tried to switch back to Olympus for a proper send off. However, I did not make it and Basilisk ended while I was loading the screen to get into Olympus. I feel cheated to be honest, and it kind of sucks. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but a piss poor way to send off nearly a decade of play.

    This should have been a 24 hour event, so that everyone could get a chance to join in the events.
    I've responded to this on Discord, but I do apologize for the timing. In a ideal situation it would have been 72 hours which is the bare minimum for events like this that we host. However, due to the server move it was this time or it was never. During event we had three crashes and each time required developer intervention to adjust the event on the fly so it didn't go long or restart the process. It's our longest consecutive event we've ran with as a team, most of our finale or on-the-spot events last a hour or two, this lasted over nine hours.
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  6. #36
    Addicted shilo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fastburn View Post
    I've responded to this on Discord, but I do apologize for the timing. In a ideal situation it would have been 72 hours which is the bare minimum for events like this that we host. However, due to the server move it was this time or it was never. During event we had three crashes and each time required developer intervention to adjust the event on the fly so it didn't go long or restart the process. It's our longest consecutive event we've ran with as a team, most of our finale or on-the-spot events last a hour or two, this lasted over nine hours.
    Thank you for the reply, I was just upset. I'm over it now, I apologize if I made you upset.

    IGN Shyloe, and Cydonia. Drop-off vendor located @ /way 6188, 6206. NIKA Marketplace.

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