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Thread: 02.09.2021 SWGEmu End Of The Year Update 2020

  1. #16
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    You don't actually have to talk to anyone of us to start contributing. Get a working environment, go in to mantis and start to work on the bugs we have there and add it to our project. One of our devs will look the code over and if it looks good, it will be merged to Nova. One way to go is to contact one of our QA on discord and start a conversation with one of them. They will be better suited to guide you through what mantis bugs that should be prioritized and how to commit code. All our QA submit code to the project.
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  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by xanozyten View Post
    Who can I contact about possibly assisting in some coding projects? I've reached out, but I've yet to hear back. I'm currently working as a full time software engineer -- quick to learn and willing to contribute as much as possible. Second unlock on Gorath back in the day.. so I've got a bit of experience playing as well
    Hats off to all our Devs and contributors but you, xanozyten... are my newest hero, thank you...
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnswer View Post
    This server is for us all to try and finish this game so you can have a server to play, hopefully with me far away from here.

  3. #18
    Senior Member Tyrson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolindir View Post
    Most viewed thread: SWGEmu Timeline
    Most replied thread: What are you listening to right now?
    Most popular forum: Basilisk Trade Forum
    Top poster: Vlada (33041 posts)
    This is lazy bull****! These aren't 2020 stats, these are all-time stats! This bothers me every year lol.

    Most viewed thread? Please! Not only is it on a public board that's likely mostly viewed by bots, it's a post from 2012 that was locked in 2013! No real people are viewing this ****!

    Most replied thread? I MANUALLY counted ALL the replies in 2020. There were 14. lol Meanwhile posts like Clone Wars, The Exploit had 326 replies in 2 weeks before it was locked.

    Most popular forum? Yea, ok that one is probably both all-time and 2020 accurate.

    Top poster? GTFO of here! This is the WORST one of the bunch, and the one that annoys me every year. You know how many posts he made in 2020? LET ME COUNT THE POST:


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  4. #19
    Senior Member Hedge15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrson View Post
    These aren't 2020 stats, these are all-time stats!
    They were nevertheless accurate at the end of 2020.

  5. #20
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrson View Post
    This is lazy bull****! These aren't 2020 stats, these are all-time stats! This bothers me every year lol.
    vBulletin doesn't give me any other statistics when I pull them, at least not our version of vBulletin (its old though), so I post what is given to me.

    When I pull the statistics, this is what shows. Clicking top statistics, will show what's on the bottom of that picture and yes, this is all time numbers. As you can see, the all time most posted thread on our forum is the "Force progression thread" that it would not be any point in linking, since the thread have been in archive since liberator where taken down, therefor no point in showing that. If I wanted to have the all time most posted thread for Basilisk era, I would have to delete our archives and I'm not gone do that.
    If I click any of the other choices, I can set the scope of the search in dates, can't do that on top statistics. Picking any of the others will only give you numbers, not where the numbers are pulled from, like a thread, or most active member. It looks like this for all of the 4 others:

    To get the report you want, I would have to sit with a spreadsheet and manually count every post, manually monitor every members post count. I know you put every minute you have in your SWGEmu life into a spreadsheet, but I will not spend my time in that manner, just to write a report that has been seen by 747 people and only 14 have taken the time to post something (not counting staff), and in the end, only a few really care about.

    Don't understand your anger though. If you have questions, wouldn't it be better to ask in a normal manner, rather than to go all out before you know why, just assuming people are lazy?
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  6. #21
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    For an emulator project... the weird power balances in the forums baffles me. As I interpret, veplo clearly defines why this is not accurate. OP post confirms this is not accurate but never seems to come around the Veplos point: if it’s inaccurate don’t post it as if it is.

  7. #22
    SWGEmu Retired Community Relations bigevil's Avatar
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    LOL........same old forums.

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  8. #23
    Addicted shilo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigevil View Post
    LOL........same old forums.

    In this time of great change, and transition. Having an anchor of predictability, is like an oasis of tranquility in a sea of chaos.

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  9. #24
    Member dsrules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolindir View Post
    To get the report you want, I would have to sit with a spreadsheet and manually count every post, manually monitor every members post count. I know you put every minute you have in your SWGEmu life into a spreadsheet, but I will not spend my time in that manner, just to write a report that has been seen by 747 people and only 14 have taken the time to post something (not counting staff), and in the end, only a few really care about.

    Don't understand your anger though. If you have questions, wouldn't it be better to ask in a normal manner, rather than to go all out before you know why, just assuming people are lazy?
    tell this to any staff QA or code contributor whos life depends on spending their life in a spreadsheet.

    not a good look for you, just saying.

  10. #25
    Senior Member Tyrson's Avatar
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    Ok, so this is my fault lol. Often when I'm doing a bit, I'll leave a sentence or two at the end to point out how stupid my post would be if taken literally. It acts like a disclaimer saying "this was supposed to be a joke". In this case it seems, despite my years of silliness here, that some have taken my post differently than I intended.

    I saw vlada as the top poster again and remembered being annoyed at it last year too. Was I really angry? No, of course not. Do I actually think you're lazy? No, of course not.

    I just wanted to point it out and thought my post was a silly / funny way of doing it. I thought my line "You know how many posts he made in 2020? LET ME COUNT THE POST" was pretty funny. I'm still chuckling at "LET ME COUNT THE POST" lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lolindir View Post
    I know you put every minute you have in your SWGEmu life into a spreadsheet, but I will not spend my time in that manner, just to write a report that has been seen by 747 people.

    Secondly, 747 people is like all the people. That's a lot of people. Did you know today I spent a few hours working on a swg music video idea I had and there's a good chance I'll never even share it with anyone? Did you also know I've been collecting items in game since 2015, that I've spent well over a billion credits on, and I've spent the last few years decorating buildings to display them on my island outside Coronet? I've probably spent hundreds of hours on it. Do you know how many people have seen it all? 4. 4 people. I made them bubble tank trophies for completing my tour and put their names on a backpack tour survivors list. I'm not sure what my point is anymore, but it seems I've mistakenly arrived on the point that I' m sad man that leads an abnormally meaningless life... and honestly, spending 20-30 minutes writing this post only proves that point further. I want to be doing other stuff, but my crushing insignificance is compelling me to finish this.

    Also, on the one hand, with a quick Google search I found some vbulletin plugins that have additional stats, including top monthly/yearly poster, that should work with this version... On the other hand, it is a silly and meaningless thing that might not be worth spending time on. I'm also sure some sql could be whipped up to get the data too, and then reused each time someone wanted to get the data. (I'd be happy to do that, but I don't think anyone else would want me to.)

    Anyway, I think it's time for me to hit submit.

    /way -200 -5678 The Mall
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  11. #26
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    Can't revalidate subscription

    Not getting any validation code when I submit for revalidation of an existing account. Not sure where to post this...

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by babblin5 View Post
    Not getting any validation code when I submit for revalidation of an existing account. Not sure where to post this...
    Strange, I have not encountered such a problem!

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