Updated. First place prize is a Jetpack deed!
Updated. First place prize is a Jetpack deed!
Added a new prize...
A 1M Credit Prize and Trophy for the Best Dressed Racer! So don't forget your racing suits and helmets!
(will be determined by our race staff)
Having real time weather and sandstorms will add to the challenge , those that have Clear Skies MOD will be at an advantage but me and Senpai are up for it
TheZoo community has joined the fun! There are currently 9 dewbacks on the Mos Eisley bazaar. Will have tamed lesser dewbacks available soon. I will continue to update here! Pets take a few days to reach mountable size and 5 days to reach full size so think ahead! Feel free to reach out in this thread or join the discord in my sig if you have pet questions/need help getting your dewback mounted/tamed.
Last edited by ruskuval; 01-11-2021 at 03:06 PM.
Added Awards & After Party information.
Updated the start times to better accommodate a greater number of people.
Updated a few rules.
Added more prizes.
We're having a lot of fun putting this thing together!
Last edited by Darksmyth; 01-11-2021 at 07:42 PM.
We're in need of 10 Entertainers for the event: https://www.swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=237667
Increased the prize money for 2nd - 5th place.
Everyone who attends will receive a gift bag with a bunch of goodies inside, some will have credit prizes!
i will be ready to win this!
Gorath 2003 <3
Giggledust-Dan (MasterSmuggler/Awesome420)
bring back the TEF's!
Major update!
In the interest of creating the best event we possibly can, we have reversed the race course. The race will now start in Mos Entha and end in Mos Eisley. Please update your waypoints.
Thank you!
3 questions
you sending a new set of waypoints Darksmith ?
Do you need Ahsoka to promote the event 24/7 at Mos eisly?
Fox or Gint you guys have pet stims in your vendors ?
Last edited by Walking carpet; 01-18-2021 at 02:48 PM.
All right , event promoting underway DS
tanx Fox , I have 11 days to find stims so I should be good
Hopefully these are the final updates to be made.
If the server happens to crash or restart between now and race day, the start times will be readjusted: a maximum of +/- 96 mins
The event is one week away!
***Updated previous post***
There are now 30 non-CH dewbacks (below level 10) and 15 dewbacks requiring some CH (highest level is 15) available for sale (5k, free complimentary training with every purchase) at the <---Dust Industries---> Emporium ~1250m west of Theed (waypoint in signature). If before the race, you find I am out of stock, and you still want one, simply send a mail in game to Sparzacca and he will get right on it!
***NOTE*** They are bio-engineered pets, so you will need to use them in combat a little in order to level them up to their full size (babies can't be trained as mounts). Buy now so you have time to level them up!
For those who don't know, your pet only needs to hit the target once to get full XP for the kill (they will be very weak at first, and will almost always be taken out in combat against even the lowest level creatures). You will want to give the "attack" command, and as soon as you see the target get hit once, finish it off quickly. Here is a very basic macro:
/ui action targetSelf;
/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/pause 1;
/follow target;
/pause 3;
/say (attack command);
/pause 3;
/attack (or your hardest hitting attack);
/pause 30;
/macro (macro name)
Optional additional commands:
1) /harvest meat/hide/bone;
2) /target (pet's name);
/pause 1;
Include some pauses in the 2nd option to your pet time to heal up.
Good luck to everyone in the race!
Last edited by nabeysparza; 01-25-2021 at 03:11 AM.
<---Dust Industries---> Emporium - /way -3683 4603, 1243m NE of Theed
Droids, weapons, BE/4S clothes, Aurilia Crafting Mastery Unlock Kits, & more
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