Thank you Misk. I'm glad this project is heavily monitor.

Most of the honest player who lost a lost are out of reach. And I understand. When I was 11, if you recklessly destroyed my Pokemon, my feelings and anger would be all over the place.
We need a new campaign to seduce all former players to trust communities again. Right now, we are experiencing a period of despair, we need to allow it time, and get back in touch with players who felt emotionally betrayed.

However the devs need to be more clearer about Suncrusher. I mean, I don't know where to stand... Any announcement, rumors about a wipe leads people to renounce playing on basilik (especially those affected by the dupes)
Well, this is just my feeling on this unfortunate situation. We truly need clarity for once, and I fear its a matter of virtual life and death. The Soon(™) is no longer an acceptable answer. The trust in the management teams crashed down (because of hackers), I find it hard to continue speak of our community future while we know nothing. Expect that we lost some players that could have laid the fundations of a new server. Begging them to come back may not work. Only time can heal our wounds.