People complain a lot about the superior weapons and cash that LIVE has all of the time it seems yet a lot of people don’t pay any attention to the age of the accounts of the people in the guild nor the interests of those within the guild. Most individuals within LIVE are long term players. There are also quite a few individuals who understand coding which allows them to understand how to best craft and use combat capabilities. Anyone with the credits and knowledge base of that has the capability to do whatever they want to in this game. There are many advanced crafters in LIVE, one doesn’t have to break the TOS to make items that are comparable.

What I don’t get is why is everyone’s focus solely on LIVE when other people in other guilds were banned as well? Why is this become a “oh look at how horrible LIVE is?” Yeah there were a few members on the list that were named but it isn’t like the whole guild was banned or aware or it or even a large portion of the guild was banned, so why is the whole guild getting slammed from almost all sides? Why did the light side frs ban anyone from LIVE from participating? If frs’s banned anyone from any guild that has ever had anyone banned then there would be no one left.

Maybe, just maybe, we should all be adults and look at peoples actions as individuals and not as an entire guilds and maybe everyone should act with a little sympathy towards people who had friends banned as many of those people are getting bashed at even if they had no idea of what was going on.