So many opinions and assumptions in this thread from people who don't remotely have a clue what they're talking about.

I completely respect the devs of this project and the need to keep players within the ToS. I also really hope there is more transparency about this investigation and an opportunity for the accused to have recourse. I've played with some of these folks for years and years and if they were guilty of any of these charges I have never, ever seen any evidence or hint of it. Even if one or more people in LIVE are guilty, and I'm not saying that isn't possible, it would not be a reason to condemn the entire guild.

Over the years guild leadership including myself have always tried to build and maintain a membership of broad interests and services who enjoy helping the community at large. Have we succeeded in every single case? No. This is a digital universe. It's impossible to avoid having a problematic guild member now and then. Every guild of any size has dealt with this issue and some of you throwing stones in this thread are prime examples of this phenomenon in your own guilds. But we have tried and have removed members in the past for their behavior.

Do we have some aggressive personalities? Sure. That's part of the diversity that makes this environment fun. But at the end of the day most LIVE members are crafters and merchants who do some PVE on the side to try to loot some things to earn credits. This is why we run the LIVE mall. I myself built up my credits by running a large resource business for years. I certainly didn't dupe or cheat and I wouldn't even begin to know how or have the motivation to do so. Anyone suggesting that the city was paid for with nefarious credits needs to calm down. I crafted that city hall and placed it myself.

We have done a lot to help people. We assist 99% of people through the knight trials at Acklay. If you're one of the 1% who wasn't allowed then be rest assured there was a very good reason. We have been there for the loot - not to prevent access for those who need it for knight trials. We have only been contesting Acklay for a couple of years now. Before that it was camped by others. Before accusing us of trying to control the whole game some of you need to take a look in the mirror. For example let's talk about the light side FRS and demoting and controlling it for the benefit of your friends.

I respect 99% of the players in this game and I respect and appreciate the devs and their difficult jobs. But I also find it very hard to believe that all of the accused are guilty in this case given my personal time and proximity of playing with them. So I hope there is a way for conversations to be had before judgments are confirmed.