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Thread: Basilisk extended downtime 08/09/2017

  1. #211
    Newbie Kayria's Avatar
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    It takes more than one person to get to a rank 4 city...been there done that have one lol

  2. #212
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    Any progress updates on where they are on trying to recover data?
    Vendor near poly on tat
    6311 3862

  3. #213
    Newbie FurytheOriginal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edbacca View Post
    Any progress updates on where they are on trying to recover data?
    Data recovery depending on the method being used can take days... getting the replacement drives is normally not same day on many servers unless you have a 4 hour onsite warranty which is highly unlikely given the situation

    Be patient, I am sure they will update us as soon as a decision is made as to how to proceed

  4. #214
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    Weak. A wipe would suck.

  5. #215
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    Sorry to hear that a HDD during the merge decided to die.

    Thank you for the heads up & information, I was wondering why the server was down.

  6. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otislorx View Post
    I wish you know it all jackasses would just STFU! and stop giving this team a bad time about thier situation. These people have been working thier ASSES! off to bring this back for us.
    if you bann me for *** so be it but these *****s are not needed here....
    I feel better.
    I just took to time to read every post in this thread, and no one is giving them a "bad time". You are projecting a false narrative. A small number of players have simply voiced their frustration, and then said "oh well, let's get back up and do it again".

    The issue isn't a wipe. The vast majority of Basilisk's at the keyboard population have wanted a wipe for at least 3 years. Personally, a wipe is the only thing that would entice me back to Basilisk. As best as I can tell, the only members of this community who are currently outraged are the afk farmers and the pvpers who troll each other on Reddit all the time. No one cares about them, anyway.

    You're trying to lump in the members of this community asking valid questions about why Publish 9 was pushed on the very heels a KNOWN hardware failure, followed by a catastrophic 2nd failure, into an imaginary group of players who are nerdraging about a wipe. That's not what's happening here. People are concerned (and justly so) not about the prospect of a wipe, but rather about how a server with a failsafe in place could have possibly failed in this regard, and the answering we're getting right now from devs and staff is "meh, schtick happens, what can you do? We do this for free by the way, if we haven't mentioned that in the past fifteen minutes. Honestly what's the big deal? It's just a test server". And that is really condescending and off-putting.

    Personally, it all feels a little hinkey to me. The odds of TWO hard drives failing at the same time of a major publish....a publish poised to bring hundreds, if not thousands of players back to the server....are astronomical. To me, it feels more like they're wiping on purpose, but they just don't want to admit it. If that's the case, then I feel like they've really underestimated the resolve of this community (unless they care more about the reddit pvpers and afk farmers who will probably ragequit). Everyone I know who plays or who once played on Basilisk WANTS a wipe. So why the deception?

    Now I could be wrong about this....I've surely been wrong before about a great many things in life.......but, I don't know man.....this just feels too much like the exact same crap Stella Bellum's devs pulled when they "launched". It's just really hard for me to believe that this team of devs and staff could be THAT careless, and then be so apathetic about it. I mean, these are pretty tech savvy guys. True, you can't anticipate a hard drive failure, but you CAN make sure that both are functioning before you roll out the publish that everyone has been waiting for. It just doesn't add up. This project gets donations, and I don't really see any sense in the world why some of those donations couldn't have been used to ensure that the hard drives were both in working order before rolling out jedi. A planned wipe smokescreened by one heck of a coincidental double hard drive failure simply makes more logical sense.

    I have to echo the sentiments of others here; I don't care about a wipe, and I in fact welcome one. But what I do care about is what feels like a total lack of transparency, if not downright dishonesty. Moving forward, that's going to make a lot of members of this community give pause before donating.
    Last edited by flugel76; 08-10-2017 at 05:34 AM.

  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by flugel76 View Post
    I just took to time to read every post in this thread, and no one is giving them a "bad time". You are projecting a false narrative. A small number of players have simply voiced their frustration, and then said "oh well, let's get back up and do it again".

    The issue isn't a wipe. The vast majority of Basilisk's at the keyboard population have wanted a wipe for at least 3 years. Personally, a wipe is the only thing that would entice me back to Basilisk. As best as I can tell, the only members of this community who are currently outraged are the afk farmers and the pvpers who troll each other on Reddit all the time. No one cares about them, anyway.

    You're trying to lump in the members of this community asking valid questions about why Publish 9 was pushed on the very heels a KNOWN hardware failure, followed by a catastrophic 2nd failure, into an imaginary group of players who are nerdraging about a wipe. That's not what's happening here. People are concerned (and justly so) not about the prospect of a wipe, but rather about how a server with a failsafe in place could have possibly failed in this regard, and the answering we're getting right now from devs and staff is "meh, schtick happens, what can you do? We do this for free by the way, if we haven't mentioned that in the past fifteen minutes. Honestly what's the big deal? It's just a test server".

    Personally, it all feels a little hinkey to me. The odds of TWO hard drives failing at the same time of a major publish....a publish poised to bring hundreds, if not thousands of players back to the server....are astronomical. To me, it feels more like they're wiping on purpose, but they just don't want to admit it. If that's the case, then I feel like they've really underestimated the resolve of this community (unless they care more about the reddit pvpers and afk farmers who will probably ragequit). Everyone I know who plays or who once played on Basilisk WANTS a wipe. So why the deception?

    Now I could be wrong about this....I've surely been wrong before about a great many things in life.......but, I don't know man.....this just feels too much like the exact same crap Stella Bellum's devs pulled when they "launched". It's just really hard for me to believe that this team of devs and staff could be THAT careless, and then be so apathetic about it. I mean, these are pretty tech savvy guys. True, you can't anticipate a hard drive failure, but you CAN make sure that both are functioning before you roll out the publish that everyone has been waiting for. It just doesn't add up. This project gets donations, and I don't really see any sense in the world why some of those donations couldn't have been used to ensure that the hard drives were both in working order before rolling out jedi. A planned wipe smokescreened by one heck of a coincidental double hard drive failure simply makes more logical sense.

    I have to echo the sentiments of others here; I don't care about a wipe, and I in fact welcome one. But what I do care about is what feels like a total lack of transparency, if not downright dishonesty. Moving forward, that's going to make a lot of members of this community give pause before donating.
    I just think IF there is going to be a wipe they minds well address some other things too like ADK's and the amount of toons we are allowed, if not the server will be back in the same position 1 year from now, minds well make these changes to insure longevity while you have the chance! This thread here : Really does well to highlight the benifits of a wipe for testing purposes not to mention the changes would help as well!

  8. #218
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    Whatever the devs decide to do I'm for, they created my playground from the ashes of sonys incompetence and I will be forever grateful for that

  9. #219
    Junior Member shadow2kx's Avatar
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    Announcing a possible wipe without knowing if it needs to be wiped seems really odd. Especially knowing how divided the community is over it, and how many years that players have been asking for it. I mean, wouldn't you want to make damn sure first before getting your community all worked up over nothing but a few days of downtime if that's all that comes of it?

    This is probably how SOE *lost* their old Pre-CU code.

  10. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by flugel76 View Post
    TL;DR alot of stuff
    Honestly, I've been a long time player and while not being able to get on to SWG (again) is giving me cold sweats, itchy skin, and shocking realizations of shirked responsibilities, I'm not going to be so judgemental of the people who have blessed our lives with the game that none of us can get away from, whether it be from the kindness of their heart or the need for space shekels. One of the devs posted stating that merely naivety is to blame here. This entire development team has been through alot, has put up with alot, and will continue forging forward no matter what. Hardware fails, Murphy's law is in full effect, and [stuff] does indeed happen.

  11. #221
    Junior Member Woha's Avatar
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    That happens when Murphy visit us. Thx @devs for hard work!

  12. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalindrel View Post
    Honestly, I've been a long time player and while not being able to get on to SWG (again) is giving me cold sweats, itchy skin, and shocking realizations of shirked responsibilities, I'm not going to be so judgemental of the people who have blessed our lives with the game that none of us can get away from, whether it be from the kindness of their heart or the need for space shekels. One of the devs posted stating that merely naivety is to blame here. This entire development team has been through alot, has put up with alot, and will continue forging forward no matter what. Hardware fails, Murphy's law is in full effect, and [stuff] does indeed happen.
    Yeah, yeah, their struggle is real...

    And that is exactly the kind of rhetoric Stella Bellum's shills spewed right up until they found out that they had no intention of even launching a live server.

    What you have to understand is that a lot of people are getting fed up with all these emu-based (and nge-based) server admins and devs lying to them all the time. And it's a little jarring to witness some pretty compelling evidence that it may be currently happening on the flagship server as well. And in my book, "blessing our lives" with a 14 year old video game doesn't give them free reign to tell porkies to the community, especially when money is involved.

    Also, if you didn't even read my post (as the snarky TL;DR implies), then why are you even replying to it?
    Last edited by flugel76; 08-10-2017 at 05:59 AM.

  13. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by Folky View Post
    Whatever the devs decide to do I'm for, they created my playground from the ashes of sonys incompetence and I will be forever grateful for that
    All this right here

  14. #224
    Junior Member KezJona89's Avatar
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    I've been around for a number of years seeing how the project is coming a long with occasional binges of play.

    I -personally- think a wipe will be good for the community. Only for the reason of evening out the economy again and getting rid of so many abandoned houses and cities. Before Pub9 I was so concentrated on being a Jedi I think I pushed myself to not enjoy the game, but now I've had a break I'm not that bothered about Jedi anymore. So wipe for me would be good

    But whatever route the developers decide to go down we just have to give them our support and stop the bickering that takes place because they do this in their free time to provide us the nostalgia we all get from this game.

  15. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by hybridtheory View Post
    I just think IF there is going to be a wipe they minds well address some other things too like ADK's and the amount of toons we are allowed, if not the server will be back in the same position 1 year from now, minds well make these changes to insure longevity while you have the chance! This thread here : Really does well to highlight the benifits of a wipe for testing purposes not to mention the changes would help as well!
    I think you are far too optimistic in that thread.
    While it most certainly can be the case that people will actually play the niches, there is at least an equal chance that people will revert to cookie cutter templates without the room for experimentation.
    And lets be honest, I played from start till a little over NGE, and not once did I think to myself : "I really wish we had those carbineer debuffs right about now". Did you? Those things are not needed. They are nice to have, but most certainly not needed.

    It is a real challenge for Basilisk and its Devs. The target audience is different from what it was during the launch of the game and there is a fair chance that decisions that worked 13 years ago on a playerbase of several hundreds of thousands of people are not the best choice today.
    In fact, some of those choices did not work back then, considering the fact that virtually every 'dedicated' crafter or support character I knew was running at least 2 accounts.

    This games player (or really character) driven economy needs a certain critical mass to be viable.
    And that is why this possible wipe has me a bit worried. If too many people quit over this, we might have difficulty reaching that.

    Luckily most people here, including myself, do not seem to be too upset about this situation.

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