Quote Originally Posted by Vikko View Post
I don't think you will find any great difficulty getting Ent and Doc buffs, there are players who *like* playing those classes ATK and offering their services. They are not apparent
now because they are lost in a sea of AFK buffbots and have given up on their favourite professions. I know I will have a Entertainer running even if I get only 2 slots to play from.
IMO that's a good reason for why a wipe, and a downsize to 2 chars per acc. actually would even help the developement.. I believe many People are lurking in the shadows, just because they dont want to deal with afk bots. They play the game for the social aspect, also for an economy that used to be like on live. For These People there reallly is no use in playing under current circumstances. So they patiently wait for the actual Server to pop up, not playing the game atm, not helping Progress, not testing and not reporting bugs. I think for many of those, the wipe and the Regulation of 2chars per acc. would be a great deal, they would return to the Server - even if it's not the permanent one yet and help stress test and contribute to finding many more Bugs. More active People = more Progress is how i see it. If uu have many chars on, sure that helps stress testing, but if the 1 Person playing them isnt reporting Bugs, or just logging in afk toons all the time, ist not the same as if 10 People independantly Play. The chances, that 2-3 or even more of these active Players find Bugs and Report them, are way higher. but thats just my opinion. flame away..