Quote Originally Posted by Barthug View Post
You kids are full of sarcasm and overall are pretty ungrateful. The SWG community was once touted as the single best community in gaming anywhere. When I talk to old players of pre-cu they all say the same. "The community made the game fun". Well, I guess that portion that made the community so great didn't come over to the emu. I see WoW typical behavior. I see a bunch of Adults and children with a "we have the right to do what we want" attitudes and overall ungrateful.

Its sad that Firehawk has to even make this point. Its sad that people troll moderators. I guess its sad at where a once great community (even here on these forums) has went to complete and utter dog ****.

The bottom line is the developers can do what they want. Want to make themselves Jedi? Good for them. Want to make changes to a server to make it MORE FUN? So be it. They don't owe any of us a damned thing. The servers wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. If you don't like the way things are being handled, start a petition for them to shut down development or do it behind closed doors. I heard there are other emu projects going on. Go over there and moan and *****.

As for the hackers. Please ban these immature kids. I dont care if a wipe is coming. They deserve perma bans from the TCs as well as Suncrusher.

In my opinion I would do invite only to the TCs and let all these kids sit here and be immature and cry about not being able to play. That or go closed door development and let no one play.
and your $hi! don't stink? A part of the word Community is "U" and if your so biased to think everyone is a snot nosed brat, your ignorance is how you will be perceived by every " immature kid"

The fact that i had to come in off topic to rant about your off topic is down right wrong.

Quote Originally Posted by Bostwain View Post
Doing the right thing also means removing Liberator? (serious question, no sarcasm here)
No, the Liberator, as Kyle's update reflects, is using code for the OR, therefore your theory is null.