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Thread: SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2016

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    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
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    SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2016

    SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2016

    January 2017
    SWGEmu Team

    SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2016

    Table of Contents
    • Project Update
    • Staff Updates
    • Quick Stats
    • Staff Round-Table
    • Closing
    SWGEmu Project Updates

    Major Additions/Changes

    Staff Updates

    SWGEmu is Recruiting!

    SWGEmu is an ever-changing and growing organization where new talent is always being sought out. We especially would like to mention the need for more developers, please see this thread for more information.

    SWGEmu is also in need of other positions filled. For anyone interested in spending some of there free time toward this project, please consider to join in on our SWGEmu Internship Program . Its once more possible to apply for an event coordinator position.

    Quick Stats

    Developer Code Commits:
    • Total Commits 2016: 1106
    • Total Lines of Code (LoC):
      I have not been able to find the LoC list

    Registration Statistics:
    • Daily:
      • July 14, 2016 - 14 accounts registered
      • January 09, 2016 - 229 accounts registered
    • Monthly:
      • January 2016 - 3,845 accounts registered
      • July 2016 - 1,200 accounts registered
    • Yearly:
      • 2016 - 18,804 accounts registered; average 1,567 per month
    User Activity Statistics (Users online in one day):
    • Most users online: June 04, 2016 - 1,382 users
    New thread statistics (Posted threads):
    • January 2016 - 1,945 new threads
    • August 2016 - 840 new threads
    Most users online: 1,657 (05-11-2011 06:22 PM)
    Most viewed thread:
    SWGEmu Timeline
    Most replied thread: What are you listening to right now?
    Most popular forum: Basilisk Trade Forum
    Top poster: Some Idiot (31,244 posts)

    Staff Round-Table

    Farelli - Quality Assurance
    It's been an intense year for me. Twelve months ago I was fumbling around on Nova trying to figure out how to test things, learning about 1,000 things per day. A year later I feel like I'm starting to understand what I'm doing.

    We're all part of an awesome community here. From playtesters to event coordinators, customer support, moderators, site services, code contributors, developers, and QA we all play critical roles.

    I'm blessed to be part of such an amazing project. It's helped me personally in more ways than I can describe. It would be pretty easy for this to feel like a job at times. But I always come back to the fact that we're working on a game and that's pretty cool. And I'm reminded of a quote: "Success is a journey, not a destination." It's about how we learn and improve over time.

    I'm also blown away that we have the owners of the project and all the donators that keep everything moving. People who take their personal time on weekends in the middle of their nights to fix problems with Basilisk so it can keep being stress tested over time. People who take some of their income and donate it so the costs can be covered. People who have a passion for pre-CU SWG.

    I could go on all day about this, but I'll stop. I'll end by echoing what Nee said: join us in IRC at #openqa or pop onto Nova and look for me. I'm Farelli and FonzFarelli there. Send me a tell if you see me on. I'd love to hear from you.

    Happy Holidays to all.
    nee2earth - Quality Assurance
    Thank you Community for your continued support of our Project. With our collective efforts, perhaps 2017 can become even more progressive than 2016 was. As always, if anyone ever has any questions about Mantis or TCNova, feel free to reach-out to me here on our forums and/or in IRC #openqa channel anytime.

    best regards, Nee

    p.s. Remember to always bookmark our 'Weekly Update' posts every Sunday, so you don't miss a thing
    Niffer1976 - Lead CSR/EC
    I would like to thank our community for the support and donations you have given us.

    CSR side- We have been short on CSRs and I appreciate the patience you all have given us in getting your tickets answered. Thank you to all the community members that have been answering questions to new players in game that helps us more than you know. I just want to remind everyone now that the end of the year is coming and family members will be visiting please apply to be approved for multiple accounts. Read the rules and if you have any questions please ask us.

    EC side- Weedie and I have been working hard on getting events set back up. We will be having mini events at least once a week starting January 1st. All event rules have been updated and are posted for you to read. Since we are short staffed we will try to hold one staff event as often as we can.

    2016 was a great year but look out 2017 is coming around the corner. Who know what it will bring!
    Vlada - Lead moderator
    OK then...
    Lolindir - Moderator
    So, here we are again. Another year have past and another post to make. We have had a good year and the end of new content is finally soontm
    here. 2017 will be an very interesting year indeed


    We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of our community members for your support, donations and your time spent with our project. 2016 have been a good year for the project. We have moved forward and we have never been closer to seeing the last profession return to a galaxy far far away, on a playground we like to call Basilisk. Just over the horizon, we can almost see the corvette coming in for a landing (soontm). Yes, 2017 will be and exciting year indeed

    Happy New Year!

    ~The SWGEmu Team
    Last edited by Lolindir; 01-27-2017 at 11:18 AM.
    SWGEmu Admin

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