Quote Originally Posted by Exakun View Post
You need to coordinate a large group.
You need to complete all 20 missions to receive the equivalent payout of your own 2 missions while solo grouping.
Your group loses overall payout if even one person is slightly out of range.
Harvesting corpses becomes tedious if there's multiple scouts nearby.
If you're fighting humanoids, you have to share loot.
Newer players get practically no combat XP in this scenario.

I started playing on Basilisk less than a week ago and I'm grinding through my first profession in the few hours between work and sleep. I'm a poor unguilded hermit that only knows his two friends that joined at the same time. On live I'd always go to Dant Mining Outpost for grinding but when I looked there it was a ghost town. Since you need buffs for any non-trivial combat, I've essentially been tethered to Mos Eisley. Solo grouping was getting me much better (though still very easy) missions and the grind was correspondingly much better.

That would require a ton of grinding considering I'm completely faction neutral, and I don't really like PvP. If I had to choose I'm honestly leaning more towards Rebel.
Your tears are so tasty.

Why on earth would you use mission terminals to grind out your professional XP?
It is much quicker to just run around and kill everything you see, changing planets once you out-level the current one.

Sharing loot? OMG!!! Say it isn't so!!!!! lol, it's an mmo for pete's sake.

DR and entertainer buffs are available everywhere you turn. Try the auction chat channel.