Wow you guys have been busy! A lot of things I'm certainly looking forward to. The group system seems odd, but from what I've read, and mind you it's still early and only on my first cup of coffee, it seems that this publish is urging people away from solo groups and suggesting smaller groups. Which would be great for new players who are still getting their bearings. Get 5-6 newbies together and go at it. Plus hunting missions HAVE HAD THEIR PAYOUTS SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED. So I'm guessing you could even go ungrouped, get swamp rat missions, and make enough money early on to get the gear you need to advance.

Pre-pub 8 the only time to group up and actually do things together (crazy concept for an mmo) was to do DWB or Geo caves or some other high end content.

Dark Side adepts won't instantly stand up after PCD! Thank the maker. Too many other notable changes to comment on while still in a pre-sunrise daze but all in all, great job on all the hard work.

Oh and yay! I won't keep losing my horns!