so now that more companies are starting to think about adding bitcoin as a form of payment like Dish networks on bill payments and so forth this is a step into the light that PayPal/Ebay is not that far from doing the same thing i say by the end of summer or late winter this all should be some what a beta start of this project but def is risky for them to do so but then again its risky for Dish since they are thinking of merging with another company yet again so idk but their hopper tech an what ever they got seems to be good money and since they swimming in debt yeah bitcoin def help em out..

but based on how much fraud reports Ebay on sales/transactions bitcoin for them is hard cause they might see the same problem spread over but other companies accept bitcoin on the low like Victoria Secrets and (if you dont know about this site but seen it on tv before YW..) is another but there is more out there they just dont announce it like that for publicity they wanna work out the kinks before taking on a mass load of ppl who alrdy now to this day keep converting money to bitcoin just to have for safeguard when it comes to paper currency..

but its here if you got to mine from 2009 till now your rich beyond dreams to this new type "digital currency" but to those its just a new leap to new evo..

but Vlada i am sure this site would def be of interest when it comes to forms of payment you guys would like to implement (maybe bitcoin as form of donation like these android crypto devs do as in appdonation)

Read More on Dish Accepting Bitcoin as form of Payment..