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Thread: SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2014

  1. #1
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2014

    SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2014

    January 2015
    SWGEmu Team

    SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2014

    Table of Contents
    • Project Update
    • Staff Updates
    • Quick Stats
    • Staff Round-Table
    • Closing

    SWGEmu Project Updates

    Major Additions/Changes

    Staff Updates

    SWGEmu is Recruiting!

    SWGEmu is an ever-changing and growing organization where new talent is always being sought out. We especially would like to mention the need for more developers, please see this thread for more information.

    SWGEmu is also in need of other positions filled. For any one interested in spending some of there free time toward this project, please consider to join in on our SWGEmu Internship Program . Its once more possible to apply for an event coordinator position.

    Quick Stats

    Developer Code Commits:
    • Total Commits 2014: 1936
    • Total Lines of Code (LoC):
      Language           files     blank   comment      code
      HTML               12391    122129     37170   3275804
      Lua                25419    495607    646792   1469961
      SQL                   27      1365      2102    453995
      C++                  860     83974     37260    276783
      C/C++ Header        2444     89854     82966    194332
      Javascript             6      2571        60    158311
      Bourne Shell          25      8406     10196     60298
      IDL                  234      9058         2     33579
      m4                    17      2267       303     19385
      make                  15       532       614     11156
      Python                29      1571      2433      4289
      C                      1       619       359      3160
      Bourne Again Shell     2       190       280      1923
      CSS                    4       231        38      1163
      PHP                    1        37         2       256
      XML                    2        30         0       114
      C#                     1        29         5       107
      MSBuild scripts        1         0         7        42
      DOS Batch              2         0         0         4
      SUM:               41481    818470    820589   5964662
    Registration Statistics:
    • May 05, 2014 - 368 accounts registered
    • September 01, 2014 - 0 accounts registered
    • January 2014 - 4478 accounts registered
    • October 2014 - 2341 accounts registered
    • 2014 - 42,613 accounts registered; average 3551.08 per month
    User Activity Statistics (Users online in one day):
    • Most users online: April 30, 2014 - 3068 users
    New thread statistics (Posted threads):
    • January 2014 - 4013
    • October 2014 - 1781
    Most viewed thread: Project Status List
    Most replied thread: What are you listening to right now?
    Most popular forum: Basilisk Trade Forum

    Staff Round-Table

    Klivian - Developer

    In February I was honored and humbled to be promoted to Developer. I'm standing on the shoulders of giants, as far as I'm concerned. I've been in the code for about a year and a half now and I still find myself admiring and learning from the other developers.

    Though I worked on a few solo projects, the bulk of this year was spent working with Ivojedi on pets and world spawns. We laid the groundwork for most of the pet framework in late 2013, but it bled into 2014. I enjoyed seeing the code grow and change from our initial design into something rather robust and expandable. Ivo's full of good ideas. He's also tireless. After months of work, I finished my last lair template (probably number 5,000 or so) and typed a triumphant "DONE!" into IRC only to have Ivo point me to another 100+ forgotten templates. I laughed. Then I cried.

    Contributing to this project is rewarding on many levels, but there are two moments I always savor:
    1) Seeing a feature working on my dev environment knowing that I may be the first person in almost a decade to see that portion of SWG alive again
    2) Seeing a feature go live on Basilisk and seeing others enjoying it (eg CH) or hating it (eg CH).

    Between #1 and #2, lies the real heroes of this project, though: QA. With only handful of members, QA somehow manages to validate and test code as fast as developers can throw it at them. They've saved me from more embarrassing bugs than I care to admit. Just ask them about the black hole I accidentally created at 0,0 Naboo =/.

    In all seriousness, "professional" software launches/patches go far less smoothly than SWGEmu's publishes to Basilisk. That is a direct testament to our fantastic QA team.

    Finally, I hope everyone continues on this journey with us into 2015. If the beginnings of Pub 7 are any indicator, there's great stuff in store for SWGEmu!
    Miztah - Developer

    What a huge year it's been for the project. Two big publishes, an extensively complex new AI system, and huge amounts of content added back to the game. Even more great stuff in the pipeline. It's amazing how far the project has come since I started following it back in 2006.

    Just 3 months ago now, I was given the opportunity to join the team officially as a Developer. I had submitted random small bug fixes over the years, but earlier this year I decided that I wanted to contribute more and began diving into the code, learning as much as I could. The massive scale of the project is daunting at first, but the support I've received from the amazingly talented other developers on the team has been a huge help.

    I consider myself a pretty good example of the fact that anyone interested in helping develop the project has the capability to become part of the team. When I first started, my knowledge was limited and my coding was... messy to say the least. I had to ask questions of the team constantly. The more I practiced and worked on bugs, the better I became. If you've got the interest in helping and dedication to learn, the development team is willing to help anyone out along the way. Anyone wishing to help, feel free to stop by our IRC and join #opendev. We're not always able to answer immediately, but if you stick around we'll be there to assist.

    Huge thanks to the amazing community we've got here for your support of both the game and our team. It's you folks and your dedication to the project that make us want to keep working towards our end goal of bringing this game fully back to life.

    Also I've gotta send a big thanks out to our QA, CSR and moderation teams, the real heroes of this project. They do the truly difficult work around here, helping the community with anything and everything support related and doing all of the difficult research required for the developers to implement features and fix bugs, not to mention constantly testing every little thing we implement to ensure the quality and stability of our product are as best as can be. We wouldn't be anywhere near where we are today without them.

    2015 is going to be an exciting year, we've got a lot planned for the future and I hope everyone is looking forward to being a part of it as much as I am. Happy New Year!
    Ivojedi - Developer

    I can hardly believe another year has come to an end. Time sure does fly when you're having fun. Above all else, I can honestly say that this year has been a lot of fun. Seeing the progress that has been made and being able to have had a hand in it has been great. I hope that everyone has enjoyed the project as much as I have this past year.

    This coming year has the potential to be even more momentous. We have a great team of developers, code contributors, quality assurance, and community testers who are all eager to help get new things implemented, bugs fixed, and milestones achieved. Despite this, we can always use more help. I encourage anyone who would like to see the project continue to advance to take a more active role. Regardless of skills or talents, anyone with the inclination can do more to help this project towards completion. Whether it's testing on Nova, reporting bugs, fixing bugs, researching specifics about 14.1 functionality, or implementing missing features, there are a myriad way in which an individual can contribute. We are all community members and it is up to the community whether this projects flounders or continues to succeed. I, for one, will do what I can to ensure the latter outcome. Who's with me?
    Oru - Developer

    Last year I finished with the words:

    Hope to see the project get close to completion this year

    and not only has SWGEmu surpassed all my expectations but we are so close to reaching our goal we can actually see that illusive light at the end of the tunnel.

    Much like last year real life has been the thing preventing me from donating more of my free time to the project. What ever time was left after work and family I had to dedicate to managing the NPO. But despite my absence our dedicated team has made some amazing progress.

    Thank you all for your dedication and support and keep up the good work guys!
    Sytner - Client & Tools Developer

    Since I went to university in 2010 it's been difficult to find the time to work on tools. Indeed, for much of the past two years I was hardly able to progress at all. This year however, that changed with me graduating in the summer, finally giving me some time to get back into regularly writing code.

    There's a lot to talk about but I'll save the details for a separate update. To summarise though, the terrain editor is mostly complete and is now being tested internally. As I add in the remaining functionality over the next couple of weeks the number of testers will be increased until it's ready for the first public release. After that I'll start adding in support for editing other file types such as snapshots and particles. A lot of the ground work for this is already done and it's mainly just a case of creating the UI and graphical editing tools.

    I look forward to releasing the tools and seeing what people will be able to create with them. Have a great 2015!

    Scurby - Quality Assurance Leader

    I can hardly believe it's time to sum up the year again. 2014 has been so busy I hardly noticed it. The 2 massive publishes this year were both huge milestones for the project with the implementation of pets and the AI re-write. Dynamic spawns. Tons of missing mobs were added. Hundreds of quests. Junk dealers. Record keepers. Race tracks. And hundreds of bug fixes make up the 1936 commits this year. And it's always bound happen that stuff gets broken during the publishes. Who will forget the vendor issues with pub 5 merge? or the time of 'no saves' after pub 6 merge? Good times. Looking back at this time last year it's amazing how much has been done to implement stuff that hasn't been done since live.

    For me personally, being a part of this project has been a privilege. A huge 'THANK YOU' to the multitude of people that got involved this year. The effort and dedication is amazing. It's hard to believe that these people are volunteers sometimes. You know who you are.... I am honored to be at your service.

    2015 is shaping up to be a banner year for the project. Fully functional droids are becoming a reality. I hope to see all the professions for the ground game implemented fully. I hope to see A.I. filled out to get things like /taunt and /cover working. I hope to see the Corvette, Hero of Tat quests, the village functional and the padawan trials working. I even have a glimmer of hope some jedi padawan will get his xp taken from him when he is db'd in coronet showing off his glowbat in 2015. I hope it's a red one. One thing for certain... I plan on being here to find out.

    nee2earth - Quality Assurance

    Happy New Year, SWGEmu! -- I've been known to get rather sentimental (and long-winded ) at times like these, so i'm going to take a page out of the famous EARTH comedy show called 'Seinfeld' and "do the opposite" by simply saying...


    --To TheAnswer: for the continued opportunity (and honor) of being a part of our exceptional Team.
    --To Scurby: for being the best mentor (and 'boss' ) any QA'er could ever hope for.
    --To Ivojedi & rest of the Devs: for putting up with me every day (and sometimes every hour) while i try to break your code.
    --To Vlada & Sniffer: for being a constant shining example of passion, professionalism, and patience.
    --To the rest of our Staff: for laughing at my jokes, listening to my rants, and enjoying your respective jobs as much as i enjoy mine.
    --To our superb Community: for your perpetual support, testing, and understanding.

    * May the Force Be With You All...Always.* --- /super-pep-talk-2015! - best regards, Nee

    p.s. I can't believe i forgot to mention how grateful i am to everyone who helped (and continues to help) with what began as a daunting 'pet project' but grew into our official Screenshot Archives!
    Niffer1976 - Lead CSR/EC

    The CSR/EC team has had a great year. We started with ending Events which had to be done considering the short staff we had. Now we will be ending with bringing events back. Our community is great and support chats and tickets get answered as quick as possible. We want to thank the development team for helping us in our questioning times when publishes came out and the QA team for standing beside us as we worked out bugs to make Basilisk better and our wonderful community for helping us make it possible. We look forward to a great 2015 with our community.

    Mistress Aerea - CSR

    Thank you to everyone that makes this project possible! To all the staff that dedicate countless hours to development, quality assurance, customer service, and moderation - you are the unsung heroes. Without you there would be no SWG and the world would be a less fulfilling place. Thank you for your hard work and allowing me to join your ranks this past year. I look forward to continuing to contribute in years to come, and am excited at things on the horizon. To all the players, testers, and general community - thank you for making this the best game and community ever. Happy New Year, everyone!

    sgtfunkadelic - Event Coordinator

    I believe 2014 has been another great year for the SWGEmu project. Two major publishes were merged that added tons of content, fixes and updates to Basilisk. I joined the internship program in february and it has been a joy to witness first hand, the dedication and teamwork put in by our Dev & QA teams as they work towards the 1.0 goal.

    The amazing job done to support this project by our Moderators, CSR's , Code Contributors and Community Testers has also been wonderful to behold. I would like to thank everyone on staff, it has been a lot of fun to work alongside you this past year and getting to know you all.

    I would also like to thank the community for their continued support. We all share a passion for a unique game which is being lovingly rebuild by a unique community project. To me, Star Wars Galaxies has always been about community and I'm sure 2015 will be another exciting year for us all. Just days ago we announced the return of events to Basilisk and as an EC I look forward to meeting you all ig at next year's server events.

    Have a brilliant 2015 everyone!
    Weedie - Event Coordinator

    This year has been an eventful one. It was incredible to see two huge publishes in the same year, especially implementation of AI. Game is really starting to feel closer and closer to the way it was on live. And it is especially exciting for me personally to see the return of events. I cannot wait to see firsthand the creativity and passion that goes into putting them together.

    I am very thankful and humbled to have an opportunity to work with SWGEmu staff. Things that are done here by volunteers are pretty much unimaginable anywhere else. I want to thank developers, code contributors, QA and community testers, moderators, website services, and my fellow support staff for all the hard work that goes into this project and makes it possible. And of course, I want to thank our community for the support, patience, dedication, and being the most involved and helpful community of any video game I’ve ever played.

    Here is to a happy New Year, now with events!
    Vlada - Lead moderator

    Another great SWGEmu year behind us, and it feels like we are finally able to see that light at the end of the tunnel. I want to thank our Developers, Quality Assurance, Support, CSR, Event, Services, Moderator & Community Relations, Code Contributors, Community Testers and Support Interns (current and former) for all the hard work they have put in to this project, all the good times and those few bad times we shared. I also want to thank our awesome community for their support, dedication and for putting up with us another year. Seriously I have no idea how you do it.

    Happy New SWGEmu Year folks.
    Lolindir - Moderator

    Another year have gone by and the project have been moving along nicely. Our devs and testers have been hard at work with the result of two huge publishes this year. AI have finally been implemented, giving CH and fully working BE to Basilisk. AI have also made the world seem more alive with mobs wandering around. 2014 also gave us some more community members who wanted to contribute there time on staff, devs, CSR/ECs and therefor able to once again hosting staff run events. I hope we will see many nice events in 2015 that our community can enjoy. I bet our EC team are eager to receive some of your ideas for coming events

    I would like to thank every one, former and present on staff and our fantastic community for a great year and I hope we will see the same commitment and speed next year, as we have seen this year.

    Happy New Year to you all.


    We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of our community members for your support, donations and your time spent with our project. The project continued the good pace it had at the end of 2013 in to and throughout 2014. We saw the full implementation of all but one professions. We can finally say that AI have been implemented and working. We are seeing a few commits toward the last professions missing and 2015 seems to be an exciting year indeed for the project.

    A job well done to all that have been part of the project in 2014 and we hope you stay just as dedicated in 2015. Happy New Year!

    ~The SWGEmu Team
    Last edited by Vlada; 01-20-2015 at 10:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Dedicated Newsound's Avatar
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    Thank you all so very much! Your dedication is amazing! This past year has seen so much growth. The project seems to have some great momentum right now. Sytner's post has me drooling! Thanks again every one of you. Much love. Here is to an amazing 2015!!
    Azaree Noise
    Beggars Canyon
    Member of <TAI>

  3. #3
    Newbie indyrizzo's Avatar
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    Great job all of you. Really like what i'm seeing and appreciate all of your hard work! Can't wait to see what 2015 brings.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Thank you SO MUCH for your gift. Thank you SO much

  5. #5
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    Thank you all so much!!!

  6. #6
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    Awesome job!
    Gravestone Armory
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  7. #7
    Junior Member Rynnn's Avatar
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    Thank you to the SWGEMU Team that has worked and is still working tirelessly to bring us such an amazing game.
    Without any of you, none of this would be possible. I am very grateful for all you have done, and all you are doing.
    Thank you again. Keep up the great work.
    The Crystal Mall
    Located in the Crystal Compound outside of Kad on Naboo.
    WP 5721, 5818

  8. #8
    Junior Member khazad's Avatar
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    Thank you all so much, your efforts will never go unnoticed and not appreciated

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Another amazing year for SWGEmu. A long journey but one worth waiting for . I think alot of people are more dedicated than ever and its exciting looking at the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Well done to all,

    - Praxi
    Praxi Starwalker
    Bria Server
    'RFR' - Rebel Force Recon
    'SOH' -Soldiers of Honour

  10. #10
    SWGEmu Retired Community Relations bigevil's Avatar
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    Yes indeed, them kids be crack-a-lackin. Couldn't agree more with the sentiments described herein. Them folks up there always working hard to bring us closer and closer to the promised land. Great job all.

    To be quite honest though, its been the whole process up to now that has been just as fun for me playing as it was in live. Back then, it was new and fresh. A very unique type of gaming excitement.

    This time round it has been different, but just as rewarding in different ways. Each time there is a server rebirth, it has been new chance to do it better......smarter. Each time is an old west "land grab" of sorts as we dash out to set our stake on land and resource. I have enjoyed every incarnation of the servers up to now, an d will hold each one special for what is has offered.

    New goals, new guilds, new friends, new fun. Who knows where I will cast my playing lot on future servers, but Basilisk has sent me down a new path just as the servers before it live included. I can't wait to see where this path takes me, and to what adventure. It has been more than a project to many of us.

    Its been our gaming home. Here's to a good 2015.
    Retired Community Relations

    SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project.
    Is what I am doing in the game wrong? How do I know? If in doubt, contact Staff.

    SWGEmu Guides and Helpful Links / complaint@swgemu.com for violations or complaints / LIVE Support

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Great work, well done team. I am truly thankful for you bringing back to life possibly one of the best MMORPG's of all time, i mean c'mon it's Star Wars!! No other MMORPG past or present had the full immersion offered from SWG; crafting, PVE, PVP, community building, economics.
    Thank you!
    Aspiring new character 04/09/2024

  12. #12
    Junior Member Dialgo's Avatar
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    I've been following this project for years, and will see it through to the end. I appreciate all of the hard work and labor from the many who's poured their time into it. You are all my heroes.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    You ppl are fricking amazing.... no frick!!!! love you guys..
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnswer View Post
    This server is for us all to try and finish this game so you can have a server to play, hopefully with me far away from here.

  14. #14
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    Awesome work! Thanks to all the staff for their hard work.

  15. #15
    Senior Member Qui-larek's Avatar
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    Awesome job everyone
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