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Thread: Publish 10: The Rise of Galaxies

  1. #1
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    Publish 10: The Rise of Galaxies

    Publish 10: The Rise of Galaxies

    The SWGEmu Development Division

    Publish 10: The Rise of Galaxies

    • Improved server stability
    • Various Server Optimizations
    • Fixed Memory Leaks
    • Fixed duplicate mountain squill spawn outside squill cave
    • Added no build zones for FS Village Phase 3 Base Locations
    • Adjusted spawn timers on various NPC's
    • Fixed some factional NPC's failing to aggro Players
    • Axkva Min's Guard now properly spawns and assists her when she is attacked
    • Adjusted no build zones around Jedi Enclaves
    • Fixed various Tatooine Region spawns
    • Fixed Grovo rancor spawn at Nightsister Stronghold
    • Adjusted experience payout for a few Imperial NPC's
    • Corrected Teras Kasi Artist Trainer Location on Talus
    • Added missing Chef Trainer in Bestine, Tatooine
    • The Trained Veermok in the Sulfur Pirates Cave on Lok will no longer aggro its trainers
    • Issue preventing the Hero of Tatooine Wild Bladeback Boar from respawning after being killed has been corrected
    • Potential case fixed where the Hero of Tatooine Pirate Leader and Pirates would not respawn
    • Added hue color variations to various creatures
    • Fixed various creatures/NPC's getting stuck on cell boundaries when pathing
    • Fixed issue allowing creatures to be dizzied and kept knocked down
    • Fixed various factional NPC chances to hit
    • Fixed Lowland Brackaset milk type and diet
    • Added various appearance templates to Dark Adepts and Dark Jedi NPC's
    • Added missing system message when a player attempts to loot an empty corpse
    • Prevented the loot window from opening when a corpse has no items to loot
    Events/Dungeons/Theme Parks/Quests
    • Added Bestine Elections
    • Re-Wrote The Warren Screenplay - Fixed many issues players were having when trying to earn the Badges achieved here.
    • Re-Wrote Geonosian Cave Screenplay and fixed various bugs within
    • Corellian Corvette Terminals are no longer usable if the player is in a different cell
    • Badge is granted to all those in the group when completing the Corellian Corvette
    • Reward is now given to all group members from mission NPC after completing Corellian Corvette
    • Destructible buildings for missions spawn sooner when a player moves into range
    • Fixed destructible building terminals not appearing when spawned
    • Corrected issue preventing Hero of Tattooine Hermit from giving the missing Mark rewards
    • Mark of Courage will no longer be given with serial number showing in examine window
    • Fixed bug with Death Watch Bunker Voice Control Bomb Droid
    • Fixed an issue with a conversation string for some of Jabba's Theme Park NPC's
    • Added check to disallow players to attack other players inside a building they are not permitted to enter, this includes AoE attacks.
    • Added check to disallow players applying poison, disease, heals and enhancements to players inside a building they are not permitted to enter, this includes AoE applications
    • Fixed issue with PvP ratings calculating incorrectly
    • Fixed issue causing PvP rating throttle message to be sent at the incorrect time
    • Changed PvP rating kill list to be stored on the killer instead of the victim
    • Fixed the "Defense vs" Defenses calculation to always allow a chance for a State or Posture to Apply
    • Fixed Armor Piercing to be calculated against Personal Shield Generators and adjusted the decay rate
    • Ingredients can now be removed from an ingredient slot during ingredient input stage of crafting
    • Fixed erroneous ingredient in Light Blaster (red) Draft Schematic
    • Fixed factories consuming all identical single components in a hopper at once
    FS Village
    • Aurillian Plant will now correctly go above very fast growth rate
    • Corrected issue with Aurillian Plant showing dead when it was still alive
    • Profession XP Modifiers will no longer apply to FS Experience Conversions
    • Issue fixed with Captain Sarguillo Patrol Points not despawning when arriving at next point
    • Captain Sarguillo Phase 3 Mission Base Timers will now reset appropriately
    • Phase 3 Bases now eject players that are still within shield range when they are reset
    • Phase 3 Base gates will no longer randomly persist in the world after they have been destroyed
    • Added Option to Dageerin Conversation to replace existing Radiation Sensor
    • Players are no longer able to accept multiple Phase 4 Captain Sarguillo Missions
    • Fixed FS Experience transfer window failing to close when Player goes out of range
    • FS Intro Quest not updating when looting the datapad from the Sith Shadow
    • Sith Shadow not having waypoint datapad as loot all the time
    • Added Functionality to re-grant Force Sensitive Box upon login if it was surrendered
    • Fixed Player Base Layouts to better reflect live
    • Terminals now spawn at random locations during the vulnerability period of a player base and de-spawn when the period has ended.
    • Adjusted placement of player base HQ Terminals and other terminals within bases
    • Corrected issue in Player Bases with Security Terminal becoming bugged if the slice failed
    • NPC's are now removed from the world when a Player destroys a PvE Player Base
    • Added system message when a player breaks the perimeter of a PvP Faction Base Minefield
    • Imperial SF Tactical Centers now list correct on the Planetary Map
    • Waypoint to a structure is now removed when a structure is Destroyed (Not retroactive for existing structures)
    • Fixed Structure Ejection issues. Players should no longer get stuck in the doorway or be placed under a building if ejected from any structures.
    • Corrected issue causing deleted players to not be removed from Housing Administrative lists
    • Increased range for structure /payMaintenance command
    • Fixed an issue when inputting power into factories and harvesters
    • Added mail message when a building is destroyed due to decay
    • Residency change cool-down no longer affects placing a city hall
    • Player owned Hospitals will now correctly auto-heal Health and Action wounds
    • Fixed players not being able to loot No Trade items from corpses inside structures
    • Fixed Armor Condition Decay Rate to better reflect live
    • Fixed issue with the Condition on the Rebel Marine Armor Chestplate loot from the Corellian Corvette
    • Fixed the Heat vulnerability on Rebel Marine and Stormtrooper Armor types
    • Rancor Bile will now have the accurate attributes on them when looted
    • Incapacitated and Corpsed Mounts are no longer able to be mounted
    • Fixed being able to make a Faction pet attack while a player is swimming
    • Fixed duplicate system message from being sent when faction pets were auto-stored
    • Added Bazaar & Vendor Text Search and Min/Max Price Filtering Functionality - Players must run the SWGEmu Launcher in order to update to the correct Client UI File!
    • Fixed issue with Player Trade window if one part unchecks the accept box
    • Corrected permissions for players in the New Player Tutorial
    • Random Player Name generator will no longer generate names already used
    • Deleted character names now usable 15 minutes after deletion
    • Fixed error when a player would try to select a non one time Veteran Reward
    • Burst Run's HAM cost is now modified by the players secondary stats

    • Removed Action Cost from Melee Weapon Power-Up Primary Stats
    Bounty Hunter:
    • Added Player Jedi Bounty payout increase for Force Ranked Jedi
    • Fixed Fast Blast to correctly divide max damage evenly over Health, Action and Mind Pools
    • Adjusted Fast Blast attack multiplier to better reflect live
    • Fixed minimum nutrition value on several Chef draft schematics
    • Ormachek Dish now correctly gives its experience bonus
    • Fixed Grenades not bypassing Jedi Saberblock
    • Fixed Heavy and Consumable weapons ignoring Jedi Saberblock
    Droid Engineer:
    • Fixed ambient droid pet sounds for most droid pets - Not retroactive for already crafted droids
    • Fixed the /stopListen command to function without target or parameter
    • Corrected Droid Effect Modules to only delay between 3-60 seconds
    • Added Force Ranking System
    • Added FRS Skill bonuses
    • Added /showCouncilRank Command
    • Added ability to recover Jedi Items from Enclave Voting Terminal
    • Added Force Defense skill mod damage reduction to incoming Force attacks
    • Fixed Force Power attacks to use ability accuracy vs Force Defense when calculating chance to hit
    • Fixed Players unable to restart Knight Trials after dropping Rank Member and Jedi Knight skill boxes. These Players must visit a Force Shrine to begin the Trials again if they are still eligible
    • Added check to ensure a player is the correct Faction for their chosen council during Knight Trials
    • Various Bugs with Old Man Encounter
    • Architect Padawan Trial NPC will no longer agro a player with negative Gungan Faction
    • Jedi now gain visibility when entering combat with a lightsaber
    • Fixed bug in Spice Mom Padawan Trial
    • Fixed notification window when dropping FS Skill boxes during Padawan Trials
    • Fixed Force Speed Ability calculation to give the correct speed boost
    • Corrected amount of Force gained from Force Absorb Ability
    • Refactored Jedi Force Power abilities
    • Corrected modifier on Force Resist Bleeding Ability
    • Fixed Force Weaken to function closer to live
    • Fixed Force Intimidate 2 area of effect range
    • Fixed Jedi Resistance States and Jedi State Defenses to be calculated separately
    • Fixed Jedi receiving duplicate cloning window when cloning at shrines and enclaves
    • Fixed on hit force costs when player has both Force Armor and Force Shield active
    • Force Drain will now function closer to live and have a varying range on the amount of Force that is drains
    • Force Drain cooldown will now be correctly reduced by Force Speed
    • Adjusted Channel Force bonus and HAM debuff to better emulate live values
    • Jedi Heal cooldown timers now better reflect live
    • Enhancer Transfer Force Ability will now mimic live functionality
    • Diagnose Ability will now correctly work on NPC's and Creatures
    • Changed Double Tap ability to function closer to live
    • Fixed Player Skill Trainers able to be placed in water
    • Fixed Player Skill Trainers able to be placed while incapacitated or dead
    • Fixed ability to summon /recruit interface while Player is incapacitated or dead
    • Fixed an issue with city decorations not be able to be placed again after being picked up
    • Fixed Creature Knowledge Skill requirement to display creature difficulty level in examine window
    Squad Leader:
    • Squad Leaders will now receive their own passive group buffs
    Teras Kasi Artist:
    • Fixed an issue with Defense Acuity not properly working as a secondary defense
    SWGEmu Admin

    SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I could have sworn you did some work on the Cries of Alderan Act3. Did it not make the cut?

    What's up for next pub? JTL???

    The ground game is basically done now right?
    Please make drops to Poo's Booty Vendor at 806, -3900 on Corellia.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poobacca View Post
    I could have sworn you did some work on the Cries of Alderan Act3. Did it not make the cut?

    What's up for next pub? JTL???

    The ground game is basically done now right?
    There was some prep work for CoA3. Its one of the final ground game things to implement.
    Developer | Code Commits
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  4. #4
    Dedicated Mobyus1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poobacca View Post
    The ground game is basically done now right?
    Only major ground content missing, I believe, is the Imperial Crackdown, where faction NPCs would stop and perform random searches on players as they passed by in cities. From what I understand, implementing this requires a pretty substantial rewrite of the AI code. There are most likely a ton of small tweaks/changes that still need to be done to things like abilities or items as well.

    ...but yeah, I think we're getting pretty darn close to JTL! Close as in, several years still.

  5. #5
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    Ya, I forgot about the Imperial Crackdown. It was mentioned before.

    Some people want their MTV. I just want my JTL...

    (and perhaps some live events with accolade badges )
    Please make drops to Poo's Booty Vendor at 806, -3900 on Corellia.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poobacca View Post
    I could have sworn you did some work on the Cries of Alderan Act3. Did it not make the cut?

    What's up for next pub? JTL???

    The ground game is basically done now right?
    They refactored Act 1and 2 and set it up for a easier Act 3 implementation. Act 3 is not yet in unstable.

  7. #7
    Junior Member Kkyishkkii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mobyus1 View Post
    Only major ground content missing, I believe, is the Imperial Crackdown, where faction NPCs would stop and perform random searches on players as they passed by in cities. From what I understand, implementing this requires a pretty substantial rewrite of the AI code. There are most likely a ton of small tweaks/changes that still need to be done to things like abilities or items as well.

    ...but yeah, I think we're getting pretty darn close to JTL! Close as in, several years still.
    As stated above, looks like Cries of Alderaan Act 3 still absent....pity
    Watch out...Wookiees about!

    Drop Vendor Tattooine 2980 -5742

  8. #8
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    I do not see the search feature in the Bazar. I exited the launched and relaunched it, and checked for updates. Is there something I missed or should I report a bug?
    Please make drops to Poo's Booty Vendor at 806, -3900 on Corellia.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poobacca View Post
    I do not see the search feature in the Bazar. I exited the launched and relaunched it, and checked for updates. Is there something I missed or should I report a bug?
    Give them some time, I'm sure it will be updated on the launch pad before Basilisk is up.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fastburn View Post
    Give them some time, I'm sure it will be updated on the launch pad before Basilisk is up.
    This ^^
    Developer | Code Commits
    SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project.
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  11. #11
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    on Mantis 0006748 there is several evidence from live that force choke from powers completly ignores PSG's , on the initial damage and on the ticks. Also there is several evidence that damage done by choke to a TKM/BH using a PSG is around 150-300 standing and up to
    600 per tick while KD'ed. Screenshots there also show an equipped PSG and in the combat log its ignored , there is no reduction at all.
    All was fine on Prime until it was taken down 2 hours before bas was taken down. After Prime was up again force choke suffered not only full psg reduction on the inital hit but also on all ticks making it pretty much useless in pvp vs a psg. We now talk ticks of 50 damage against a standing
    target / 5 pulses makes 250 damage while the attack costs 400 force . So the force costs is now higher then the damage dealt.
    In all the evidence to force choke in mantis there is not a single screenshot showing as low ticks as are now the norm.
    Then there is Mantis 0008036 which just states that the ticks are not reduced by resitances, but no evidence at all is there that says its should. But a patch is pushed trough really fast.
    This last minute patch made force choke pretty much useless in pvp now while it was the way to go on live vs PSG users.
    Now force choke is the only dot in the game that suffers full reduction from psg's/armor.
    Also choke along with other force attacks was affected by force shield while normal saber strikes and attacks from casual weapons were not , so why should a PSG block any of these ?

    Please dont get me wrong, i really appreciate all the hard work you put into this and i would like to thank you for it .
    Last edited by Getoc; 04-27-2019 at 06:05 PM.
    IGN: Gettoc / Yah / Tennah / Sharres

    Member of the <LIVE> family

  12. #12
    Retired SWGEmu Staff KroniK's Avatar
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    Guess it’s about time to unbox my desktop and get it going again so I can play. It still amazes me the dedication that so many people have put into this project. You guys and gals all rock!
    Retired SWGEmu Staff
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  13. #13
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KroniK View Post
    Guess it’s about time to unbox my desktop and get it going again so I can play. It still amazes me the dedication that so many people have put into this project. You guys and gals all rock!
    Holy ****, its Kronik! Good to see you my friend.

  14. #14
    Retired SWGEmu Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    Holy ****, its Kronik! Good to see you my friend.
    Stranger **** can happen lol

  15. #15
    QA (semi-active) Lorrianna's Avatar
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    Accolades and thanks to everyone on Staff for you dedication and work, whether you've been involved a year or since the days I was around before moving overseas.

    So much has happened in our lives (I've moved Continents twice!!) and yet you've stayed committed to the dream and the mission.

    To see 99.9% or whatever it is of the ground game finished makes me so grateful to all of you.

    My only regret is that Xavia (Tanya) isn't here to see what's been accomplished.

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