QA Department VPS - running Windows only software
Expansion on what that is exactly used for could be useful.
I heard it was only $7 and it runs Aceblades Windows' QA Tool but curious why the tool needs a VPS so explanation on that would be cool.

Quote Originally Posted by Revanis View Post
The box that Liberator will be hosted on will be a bit more accessible to us. Not sure so much of bugs fixes/changes, but it at LEAST means we'll have more of an ability to do things like troubleshooting technical issues, a more flexible restart timer and possible planned restarts to ensure a more stable environment for players.

However, Liberator code is very, very unstable at the base level, so non-essential bug fixes may be scarce (depending on whether or not how stable a change may be), but massive bug/exploits may be more readily corrected. In time we'll be able to tell, but for the time being it's more of a bonus to how well we can keep Liberator maintained and stable whilst the official developers work on the newer, better OR code.
Hit and miss on Liberator maintenance, the issue is for bug fixes etc not all of them are exactly easy and with no one from development side helping it might be difficult for the "Community Side" to deal with the issues in the Liberator code. Technical issues will be easier to deal with such as having access to the database (Well I assume you will have more access to the Database) and being able to restart is nice. But yeah fixing bugs/exploits I doubt any of that will happen.