Alright folks, here's our current status. From what we can tell, our database is in good enough shape to proceed with another Publish 9 merge attempt. There's still a lot of potential for corruption or database issues to crop up that we haven't seen, so we're going to be taking some extra precautions in case those issues do pop up. Because of this, when the server is taken down, expect an extended downtime before it comes back up with the new publish.

Our current schedule is looking like Basilisk will be taken down approximately 12 hours from now. That timeframe may change between now and then. Once it's taken down, we'll start the process of backing up the database again. With the size of the database, this alone will take a fair amount of time, so we're not going to give an ETA on when it will be back up. Once Basilisk does come up, the server's new navmesh system will begin building meshes for all static and player cities as well as POI's, which will also take some time. Expect the server to remain locked for a while after it comes up.

TLDR: When we take the server down, expect the update process to take a while to complete, especially with the issues we ran into over the past few days. We'll get the server up and running with Pub9 as quickly as we can.